In a world filled with villagers...
You and 15 other players are sneaky assassins disguised as villagers in a world of villagers trying to be the last one standing. Be as villager-like as possible and win yourself to victory! Use power ups and shop upgrades to be a little sneakier...
Pretty simple, these are just a few maps to start the game!
Town Square;_ylt=AwrBT7THRY5ZLwgAATpXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTE0M3UyOWI4BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjM5MzZfMQRzZWMDcGl2cw--?p=towns+square&fr2=piv-web&fr=tightropetb#id=18&iurl=
Shop Items
The shop should go like so:
Diamond Swordsman(Diamond Sword, Chain Armour)- 1000 points
Iron Golem (Iron Gear, Iron Sword)- 800 points
Cheetah Kit (Speed 2 effect, Chainmill Armour, Stone Sword)- 500 points
Wizard Kit (3 Splash of Harming, 2 poison, 1 blindness, 2 instant health, chainmill, stone sword)- 1000 points
Bomber Kit (10 tnt, 5 creeper eggs, flint and steel, chainmill armour, stone sword)- 500 points
Sniper Assassin( Punch 1 Power 1 Infinty Bow, Chainmill armour, Wooden Sword)- 700 points
Slow Tank( Diamond Sword sharpness 2, Iron Armour, Slowness effect)- 1500 points
Healer Kit (5 Golden Apples, 1 god Apple, Chainmill armour, wooden sword)- 800 points
Premium Voting Options
For ranks Lapis and above, you may vote for
- Shrinking Border
- Normal
For ranks Gold and above, you may vote on loot drops
- Overpowered
- Normal
- Basic
For ranks Emerald and above, you may vote for Extra Options such as
- Normal
- TNT drop
- Falling world
- Arrow Rain
- Lightning Bolts
Loot Drops
Every 30 seconds, Loot Drop places will be illuminated by a beacon light. In these crates can contain loot that is useful. If you are a premium player above Gold, you can vote for those types.
Winning Prizes
The winner would be rewarded like so,
+ 250 experience
+ 25 points
If you loose, you can be rewarded 5 points every time someone dies that isn't you.
EDIT: just kidding, I may be on vacation once reached.
@rubik_cube_man @Camezonda @StorySays @telegamer @TeovoTeovo @Tacosbefriends @zDutchie
You are disguised with them...
Eliminating your enemies...
(also disguised as villagers)
How to playEliminating your enemies...
(also disguised as villagers)
You and 15 other players are sneaky assassins disguised as villagers in a world of villagers trying to be the last one standing. Be as villager-like as possible and win yourself to victory! Use power ups and shop upgrades to be a little sneakier...
Pretty simple, these are just a few maps to start the game!
Town Square;_ylt=AwrBT7THRY5ZLwgAATpXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTE0M3UyOWI4BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjM5MzZfMQRzZWMDcGl2cw--?p=towns+square&fr2=piv-web&fr=tightropetb#id=18&iurl=
Shop Items
The shop should go like so:
Diamond Swordsman(Diamond Sword, Chain Armour)- 1000 points
Iron Golem (Iron Gear, Iron Sword)- 800 points
Cheetah Kit (Speed 2 effect, Chainmill Armour, Stone Sword)- 500 points
Wizard Kit (3 Splash of Harming, 2 poison, 1 blindness, 2 instant health, chainmill, stone sword)- 1000 points
Bomber Kit (10 tnt, 5 creeper eggs, flint and steel, chainmill armour, stone sword)- 500 points
Sniper Assassin( Punch 1 Power 1 Infinty Bow, Chainmill armour, Wooden Sword)- 700 points
Slow Tank( Diamond Sword sharpness 2, Iron Armour, Slowness effect)- 1500 points
Healer Kit (5 Golden Apples, 1 god Apple, Chainmill armour, wooden sword)- 800 points
Premium Voting Options
For ranks Lapis and above, you may vote for
- Shrinking Border
- Normal
For ranks Gold and above, you may vote on loot drops
- Overpowered
- Normal
- Basic
For ranks Emerald and above, you may vote for Extra Options such as
- Normal
- TNT drop
- Falling world
- Arrow Rain
- Lightning Bolts
Loot Drops
Every 30 seconds, Loot Drop places will be illuminated by a beacon light. In these crates can contain loot that is useful. If you are a premium player above Gold, you can vote for those types.
Winning Prizes
The winner would be rewarded like so,
+ 250 experience
+ 25 points
If you loose, you can be rewarded 5 points every time someone dies that isn't you.
The rest is up to staff on how the challenges and other things would be,
but this is just a suggestion.
Feel free to vote at the top and comment down below on your idea.
If you are a staff member, please do not lock until
requested by CamBam300 in the comment section, I will send you a message.
Also tell me how this went in your mind, that'll help!
As always, have a nice day.
Godbless -CamBam300
P.S. Massive thread by CamBam300 once 100 likes is reached!but this is just a suggestion.
Feel free to vote at the top and comment down below on your idea.
If you are a staff member, please do not lock until
requested by CamBam300 in the comment section, I will send you a message.
Also tell me how this went in your mind, that'll help!
As always, have a nice day.
Godbless -CamBam300
EDIT: just kidding, I may be on vacation once reached.
@rubik_cube_man @Camezonda @StorySays @telegamer @TeovoTeovo @Tacosbefriends @zDutchie