I am Berre, I'm a very active player on the server. But I notice some problems.. Some that really irritate me and others.
The enderman kit.
The enderman kit is a kit designed for pus.. COWARDS! When being in a fight, and you're really owning him, he just teleports away. COWARD!
Skywars is about PvP and winning the game, the kit enderman really makes it impossible to PvP with some players. For example: Team Skywars 2v2, my team against 2 others. We kill one, the other guy just teleports away because he knows he's dead; why couldn't he just fight like a normal player and not like a COWARD..
Oh for people now commenting "but no that is no fair bcause i payed 1000 points for it :(", lol.. Maybe you'll get refunded, I don't know..
Vote on the poll please! (lmao, probably every coward is going to comment "No, keep this kit")