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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
Anyonbody know if there is a build limit on Skywars Map submissions? I am thinking of building a GIANT 8-12 person map. Like everyone's islands are the size of Glass's middle. For more hunger games type players. I know we have UHC I get it but I think a huge skywars map would be intresting.... Thoughts?


Forum Expert
Jul 1, 2014
How do u wanna do it? I assume u only got one plot on which u can´t build the whole map then.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
Yea I would obs do it on my private server with the same crew that built Glass. I think it'll turn out alright im not sure. Could be really intresting... Just an idea for all to repond to.. What would you think if islands were above one another...? such as Isladnd 1,3,5,7 are above 2,4,6,8. It would be at least 25 blocks high so you would die from fall damage but all islands would have a TON of resources including water which they can use to MLG with or to pour off their island to get to the player below. Players below might have to make their island a nice pool in case they get shot off or they would need to tower safely up. I think it would be intresting... @jag3498 Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2014
This is a great idea. We could do so much when working vertically, and nothing like it has been done. All the maps are pretty much flat right now, minus biomes, but no islands are on top of each other.


Dedicated Member
Jul 11, 2014
Yea I would obs do it on my private server with the same crew that built Glass. I think it'll turn out alright im not sure. Could be really intresting... Just an idea for all to repond to.. What would you think if islands were above one another...? such as Isladnd 1,3,5,7 are above 2,4,6,8. It would be at least 25 blocks high so you would die from fall damage but all islands would have a TON of resources including water which they can use to MLG with or to pour off their island to get to the player below. Players below might have to make their island a nice pool in case they get shot off or they would need to tower safely up. I think it would be intresting... @jag3498 Thoughts?
I think the map would be EXTREMELY FUN to play on but the problem with stacking islands is there's a shorter disrance for the player below to build to the player above than for players to build to islands next to each other! That's my opinion!


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
I think the map would be EXTREMELY FUN to play on but the problem with stacking islands is there's a shorter disrance for the player below to build to the player above than for players to build to islands next to each other! That's my opinion!

That's true but isnt that the same for ANY map? sometimes u have a straight 5 block build and sometimes u have a diagnoal 7 block build. On glass for example the straight build ois half as long as the diagnoal build so i dont think that poses a problem. However, CCG would need to install a player tracker compass that auto spawns in a chest or a players hotbar for that map. Can you imagaine 8 huge islands and someone is just camping inside of one? just someone is holding shift inside a totally enclose area. No one would ever find them and the player would eventually give up and quit letting the camper win. You would have to have a player tracker otherwise the map would be entirely worthless. It is easy enough for someone to put a heavy object on the shift key walk away and easily win..... @jag3498 @PinkStr3ak @Aimee2323 @rubik_cube_man @halothe23 what do you guys think?


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Team CubeCraft
💙 Admin Team
Oct 19, 2013
Manchester, UK.
That's true but isnt that the same for ANY map? sometimes u have a straight 5 block build and sometimes u have a diagnoal 7 block build. On glass for example the straight build ois half as long as the diagnoal build so i dont think that poses a problem. However, CCG would need to install a player tracker compass that auto spawns in a chest or a players hotbar for that map. Can you imagaine 8 huge islands and someone is just camping inside of one? just someone is holding shift inside a totally enclose area. No one would ever find them and the player would eventually give up and quit letting the camper win. You would have to have a player tracker otherwise the map would be entirely worthless. It is easy enough for someone to put a heavy object on the shift key walk away and easily win..... @jag3498 @PinkStr3ak @Aimee2323 @rubik_cube_man @halothe23 what do you guys think?

Player tracking would/should be possible.


Dedicated Member
Apr 1, 2014
Pretty good idea, I dont like biomes but I like the amount of players It holds. It will be really interesting to see the unique side of big maps and more variety.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
Player tracking would/should be possible.

Ok so if it possible then I am actually considering building it. I think this would be a lot of fun but like I said you would HAVE to have player tracking for it to be useful at all. I'm not a huge fan of the amount of player Biomes holds... I did think about mayb having a team on each island? So it is an 8 island map but teams of 2 OR 3 play on one island? My only problem is players who are on a call or in teamspeak might get seperated onto a different team and then it just becomes too much like UHC anyways. But I think a 8 person giant island map with vertical building instead of horizontal and with a player tracking system would be really neat. I think it would be a lot of fun for those who wants SUPER long games.
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Dedicated Member
Jul 28, 2014
Oslo, Norway.
I think it is a great idea and I am great at building is there anything I could do to help you on your server to build it?:)


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
Hey guys I know a few ppl were plooking forward to this but this map will no longer be created. Once we found out they removed our old map, glass we decided that we have no reason to support this server by building maps if they are gonna get removed. No one bothered to let us know the glass was being removed or to ask about how we can improve it to make it better. The reasons as to why it was being removed are terrible.
1. Islands too far away. (Have you SEEN beach??) Pathetic.
2. OP Middle. Middle is almost 64 blocks away from a center island. If you can get there without getting shot of u deserve the loots. And temple has one less chest then Glass's middle did. What?? One chest doesn't make it OP and deserveing to be removed!
3. People didn't like the map.
Also, I brought up on another post quite awhile ago that some maps should be removed if people didn't like them. And people were FURIOUS at me for bringing up such a thing. I couldn't believe that people were so mad when all I did was make a suggestion. Everyon said that if you don't like the map DON'T PLAY THE MAP! So why the heck would you just remove glass cause people didn't like it?? I knew a lot of people that liked it! No one was forcing anyone to play our map it is YOUR choice. So after everyone complained saying that maps should NEVER be removed cause the builders put so much time into it and it wasn't fair to them OUR mpa WAS removed! No map has ever been removed in skywars before and ours was one of the newest! I am outraged by what has happened. There is no reason for us to continue the mpa we ere building. Even if people like it will it matter? it'll just get removed again. On top of all that if people REALLY didn't like the map, then they should have started a thread and tagged us in it! I would have been glad to talk to the community and release glass 2.0 with ths islands closer less chests in the middle and some variations that the community wanted. But no it was simply just removed no further discussion. I am saddended by this decision but haven't been able to make a post about it until now. I sincerly hope you guys change your mind. @halothe23 @rubik_cube_man @SevereWarning @PinkStr3ak @jag3498

This is the thread where I mentioned maps being removed:


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Team CubeCraft
💙 Admin Team
Oct 19, 2013
Manchester, UK.
I was told to remove it by our builders, their opinion on it is what goes in production. Also some users complained to me that they did not like the design, so when builders came to me with the suggestion to remove it, I did not make any arguments.

You did not sign a contract, an SLA, or any paper that says we have to keep your map, or any other restriction that would stop us from simply managing our own server.

We have a bucketload of maps available, the maps are chosen based on popularity, we never removed the original maps because they were what got it started, so they have a certain push to them, but, in case you have not noticed, you barely can find a game with those maps, they are there, but extremely rare, and mostly replaced by new maps, wether our builders made them, or wether the community did.

If you are so outraged because of a simple act of removing a map that has been running on our server for months then, really, feel free to just make your own server and put it on there. You will notice people stop liking it after a while.

Just because you are the first of the community builds (maps made by our builders have been already modified or removed on various occasions) to get taken out of the SkyWars rotation should not show such outrage from your side, the game gets old, new maps replace old ones, its a cycle, you should know it.


Oct 20, 2013
You should be happy that your map was on the server for a few months, it's most map maker's dream to make maps for large servers. However from personal experience whenever I played glass (forced because I am spamming top middle sign, so I get in the game), the first thing I here is.

"Oh no, not glass"

I know what it's like to have negative feedback, am a bit of a map maker myself... *sarcasm* But some maps are hit and miss and if ,'you, a so called mapmaker/build team' react in this manor everytime you get negative feedback you will never get better.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2014
The only reason I didn't like glass is because you needed 40 blocks to bridge to an island and a stack to bridge to the middle :/
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