Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
This discussion focuses on Skyblock, try to stay on topic!


Aug 1, 2024
Hello everyone.
So far I've made it to the Savanah(7th) Isle and into the Nether. I thought I'd share a few tips with yall that I've put together. There is a little misinformation out there regarding a few things that have changed since the guides released a few years ago.
If any of this was unknown to you, leave a comment below about which part.

First: Fortune. Fortune works on ANY block, crop, log, leaves etc grown from a timer. Fortune used on generators/crops/trees has a chance to drop ONE extra item. Every level of fortune is 10% chance to receive that extra item. ie: Fortune 4 = 40%, Fortune 15=150%(100% to receive second, 50% to receive a third).
Using fortune on a generator WITHOUT Silk Touch is WASTEFUL(unless working on a quest)
Fortune uses Minecraft's fortune mechanics on blocks NOT generated(Gravel and ALL ores AFTER you mine the generator with silk touch!)

Second: Silk Touch + Fortune(Abbreviated as SF). You can have both enchantments on any tool. If you use an SF tool on any block that was not Generated, Silk touch will take priority and Fortune will NOT activate.
If you use it on a Generated Block, silk touch activates first, giving you the block, then fortune activates, giving you a chance at another full block.
If you use SF tools on generators, you receive ONE of the minecraft ore block, plus a chance to receive a second ore block. An example of why this would be useful is: you have 100 Coal generators:
You use Fortune 5 Pick on 100 coal generators and receive ~150 coal.
OR: You use S1F4 pick to mine them, you receive ~140 Coal ore, you then use a fortune 5 pickaxe to mine the 140 Coal ore you receive ~300 coal.
This works on diamonds, iron, gold, lapis, coal, Nether quartz, emeralds.

Third: Smelting gives XP. Contrary to some guides. Cooking generated blocks and items gives xp(potatoes, ores, logs, cobblestone, cactus). Xp varies wildly.
Smelting 1 stack of raw iron into ingots takes you from lv 0 to lv24
Smelting 2 stacks of raw iron into ingots takes you from lv 0 to lv32
Smelting 3 stacks of raw iron into ingots takes you from lv 0 to lv38
Smelting 4 stacks of raw iron into ingots takes you from lv 0 to lv42
Smelting 5 stacks of raw iron into ingots takes you from lv 0 to lv46
Smelting 6 stacks of raw iron into ingots takes you from lv 0 to lv49
Smelting 7 stacks of raw iron into ingots takes you from lv 0 to lv52
Smelting 8 stacks of raw iron into ingots takes you from lv 0 to lv55
Around lvl 90 a full stack of iron is just under one level per stack.
Gold gives even more xp.
Smelting 1 stack of raw gold into ingots takes you from lv 0 to lv31
Smelting 2 stacks of raw gold into ingots takes you from lv 0 to lv40
Smelting 3 stacks of raw gold into ingots takes you from lv 0 to lv47
Smelting 4 stacks of raw gold into ingots takes you from lv 0 to lv52
Smelting 5 stacks of raw gold into ingots takes you from lv 0 to lv57
Smelting 6 stacks of raw gold into ingots takes you from lv 0 to lv61
Smelting 7 stacks of raw gold into ingots takes you from lv 0 to lv65
Smelting 8 stacks of raw gold into ingots takes you from lv 0 to lv68
Smelting 16 stacks of raw gold into ingots takes you from lv 0 to lv90

At Time VS investment cost, these ores are more cost effective than mining Nether Quartz ore. At the point in the game where you should be able to drop 7Mil per Quartz generator to even have enough to get to lvl 200 in one go, you should also have a pickaxe with decent fortune and efficiency and possibly beacons to get a massive haul of ore and coal to smelt.

You could technically build a nearly full auto xp farm on the Desert(5th) island. See point 4

Fourth: Hoppers. you can aquire 2 hoppers doing side quests on the jungle island, using one hopper under a single point collection system Automatic Cactus Farm to lead into a furnace and another under the furnace for the output will result in a buildup of xp in the furnace over time. Coal blocks will smelt 71 items. a 64 stack will smelt 4500 items. over a full double chest.
To collect the xp simply break the furnace or remove an item from the output slot before the bottom hopper can.
To make things easier, place a lever on the face of the furnace where the fire is at and flick it down, this will power the hoppers touching the furnace, tuning them off, allowing you to collect one item from the furnace output slot. Be sure to flick the lever back up when you are done to restart your smelting system.

Fifth: The Nether. You can access the Nether the moment you have the necessary items. Talk to the gatekeeper with them in your inventory. 200 each: Spider eye, bones, rotten flesh. and 24 blocks of gold. Beating the first quest in the nether gives access to buying Nether quartz generators(7M), glowstone roots(1.5M), and pigman spawners(40M).
A quest in the first island of the Nether gives you 3 carrots as a reward, Letting you unlock Growing and Selling(but not buying) 1 Island early.(<---this may be unintentional, on release the quest used to give 3 golden carrots)

Sixth: If you can manage to transport to the Hub or another dimension while falling, when you return to the dimension you were falling in you will be on solid ground un-harmed.
You can do this on PC or keyboard by quickly typing "/s ow"
If you are in the Overworld and use this command you will be teleported to the Skyblock Hub
If you are in the Hub or Nether you will be taken to the Overworld.
However, if you type "/s hub" while already in the hub you will crash back to the main lobby.(<---Needs to be reported but I haven't gotten to it yet)

Seventh: Campfires are available as soon as you have stone. They can be used in place of cactus to automate killing mobs , all mobs, including chickens and cave spiders They are easier to place than cacti and can be silk touched. 3 logs normal or stripped, 3 sticks, and one coal/charcoal

Eighth: Crops DO NOT NEED WATER, or LIGHT to grow. If you til the soil and plant a crop it will stay until you harvest it, with no water around the EMPTY farmland will revert to dirt when randomly ticked. Tools do not lose durability when used on crops, except for axes on melons and pumpkins. Fortune tools work on crops using Cubecrafts fortune mechanic, see above.
Melons can be SF'ed(see above), Doing so voids their use towards the melon slice quest, but guarantees the maximum value harvest..
Melons and pumpkins will not place their crop onto anything other than an empty dirt block, not even farmland or another melon/pumpkin stem planted next to it. This means you can plant them side by side again. If there is not a valid EMPTY dirt block horizontally adjacent to the stem, the crop timer will reset and not count down.

Ninth: Mob farms: Placing open fence gates in you mob drop point like below, makes the mobs ai think they're being pushed onto a solid block and they struggle less. All mobs(yes even passives) can spawn on top of open fence gates letting them immediately drop into the hole.
If you are using a design that pushes mobs into a hole from multiple sides, take the hitbox into account. Your drop hole should be able to accommodate 2 of your mobs hitboxes plus one block in between, zombies have a 1 block hitbox = a 3 wide hole, pigs have a 2 block hitbox = a 5 wide hole. Campfires will make sure any tough mobs that live after landing die eventually, and hoppers work under them.
w's = water pushing mobs into the hole
A's = air
b's = blocks
f's = open fence gates

w w w A A A b
b b b F F F b
b b b A A A b

Tenth: Building at Y=-63 in the overworld and Y=0 in the Nether
You can swim down pillars of water and lava placing blocks as you go to get to the bottom of the build limit
If you want to take a fun one way trip, you can have feather falling or protection 4 armor and drop into the void. There is a 40 block drop onto a barrier. If you attempt to enter an area you haven't unlocked yet or leave the boundaries of the map, the game will teleport you back to the edge and you will fall below the void barrier and die. The nether void barrier is 40 blocks thick of space you cannot place blocks, water, fireworks rockets will not work etc.

If anyone notices any misinformation/discrepancies/etc. Please feel free to point them out. I plan to update the numbers here after specific testing since they're mostly memory but still close to accurate.
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Forum Expert
May 25, 2022
Canada, America’s 51st State
Hello everyone.
So far I've made it to the Savanah(7th) Isle and into the Nether. I thought I'd share a few tips with yall that I've put together. There is a little misinformation out there regarding a few things that have changed since the guides released a few years ago.

First: Fortune. Fortune works on ANY block, crop, log, leaves etc grown from a timer. Fortune used on generators/crops/trees has a chance to drop ONE extra item. Every level of fortune is 10% chance to receive that extra item. ie: Fortune 4 = 40%, Fortune 15=150%(100% to receive second, 50% to receive a third).
Using fortune on a generator WITHOUT Silk Touch is WASTEFUL(unless working on a quest)
Fortune uses Minecraft's fortune mechanics on blocks NOT generated(Gravel and ALL ores AFTER you mine the generator with silk touch!)

Second: Silk Touch + Fortune(Abbreviated as SF). You can have both enchantments on any tool. If you use an SF tool on any block that was not Generated, Silk touch will take priority and Fortune will NOT activate.
If you use it on a Generated Block, silk touch activates first, giving you the block, then fortune activates, giving you a chance at another full block.
If you use SF tools on generators, you receive ONE of the minecraft ore block, plus a chance to receive a second ore block. An example of why this would be useful is: you have 100 Coal generators:
You use Fortune 5 Pick on 100 caol generators and receive ~150 coal.
OR: You use S1F4 pick to mine them, you receive ~140 Coal ore, you then use a fortune 5 pickaxe to mine the 140 Coal ore you receive ~300 coal.
This works on diamonds, iron, gold, lapis, coal, Nether quartz, emeralds.

Third: Smelting gives XP. Contrary to some guides. Cooking generated blocks and items gives xp(potatoes, ores, logs, cobblestone, cactus). Xp varies wildly.
Smelting 1 stack of raw iron into ingots takes you from lv 0 to lv24
Smelting 2 stack of raw iron into ingots takes you from lv 0 to lv32
Smelting 3 stack of raw iron into ingots takes you from lv 0 to lv38
Smelting 4 stack of raw iron into ingots takes you from lv 0 to lv42
Smelting 5 stack of raw iron into ingots takes you from lv 0 to lv46
Smelting 6 stack of raw iron into ingots takes you from lv 0 to lv49
Smelting 7 stack of raw iron into ingots takes you from lv 0 to lv52
Smelting 8 stack of raw iron into ingots takes you from lv 0 to lv55
Around lvl 90 a full stack of iron is just under one level per stack.
Gold gives even more xp.
You could technically build a nearly full auto xp farm on the Desert(5th) island. See point 4

Fourth: Hoppers. you can aquire 2 hoppers doing side quests on the jungle island, using one hopper under a single point collection system Automatic Cactus Farm to lead into a furnace and another under the furnace for the output will result in a buildup of xp in the furnace over time. Coal blocks will smelt 71 items. a 64 stack will smelt 4500 items. over a full double chest.
To collect the xp simply break the furnace or remove an item from the output slot before the bottom hopper can.

Fifth: The Nether. You can access the Nether the moment you have the necessary items. Talk to the gatekeeper with them in your inventory. 200 each: Spider eye, bones, rotten flesh. and 24 blocks of gold. Beating the first quest in the nether gives access to buying Nether quartz generators(7M), glowstone roots(1.5M), and pigman spawners(40M).
A quest in the first island of the Nether gives you 3 carrots as a reward, Letting you unlock Growing and Selling(but not buying) 1 Island early.(<---this may be unintentional, on release the quest used to give 3 golden carrots)

Sixth: If you can manage to transport to the Hub or another dimension while falling, when you return to the dimension you were falling in you will be on solid ground un-harmed.
You can do this on PC or keyboard by quickly typing "/s ow"
If you are in the Overworld and use this command you will be teleported to the Skyblock Hub
If you are in the Hub or Nether you will be taken to the Overworld.
However, if you type "/s hub" while already in the hub you will crash back to the main lobby.(<---Needs to be reported but I haven't gotten to it yet)

Seventh: Campfires are available as soon as you have stone. They can be used in place of cactus to automate killing mobs , all mobs, including chickens and cave spiders They are easier to place than cacti and can be silk touched. 3 logs normal or stripped, 3 sticks, and one coal/charcoal

If anyone notices any misinformation/discrepancies/etc. Please feel free to point them out. I plan to update the numbers here after specific testing since they're mostly memory but still close to accurate.
A lot of this information I was not aware of. Thank you so much for this amazingly detailed thread! 🤩


Aug 2, 2024
British Columbia, Canada
Point#4....instead of breaking the furnace, place a lever on it and switch it OFF to recover item in the furnace to get the Xp....it lock all hoppers as well, turning off your whole smelting station.
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Aug 1, 2024
And please, use blast furnace to smelt your ores...cheaper on fuel and more efficient!
Blast furnaces use the same amount of fuel as a regular furnace at twice the speed. I don't have the exact speed numbers but an example would be:
1 coal smelts 8 iron ore in 5 seconds in a regular furnace
1 coal smelts 8 iron in 2.5 seconds in a blast furnace.
The efficiency comes from the speed.
I try to use coal blocks for a lot of my smelting needs. Since coal blocks smelt 72 items I may miss out on that extra 8 items manually adding stacks of 64 to a blast furnace. Yes it is faster and i do it anyway, but i lose some fuel efficiency due to myself being to slow to keep up. if your production can't keep up with the Blast furnace its better to use a smaller fuel.
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Aug 1, 2024
Does smite and sharpness work on the same sword??
They do. Not entirely sure of the damage calculation but it should calculate each separate enchantment and then add the total damage. Smite 1 sharpness 1 wood sword, should theoretically deal 10 hp damage to undead, or 5 hearts. There may be a version parity issue on bedrock however where only on enchantment will work. I'll have to test it later to make sure.
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