Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Jan 21, 2023
List of suggestions for skyblock:

#1. Live auction, as in you can auction items from your islands without needing to leave. I understand a lot of people say this is like other skyblocks, but that's kinda the point... it's a nice feature to have when it comes to a skyblock, it's often sought on skyblock maps, especially one like this that has quite a grind to it, it could possibly bring more players to this skyblock.
#2. Give bone meal back it's ability to grow crops or, the option to turn this feature on but make less money when enabled. Now there's many ways to swing this idea, but mainly bone meal should be allowed to help even just a little bit when it comes to crops or saplings, I'm not saying you need to make it take the time away completely, no, but maybe have like 1 use per crop and cut the time by like a quarter or something. Or, give the enable bone meal option but in doing so, you would make half the amount you normally would selling the items. It something I believe would benefit looking into.
#3. Better rewards for side quests... Exactly as it states, pretty simple. I'm sorry to say, but if I'm going to grind to make 300 sandstone and 300 cut sandstone and only get different sandstone in return? It's not really worth doing. It doesn't really make sense when I'm having to get sandstone to get sandstone as a reward? Seems a little... dare I say, dumb... I know they're just side quests and you don't have to do them, but maybe making the rewards a bit more enticing would get people to be more interested in completing them and I'm sure there's plenty of others out there like me, who are completionist and want to do all the quests but don't really care to do them with some of the rewards as they are :/
#4. MENDING! MENDING! MENDING! I think I got the point across? :P But if not lets dig into this a little deeper. Mending is and always will be one of the best things to ever grace us on minecraft. When it first released, I can't tell you how long myself and my friends grinded for to get an enchanted book with this on it. When I started digging into enchanting my tools on Skyblock I thought, maybe it will be unlocked the further I get into my island? With only 2 Islands left to unlock I'm still holding out hope but I have a gut feeling it's not in the cards...If mending is strictly off the table then I'd like to direct your attention to another idea... Let us use the Anvil menu like we can the craft bench. This was another letdown when I crafted my first anvil only to be slapped in the face with only being able to repair my tools, nothing more. Another feature in minecraft that was a delicacy was being able to not only repair your tools, but you could also combine 2 enchanted items into 1 and still have those enchantments from both! The anvil right now is simple and it works but it's highly lacking in features that as of right now, isn't making this feel like the new minecraft but the old minecraft from base game when it first released. I'm not sure if that's what you're all aiming for but if you're going to update the servers, minus well bring skyblock with it, right?

All in all, there could be some amazing changes made to improve your skyblock, or I could be wrong and it could send it crashing up in flames. At the end of the day it's always up to you and I respect any and all decisions made. I enjoy your skyblock and have played it for a long while. Would I mind some tweeks and gameplay changes, of course, who wouldn't? But once again these are just some ideas feel free to take them into consideration or just dump them all and go about your days. Either way, have an awesome day! Happy minecrafting everyone!


Dedicated Member
Jun 4, 2020
The main thing here I agree with is a live auction. It would be too much work for Cubecraft to cope with but I think thats what makes Hypixel Skyblock so fun, is the fact that a lot of the time is spent with other players interacting with them, which would be fun maybe even just with more stuff to do in the skyblock hub.


Jan 21, 2023
The main thing here I agree with is a live auction. It would be too much work for Cubecraft to cope with but I think thats what makes Hypixel Skyblock so fun, is the fact that a lot of the time is spent with other players interacting with them, which would be fun maybe even just with more stuff to do in the skyblock hub.
I agree, I feel like I'm cut off from a lot of ppl when I'm on my skyblock and shouldn't only be able to talk with other online members at the skyblock hub. But yes, I feel like as a community skyblock could use this feature for the fact of helping new players, helping people with their quests completions, just something fun to get more money from, ect... It could always just have a test run if anything to see how it goes.
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