Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Xavi | Goofy

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Team CubeCraft
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May 14, 2019
Hello peeps

Today I’m suggesting to add a passive boost for generator/crop regeneration timers and a upgrade costs price reduction.

On Bedrock skyblock rank holders have a passive booster for generator and crop timers of 10% for the first rank and 3% for any additional rank. They also provide the same decrease for when you upgrade a spawner. My suggestion is to implement a similar system in java, because why not? 🤷 Makes it fair, no?

Obsidian rank will have 10% / 5%, while diamond will have 5% and 3% for any additional players. As the prices are a good bit higher for java I believe I’m being quite modest with these percentages, other suggestions may be provided of course!
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Was going through my old photos and found these from 2021. Thought they were funny so I decided to share them. Does anybody else have some … interesting Lifeboat server experiences? xD

hoppyfrog28_ wrote on TheOrderOfSapphire's profile.
Thanks for the follow! :shreklook:
Got over 50K VXP! I’ve spent way too much money on this server xD
Someone play with me... :shrekooh:
Just got back from a week offline! So much has happened!
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