Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Would you like to see a Primary and Secondary kit system?

  • Yes

    Votes: 24 66.7%
  • No

    Votes: 7 19.4%
  • Unsure / Don't mind

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • Yes, but to replace the 'no-kits' gamemode (Have it alongside ordinary Skywars)

    Votes: 3 8.3%

  • Total voters
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Forum Expert
Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco
Pyromaniac - Nerfed - Has a lava bucket (500 points)
nope the kit isn't that OP right now especially being as you said it yourself
most players DON'T USE IT
the current kit would throw the intent of this suggestion WAY off the line
Farmer - Has three cow spawn eggs, eight chicken eggs (thrown), and four bread (Free)
...and Pyromaniac is the hard 1
I still think if this 1 were to be nerfed just a bit *cough cough* Eggs for easy camping *cough cough* than sure
Dang it Snap
this kit however would be nice with a stone pickaxe that has efficency 2 (or what ever is equal to the amount of efficency an iron pickaxe has with no enchantments so it isn't as usable as a weapon as it is)
always trying to be in games
that is twice in 1 suggestion
still good

okay here are the rest of the choices for me
builder is fine no
Diverse quiver
seems somewhat OP being you can't get these items in a chest no
really random kit... I don't see why not so sure
screw points am I right? don't understand why nor do I really feel like it would be fair (because the point issue
how long?
Defender - A carrot with Knockback I (500 points)
what could go possibly go wrong? I don't think I need to explain why to say that this would encourage camping and backfire horrendously
Aegis - A shield with a green border, and a skull in the center (500 points)
no Idea why but sure
Reroll - An extra chest with even more loot inside! (500 points)
by "even more loot inside" do you mean it is specifically intended to have a larger amount of items in it than any normal chest or do you mean it keeps the same loot tables and everything it just is going to have more items after you have gotten all your chests
I hope at least someone gets that joke

I like some of the kits but the actual idea
I am not a fan of due to it meaning that players who Didn't use those kits can now use both their normal and new ones and vise versa
Which very well doesn't equal a fun time in my mind


Dedicated Member
Jan 3, 2016
Glad to see lots of support thus far c: Management team pls respond thnx this is good suggestion is unique thnx :(
Lmao asking for an actual response that's not copy and pasted is like asking for world peace at this point
But I really like your suggestion; I might actually play this version of skywars.
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Cool ideas. :)

It would be nice to give newbies a free kit to help them out. Otherwise they can sometimes just roam around facing players with OP kits.
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Dedicated Member
Jun 3, 2015
-Mystic - Has two Speed II splash potions (1:30) , a Poison I potion (0:15), and a Strength I potion (2:00)
Maybe you remember the hulk kit back in the days, just like that having strength is way too overpowered for any gamemode. I do believe every type of chest are ballanced nicely, giving it strength would bring back the old and mostly ruin the fun as you will 3-4 hit someone in overpowered with sharp 5.

But this is the only thing, the rest of the thread looks great fam, just change the strength with something :P


Forum Professional
Jul 23, 2016
Chicago, Illinois
Every reputable minigame server at this point has some variation of Skywars. Therefore, my intent with these suggestions is to offer a different gameplay experience to every other server out there. Therefore, it's likely you'll disagree with the majority of this. But that's okay, I'm simply posting it to offer a bit of uniqueness. Hopefully this will stimulate a debate of sorts, because I truly think Cubecraft's Skywars has been stagnant for years now.

The problem with kits is...
80% of them never get used! Swordsman and Iron Golem are what almost every player uses, minus the occasional Archer or Scout. This is because they offer so little, or only a limited benefit, compared to the best sword in the Normal and Basic game-types, and a full set of the second best armour right off the bat. Very few people are going to choose say, a fishing rod, over these advantages. Because of the blatant benefit to using these kits, the logical way to diversify early encounters is to buff all the other kits. After all, you can't just nerf these kits, because too many people use them; you'll have to refund everybody. Here's what I propose happen instead:

Suggestion: Primary and Secondary kits
Allow players to select two kits per game, one from the 'Primary' and one from the 'Secondary' category. The categories will contain the following kits:

-Swordsman (Free)
-Tank (Free)
-Archer (Buffed, see below) (Free)
-Scout (Renamed Mystic, buffed, see below) (2,500 points)
-Woodcutter (New kit, see below) (2,500 points)

-Pyromaniac (Nerfed, see below)
-Farmer (New kit, see below)
-Diglett (New kit, see below)
-Enchanter (Nerfed, see below)
-Strategist (New kit, see below) (Blocks)
-Aphrodite (New kit, see below)
-Diverse quiver (New kit, see below)
-Resourceful (New kit, see below) (Ores)
-Superhero (New kit, see below) (Free)
-Rejuvenation (New kit, see below)
-Defender (New kit, see below)

Using this system, you give everybody a powerful kit off the start. Many of them will cancel one another out, such as the Swordsman, Woodcutter and Tank kits, which will all compete against one another without any unreasonable advantage on either side. Likewise, the Archer will be effective against these three from afar, but not so much from up close.

This system will benefit new players. This is because as a new player, you have no kits. Do you really think it's fair to give them nothing, and have them face off against somebody who has spawned in with a powerful set of armour? Or the best sword in the game (Minus Overpowered)?

The secondary kits add diversity. Sure, you could run at that kid in full iron using your grossly overpowered sword, but if they have any weapon of their own, you're dead. Instead, use the Aphrodite kit to give yourself some extra health, or the Pyromaniac kit to make them kick their screen in frustration.

So, the kits - what are they?


Swordsman - Unchanged
Tank - Unchanged
-Archer - Buffed - Now has sixteen arrows
-Mystic - Has two Speed II splash potions (1:30) , a Poison I potion (0:15), and a Strength I potion (2:00)
-Woodcutter - Has an iron axe. Fundamentally weaker than the Swordsman, but has an added purpose

Pyromaniac - Nerfed - Has a lava bucket (500 points)
Farmer - Has three cow spawn eggs, eight chicken eggs (thrown), and four bread (Free)
Diglett - Has an iron pickaxe, feel free to change its name :< (500 points)
Enchanter - Has an enchanting table, 32 bottles o' enchanting, and 3 lapis lazuli (500 points)
Strategist - Has thirty-two sandstone blocks (500 points)
Aphrodite - Has a golden apple (500 points)
Diverse quiver - Has three arrows of poison (0:11), one arrow of harming I, and four arrows of weakness (0:30) (500 points)
Blacksmith - Unchanged (500 points)
Resourceful - Has seven iron ore, one diamond ore, six wooden planks, and one coal ore (500 points)
Superhero - Maxes out a random ability (Disabled when abilities are unavailable) (Free)
Rejuvenation - One Regeneration potion II (500 points)
Defender - A carrot with Knockback I (500 points)
Aegis - A shield with a green border, and a skull in the center (500 points)
Reroll - An extra chest with even more loot inside! (500 points)
Oceanic - A cute little water bucket c: (Free)

As you can see, there are multiple combinations, each being able to benefit its user. Let's take a few at random, and highlight their advantages and disadvantages.

Archer and Diverse quiver
Pros - Very large quiver, can use weakness potions to approach with a sword, and can poison opponents to prevent regeneration
Cons - You're sacrificing a very powerful sword, a whole set of armour, a strength potion, blocks, extra health, etc. If you're approached early on, you're dead for sure. Anybody else using this kit will also make quick work of you

Swordsman and Pyromaniac
Pros - Can annihilate players quickly. Can use the lava bucket to counteract heavily armed players
Cons - Without spawning in with any armour, you're going to be bullied by those archers, who will be wanting your sword. Also, you're relying on finding blocks and food inside of chests. If you don't, you're going to have a hard time approaching people, especially on larger maps

Mystic and Diglett
Pros - Once you've made as much as a stone sword, your strength potion will chew through people. Speed also allows you to approach, escape and strafe easily, but may be counter-intuitive. Poison allows you to assure a kill on already weak players
Cons - No armour, no blocks, and once those potions are gone, you have no aspect left of your kit to work with

Tank and Superhero
Pros - If you're a noob, then Superhero is for you! It's free, meaning that one game you could be almost immune to fall damage, and the next game, you might have a huge chance of receiving double drops. The Tank also makes you a threatening force, that many players would rather avoid
Cons - No weapon, and cannot craft a weapon that will out-DPS the Swordsman kit. Your ability roll may also be unfortunate (i.e. Adrenaline rush)

Woodcutter and Aphrodite
Pros - You have a powerful weapon, and a tool for wood. The apple will also give you an unexpected health boost before fights. Moreover, if you've ever been critically hit with an axe, you'll know that it stings just a little

Archer and Resourceful
Pros - large quiver of arrows. Nobody is coming near you until you've extracted everything from those ores. Use them to craft a sword and a few pieces of armour, and you're set. Better yet, if there's a Swordsman-user adjacent to you, quickly shoot them to death and grab their sword! You can now engage in both knife and gun fights
Cons - Relies a lot on chest luck. Also, other archers could pick you off quickly if you aren't looking out for them

Swordsman and Aegis
Pros - Probably one of the smartest setups. You have no armour, but you're separated by islands. Your main threat is bows, so use the Aegis to not only protect yourself, but to waste other players' arrows
Cons - You're sacrificing very valuable secondaries, such as the Pyromaniac. Considering you spawn with no armour, that's risky

Woodcutter and Defender
Pros - Oh, that's a nice set of armour you have there. Oh, and you have a Sharpness II Iron sword too? Okay, just come a little closer... and... gone. Cya mate, say hai to Hades for me x
Cons - No armour, and the Defender can be unreliable. If the first strike fails, then you risk being predictable. Use this on small maps, or towards edges of islands

New vote option

Island degradation

Add an option to vote for island degradation. It'll be perfect for players who want a hasty game, or one without camping. In this mode, islands will begin to deteriorate after five minutes. To survive, you must rush to the middle. As you can imagine, bows are wonderful to use with Island degradation enabled x

Important: Obviously, the system discussed above will change the way that Skywars is played pretty largely. Please vote in the poll above to provide feedback. Don't feel bad voting no, I just want to see what everybody thinks about a system such as this.

@Efcluke94 @iLoveYouu @hub3rt

Awesome idea!
I love the kits you came up with


Dedicated Member
May 4, 2017
@Snap I have read the whole suggestion, But I don't see the link between a primary And secundary kit. In general I agree, There are two kits that 80% of the people choose is certainly correct. The game will be more fairly for everyone.
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Forum Veteran
Jul 1, 2016
-Mystic - Has two Speed II splash potions (1:30) , a Poison I potion (0:15), and a Strength I potion (2:00)
This seems a bit op for me. A Poison 1 potion can do a bit damage and with the Strength potion on you , you only have to hit the person 2-3times and he is already dead. I think that the kit needs to stay at 3speed potions or just 2speed potion and a Strenght potion. The Poison potion needs to get removed because it sounds a bit to op for me.
Woodcutter - Has an iron axe. Fundamentally weaker than the Swordsman, but has an added purpose
I don't realy see why this needs to be added if you already got a stronger kit for free ?

The ideas are very nice so i think that it would be nice to see some kits gettig changed and i also would like to see some new kits getting added.
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Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink
Maybe you remember the hulk kit back in the days, just like that having strength is way too overpowered for any gamemode. I do believe every type of chest are ballanced nicely, giving it strength would bring back the old and mostly ruin the fun as you will 3-4 hit someone in overpowered with sharp 5.
I think the potion has been nerfed since then. It no longer adds to your damage dealt by 130%, it just adds +3 damage to your weapon. Considering it lasts for only two minutes and there's a lot that you're not getting by using this kit (i.e. full set of armour, best sword in the game, a weapon/tool hybrid), I don't personally think it'd be that bad.

...Okay, maybe disable it for OP chests. That'll probably be overpowered, since I made this suggestion with only Normal chests in mind :/

I was trying to make each kit as balanced as possible. Do you have any ideas on how to balance it better?

I don't realy see why this needs to be added if you already got a stronger kit for free ?
It's essentially a weapon that does less DPS than the Swordsman kit, but also hybrids as an axe. I'll throw Efficiency IV on it though, to sweeten the deal and give its hybrid function more use.
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Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink

69.6% of people have voted yes to this, or 80% if not factoring the bottom two options. Opinions, @Efcluke94 @Tacosbefriends ? :)


Dedicated Member
Jun 3, 2015
I think the potion has been nerfed since then. It no longer adds to your damage dealt by 130%, it just adds +3 damage to your weapon. Considering it lasts for only two minutes and there's a lot that you're not getting by using this kit (i.e. full set of armour, best sword in the game, a weapon/tool hybrid), I don't personally think it'd be that bad.

...Okay, maybe disable it for OP chests. That'll probably be overpowered, since I made this suggestion with only Normal chests in mind :/

I was trying to make each kit as balanced as possible. Do you have any ideas on how to balance it better?
The hulk potion just got removed, it was a full strength 2 (correct me if it's strength 1) drinkable potion. What obviously was way too good.
People used this potion to get 1 enderpearl (talking about teamsw) , drink their strength and just slice thru players. Then getting more from people that don't know the most about skywars/minecraft but having that potion selected and so 1 player could be killing anyone easely, but others couldn't.

Maybe you know the strength potion on Hypixel, it first was a strength and could 3 hit anyone. Of course that also got nerfed really fast and now it's from splashable to drinkable and only lasting for 5 seconds.

Something like that is what I'd say could be a solution, not trying to copy it from Hypixel btw, as it'd be good for maybe 1-2 kills and nothing more.


Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink
The hulk potion just got removed, it was a full strength 2 (correct me if it's strength 1) drinkable potion. What obviously was way too good.
People used this potion to get 1 enderpearl (talking about teamsw) , drink their strength and just slice thru players. Then getting more from people that don't know the most about skywars/minecraft but having that potion selected and so 1 player could be killing anyone easely, but others couldn't.

Maybe you know the strength potion on Hypixel, it first was a strength and could 3 hit anyone. Of course that also got nerfed really fast and now it's from splashable to drinkable and only lasting for 5 seconds.

Something like that is what I'd say could be a solution, not trying to copy it from Hypixel btw, as it'd be good for maybe 1-2 kills and nothing more.
Yeah, I like that. That way, the strategy to counteract it is simply to run away from a few seconds until it's worn out
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Dedicated Member
Apr 30, 2016
a Pleb Family
I think most of the ideas seem really good. Swordsman (as well as the Iron armour kit) is way too OP, it puts new players off Skywars within a few games. I can see you have put a lot of thought behind this thread, and it does show. I agree with the new Primary and Secondary kit idea, however I have two main concerns:

Why remove TNT? It's amazing for traps and flying to mid.

Where has all the redstone gone? I love making Skywars traps. I don't think I would ever play it again if there weren't any traps.

If I have missed the TNT and Redstone kit whilst reading through this thread, meaning my concerns are pointless, then I 100% agree with the idea.
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