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Forum Expert
Mar 16, 2016
and No One said like : hey ! remove that map !
I think I did. Modern was one of my least favourite maps, down there with pacman, pirates any candy because of the large distance between islands. That's not even taking the water of the melting ice into account. I'm not sure if that was intended when the map was built, but it was terrible. Everyone I played with disliked that map because of it.
The one and only great map is Trees, clearly.


Jul 31, 2017
I'm just going to do team maps.


Scrap this map, it just isn't very good to be honest.

Is to big and it's weird having to climb up and down all over the map, scrap it.

Bring Back

Not sure why this one was removed I think it was a fan favourite, I really like the layout and the middle with the huge tower, just take away the running water in the middle tower and its a perfect map.


: Make the end island closer to the end islands on the other side so instead of two lines of islands its more of a circle.

***Every other map is good, Pac man is my favourite, put the anvils back in the middle please!***



Forum Expert
Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco
Modern: Not sure why this one was removed I think it was a fan favourite, I really like the layout and the middle with the huge tower, just take away the running water in the middle tower and its a perfect map.
- Ice melting was a constant issue
- Games lasted too long due to camping
Modern (Team)
- Islands spacing was too huge
- Rarely filled up
That is why
Also can you be more specific about evacuate
Favourite maps [SkyWars/Solo]

Sports: This map is my favorite because it is easy to reach the other islands and the islands being large, we have good space for PVP

Temple: I do not know why, but since entering these SkyWars, this map is my favorite ... I do not know why

Pirates: This map was strange, was my favorite in the server, do not know why they removed it, there was always excitement and adrenaline in each party...

Dislikes maps [SkyWars/solo]

Swords: This map never liked me, I adapted to it, but it is not my favorite because I do not like the distrobuicion of the islands

Nether: This map I never liked, I think it's because the red coor I do not like xD

Paris: Of this map, what I do not like is the distribution of its islands, this too many separates and it is easy that you will be shot of a arrowhead or a boogey or with a snowball

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Feb 2, 2017

I'm just going to list my opinions on the first 12 solo maps listed for the time being (both from a builders point of view, and a players pont of view).

Aesthetics - Aesthetics here are really nice; the theme looks wonderful and has been presented appropriately. One of my favourite maps aesthetically, and there's nothing I would personally change other than remove some excessive flora placed on the ground on each of the islands and make it more natural rather than bonemeal-spammed, and additionally, touch up the clouds and make them have a more fluffy vibe as they have some sharp corners and unnatural shaping imo.

Gameplay - It's okay; the connecting islands are annoying and provide some players with an advantage over others due to the height distance requiring more blocks; I think if you are to keep a high difference with the clouds it would be best to add more notably visible platforms for players to build to.

Overall a really nice map (favourites).

Aesthetics - Very simple, yet effective; palette looks really nice and so do the trees. Not much to comment on here other than perhaps minor details could be added to the island perhaps smaller rocks?

Gameplay - Really open. This is a very bow-dominant map in any instance. There should be a little more a] openness and space to prevent being so easily knocked off b] cover to allow people to hide within the map itself. Also not a huge fan of the tnt bridges as once destroyed, you have to build over, I think there should be some sort of broken down bridge with holes for parkour just as a sort of last resort. I'd also like to see mid a little bigger as it's not good for pvp as you can easily get knocked off.

Overall quite a good map, with some changes could be a lot better (neutral).

Aesthetics - Really beautiful looking map. Simplistic yet perfect palette. Works incredibly well, tree has a beautiful organic shape which I definitely love.

Gameplay - Some islands have an advantage in reaching middle faster than others; I'd try, where possible on maps to consistently keep islands the same distance from middle to allow for balanced gameplay. Player islands are perfect for gameplay, open, but also plenty of cover. Perhaps a few more diamond ore though. Connecting islands are far too cramped. There's no space. PVP here is extremely difficult for players, and I'd definitely like to see the size increased here. Birdbath at middle undoubtedly supports camping and makes it incredibly easy for anyone with a bow to win. I'd like to see some sort of way to get up there rather than just pillaring with blocks so it doesn't give players an easy win with a bow.

Overall, awesome map, awesome theme; executed very well (favourites).

Aesthetics - Looks nice; feel the palette is a little messy and all over the place making it appear really harsh. Bone shaping looks awesome, very natural and organic; just personally feel like the dog-looking bones take away from the map altogether as they seem childish and moreso like pixel art.

Gameplay- Islands are cramped - there was too much hindering me from getting to the outsides of my islands - the cave is out of place and is just another hindrance and obstacle in this instance; perhaps a small ladder and platform off the side of the island so it doesnt obstruct the space for pvp. Much like other maps where people undoubtedly have an advantage when trying to reach middle as the islands are set up in a way which allows some people to reach mid quickly, whereas others have to fight multiple players to have a chance. The bones at middle that are placed one-sidedly provide one side with an upperhand; they either need to be nonexistent or consistent; no inbetweens. It just offsets the balance for gameplay.

Overall, high potential, poor execution (disliked).

Aesthetics - Looks awesome. Example of a really nice theme, with quality aesthetics. Nothing to comment on here; really like the theme a lot.

Gameplay - Hardly anything to comment on here; an example of a really good map. Props to the creator(s). I'd just like to see the initial island a little bigger for pvp, and the central island raised as fall damage is very annoying and can lead to a pvp disadvantage.

Overall, almost faultless. Definitely a favourite.

Aesthetics - Looks mediocre; seems quite overdetailed. The large vines dangling into the void look odd and unneeded. The flags are too square, would look better if it was pointed.

Gameplay - Initial islands are too small, very cramped. You need more space for pvp on them. Cover is perfectly fine. I'd also like to see a connecting island as it's very difficult to make it to middle, it would definitely help avoid center camping which is common on this map as projectiles are definitely unbalanced favouring defender rather than attacker.

Overall - ok aesthetics here, ok gameplay (neutral).

Aesthetics - a nice simple theme, executed nicely. If I was to be really picky; I'd say add something more to the individual spawn islands as they are pretty bland, I'd personally make an artifical cactus as I feel it'd be more suiting. You could add some slabs to fill some of the space and seem like it's more detailed. Terrain is quite square and blocky in some places, again just being really picky.

Gameplay - Honestly, one of, if not the best, examples of gameplay. Only thing, middle has to have the same amount of space all around the structure; it is annoying only having 1/4 of the middle outside the structure having pvp space, try to keep 4-5 blocks around the outside at all times, and remove the cactus at mid, think of something a little different and it can also be annoying for players building over.

Overall neat map, neatly executed (favourite).

Aesthetics - Love love love the theme, aesthetically - I'd say faultless.

Gameplay - Again, another great map very few things to pick up on; middle has no space again - I'd like to see more space outside the egg for people to. Initial island needs more blocks which you can break and use with your fist as otherwise if you get no blocks, or pickaxe, it's difficult to get to middle. Layout is poor, players have an advantage getting to middle same stuff as I've mentioned previously. Chorus fruit/plant thing can also get in the way of spawning pods and can obstruct players falling down; not sure how to change this but \o/. Also; obsidian. WHY. It's annoying to break. Need either more glass, or a replacement for it.

Overall - love the theme, really awesome. Few slipups on gameplay imo; but definitely a favourite.

Aesthetics - Again, another incredible looking one, the organics are awesome looking; I just feel like the starter island flowers are a little weak compared to the middle flowers regardless looks awesome!

Gameplay - Connecting islands need roughly 3 blocks around ALL parts of the structure, but the space is fine. Middle is really cramped, definitely needs to be more open as it's difficult for pvp and very kb and projectile oriented. Nothing other than that.

Overall nice map, quite tight on space though. Nevertheless, definitely a favourite!

[Screenshots for this need updating!]

Aesthetics - The oak wood planks seem a little out of place on this map's terrain palette. The theme is a little weird overall "glass" doesn't really fit as a name imo. That's just a personal thing though. Connecting islands could use a little decoration, feels bland and rushed.

Gameplay - Starter islands are nice, really like it. Layout is also really nice, an example of a well-balanced map in that instance. Mid itself though is very annoying for pvp, the harsh steepness of the sphere is unwelcoming and annoying in general, could use some more flatness, and perhaps a way for players to be able to access the bottom via a staircase if you get stuck down there with no blocks it's an easy kill.

Overall, decent map, pretty good gameplay - however, not one of my favourites (feels a little weird, and just lacks compared to other maps imo).

Aesthetics - awesome, middle could use a little more decoration, I feel like a central decoration would be more fitting and would also not obstruct any pvp for others.

Gameplay - like I said, central decoration would be the best bet for this map to prevent any pvp obstruction and middle access for certain people. Mid could also be a slight bit bigger, but awesome gameplay overall.

Overall, negatives are very minor compared to the big positives of this map (favourite).

Aesthetics - looks beautiful, mushrooms are awesome and they have a lovely organic shape!

Gameplay - It's a little open on the connecting islands allowing for bows (especially punch 1) to dominate. Perhaps something to obstruct the easy bow access from middle. Also the 2 high mushroom things, they are annoying; either make them part of the floor or so that you can go underneath them as they make it difficult for pvp and if you get cornered there it's hard to escape.

Overall, definitely a favourite map!
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Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
Solo: Time: its handy, that blocks under.
Team: Music: Its a nice and original map

Solo: temple: I don't know why
team: Mushroom: you can jump to the other island
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Forum Professional
Sep 18, 2016
The Netherlands
I tell my opinion about a few maps
My likes and dislikes:

Candy: I like the map, but there are to few chests.
Swamp: A nice map to PvP and trap xD, but the way to mid is to easy, I also think there are to few chests on the Island, I like to see at least 6!
Trees: I think there are too much people in 1 team, I think you have to reduce it to 5.
Pac-Man: This is a nice map to increase your bow and PvP skills, it's hard to reach mid, I like that xD!
Tribal: It's a nice map, but the middle Island is too small.
Mushroom: It's a big map with much islands, I like to rush in this map.
Flowers: I think the way to mid is to easy, because there are lily pads on the way to mid.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2017
the Netherlands
I tell my opinion about a few maps
My likes and dislikes:

Candy: I like the map, but there are to few chests.
Swamp: A nice map to PvP and trap xD, but the way to mid is to easy, I also think there are to few chests on the Island, I like to see at least 6!
Trees: I think there are too much people in 1 team, I think you have to reduce it to 5.
Pac-Man: This is a nice map to increase your bow and PvP skills, it's hard to reach mid, I like that xD!
Tribal: It's a nice map, but the middle Island is too small.
Mushroom: It's a big map with much islands, I like to rush in this map.
Flowers: I think the way to mid is to easy, because there are lily pads on the way to mid.

Pac-Man is very difficult if OP has been voted.


Sep 12, 2017
Likes; Solo Stars, Solo bones, Team Dinosaur, Team Pokémon

Dislikes: Solo mystic, Team pac-man

More feedback: I would really like to see the solo map biomes and Pokémon back. I really like those and I don't like it that the're gone.
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Novice Member
May 29, 2017
1.trees becouse the island are far from each other
2.paris for the same reason above :D
1. bones: the island are so close to each other so you cant loot all the chests before someone is on your island
i dont have other dislikes om sw maps :D


Nov 14, 2016
Madrid, Spain
All rush players love this map because its easy to rush in this map. The middle is easy to reach. In the middle just perfect amount of chest, anvil and enchantment table very close to each other. The idea of someone throwing you and you can have a second chance is great.
TRON Like i said im rusher so this map you can put some blocks and your in the center or you can go easily to the neighbour.

I like where the chest are placed and its a perfect amount of chest for both players. Its very easy to get to mid.
WESTERN Its nice map for a good PvP. Its easy to go for your neighbour. The amount of chest its okay. And mid is a nice and big area to have some good fights.

Too long distance to get to neighbour and to get to mid. There chest that is up is bad placed because you need a lot of blocks in this map and going up for that chest makes you lose some blocks a lot of the times. The island are horrible to PvP.

I really dont like this map because the mid is to big and when you land if you dont have a water bucket half of the life goes. The islands are horrible to do a nice PvP.

IGN: Damt983
DISCORD: damt983#5204


Novice Member
Feb 20, 2017
a Winter Kyberland.
@Skifboo I really think that all your maps are really nice, and the build team has worked hard to improve them, but I think there is one thing that could be better. Recently you have removed all hidden chests. I really disliked that and I would greatly enjoy it if you put them back... It was fun trying to find all the hidden chests on islands, and gave you an advantage if you were a seasoned player. It made the game more interesting.

A pigeon

What we need is an aquatic themed map. Notpirates , but soemthing under the sea with plenty of sea life. Would be cool for 1.14


Forum Expert
Oct 26, 2017
your basement
Hello everyone, we currently have a total 47 Skywars maps and we would like to hear your feedback on them!

The Skywars maps: (note: you can click on the name to see the map).

Solo Mode: Angelic, Beach, Birdhouse, Bones, Candy, Castle, Desert, End, Flowers, Glass, Jungle, Mushroom. Music, Mystic, Nether, Paris, Rainbow, Savannah, Snowy, Sport, Stars, Sundae, Swords, Taiga, Temple, Time, Trees, Tron.

Team Mode: Dinosaur, Mushroom, Music, Rainbow, Swamp, Tribal, Farm, Flowers, Mario, Oasis, Prison, Evacuate, Savannah, School, Western, Candy, Pirates, Trees, Pacman.
Please use the following format, you can pick as many maps as you want:

map_name -
reason why you like this map.

map_name -
reason why you dislike this map.

Want to give more feedback? Feel free to do so! What kind of maps do you like?, What size of maps do you like?, ect.

Thank you for taking the time to give us your feedback, we appreciate it a lot! ♡
-Skifby // Staff team.

Well, I dont play team that much but...

Rainbow: Very colourful and fun to play. Much PvP space on starter Island.

Dinosour: Much people camping on the vulcano

Flowers: Starter Island have much space to PvP

Sundea: Not much PvP space on starter islands and you don't have much time to loot your chests before people already attack you.
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