I almost exclusively play team Skywars, so don't have much of an opinion on solo maps. I general I would say that most maps I like have a few distinct qualities:
- a 'progressive' playstyle to them. Meaning, you are able to get diamonds on your island and enchant at the centre, so both rushers and campers have some form of advantage over the other.
- Enough room to PvP easily, but also plenty of opportunities to knock people of (I think I prime example of this is music).
- A centre island that is not too crowded with players.
- Rush friendly (not too much space between islands).
- Easily accessible chests (two maps I find notoriously bad at this are mushrooms and the centre island of tribal).
- No more than 4 players on a team (although I love bedtime and Pokémon).
Some maps that stand out are:
- Music
- Rainbow (although the semi centres are a bit small)
- Swamp
- Tipi
- Bugs
- Savannah
Also just as a special mention I would like to point out:
Tribal must die.
I would say it isn't personal, but really that map should burn in hell.