I was able to sketch some stuffs. Eyes and some other things, (got the reference from this video, really
liked the drawing/animation its really great):
liked the drawing/animation its really great):

Better than I ever could do, well done!I was able to sketch some stuffs. Eyes and some other things, (got the reference from this video, really
liked the drawing/animation its really great):
USING ITT AS BACKGROUND ;pToday I started on enviorments!!! Its meh, sucks for realism but its ok for abstract( I DONT KNOW WHY I ALWAYS WANT TO DRAW OR BUILD SHROOMS ;-; ):
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lel, you are so good :D continue doing thatI was able to sketch some stuffs. Eyes and some other things, (got the reference from this video, really
liked the drawing/animation its really great):
Looks cool :)Today I've been watching a lot of art videos, learning a lot about concept art. And a few videos in particular (from the FZDSCHOOL channel) stood out to me. I saw a lot of process videos. A lot of them made me feel like this stuff is possible. I realized the way i'm sketching isn't going to get me anywhere. I've rethought how i'm going to do this and I have a conclusion, here it is. I started drawing because I think its the purest form of creativity. There are very little barriers. There's 3d modeling, building, sculpting. But when it really comes down to purest form, I say drawing & painting wins. So why am I sketching random shapes, 3D or not they probably wont really "help" me. So I decided to not care about how good I am, and to just draw what ever creative thought comes into my head. Anyways, sorry for the long explanation xD. Here's today's art:
Awesome!Today I made 2 weapon concepts that im actually quite proud of. Not necessarily the art aspect, but the chemical and just "cool" type of stuff. I worked quite art on the CEM-MK.01 lots and lots of research went into it. I wanted to research it though. I now know how hydrogen bombs work xD. The DBIOS stands for "Double barrel intense optics sniper" xD cause why not. (25 Day Of Drawing)
If you want to know what the logic behind the CEM-MK.01 mainly here:
AA - Anti Air (missile/RPG)
AG - Anti Ground (I kind of made it up... I think, missile/RPG)
EM - Electromagnetic
CAT - Catapult (kinda...)
Hydrogen Bomb
Deuterium-Deuterium fusion 3.27/4.03 MeV
Deuterium-tritium Fusion 17.59 MeV
Deuterium-helium-3 Fusion 18.3 MeV
//THE CEM-MK.01 PROCESS(Deuterium+Deuterium and Deuterium + tritium fission)
Deuterium/ Tritium is put into Carbon ball (See Bellow)
then on contact the ball creates a Deuterium fusion creating an explosion with the power of 3.27 MeV or 4.03 MeV
There is a small slot on the Reactor that allows you to insert small amounts of carbon. Then heats up the carbon inside (117 kJ/mol) and inserts outside air to expand its insides then inserting the deuterium/tritium ready for fusion on contact.
Extract Tritium from lithium by salar brines, gets put in evaporation ponds with potassium salts. then getting the refined brine into lithium ponds then being turned into lithium brines
extract it from sea water using a tray with holes/perforated tray. The deuterium gets extracted into gas which is then transferred to the "cold" section cooling it back into a water state.