I miss TD on Java CC so much I played it for a long time and grinded and stuff (even bought gold just to vote in TD) and yea, will it be added bacK?
Sadly, yes...I'm assuming we will get the answer that is copy-paste from other posts![]()
Fact is, CubeCraft relies on the short attention span of the average teenager, which is so short I can mention it three times in the same sentence: short. That brings me to the next (first) point: Tower Defence. I loved this game, was involved in the community and even though I didn't get half of the game, still loved the concept (as did you, going off of your post). Why then shouldn't it return or would it be a bad move seen from the company side of CubeCraft? As said: short attention span (are you even reading this still? probably lost you along the way lol). Tower Defence, on an average game, takes over 20 minutes. Ain't no one got time for that anymore. It would be more fun if those twenty minutes contain action at every single one of those minutes, but that's not the case.
There are three important moments in a game of Tower Defence: the start ("please let me not have teammates that build over 4 3x3 spots with a single quake tower"), the moment people start sending a ton of level IV blazes ("Oh no, we're soooo dead...") and Armageddon ("How did we survive the Blazes in the first place??"). After all this effort, taking over 30 minutes of continuously going in a towers menu to upgrade it and moving to the next one, the rewards sucked, it was not worth it and the feeling of satisfaction was barely present. And all this was only in the case that you were not against a tryhard 6 people party, which could ruin your fun three times over. The concept is really nice, but with todays standards and player count, I don't see how it would be a good idea to get it back on the network.