Eh, noobie item is sorta a undefined term...but newer users (thus newbs) use them, while a lot of top players (and plenty of not-top-players) don't use them, but once again, just my opinion...Thanks for your opinion.
The snowballs/eggs, aren't a noobie item if you can kill with it. Also, you need to know when to bridge, and when not. The lava is usefull for campers if you have a pickaxe.
Lava IS useful in certain times, but not enough to warrent me keeping them, and even when you could use it, I find you can just kill the person anyway, only useful when they have really good armor AND are camping. Unless I have 4 or less bars of armor, and they have full dia, then Lava COULD be useful, if you can't knock the dude off.
You were sorta being a little rude to me... Saying "Thanks for your opinion' and saying eggs/snowballs AREN'T a newbie item, when really its also a matter of opinion... and I did/do know about a lot of lava strategies, I just said there aren't enough situations that warrant me grabbing it...