Island shapes are the same as the skywars map Tipi (made by me and yoya) so I took reference from his island technique. What terrain do you want to pvp at? A rough one which you have loads of levels that you cannot even play at? A flat one is okay and also the mid island has few levels of terrain. Islands are the same layout as the middle one with pozdol and everything, and snowflakes, why would you add them on starter islands? I think it's just a sorrounding of King Arthur. Any suggestions on starter islands? The size of them are fine for a single person to play at, that's why it's made for solo. Also adding more features to them would cause a lack of movement for the user and a bad pvp.
I think the gameplay is not interesting or unique at all. It's just a flat ground, which is a good thing, but that's it. There should be unique things about the map's gameplay that make it differ from other maps. Some solo eggwars examples:
Elven: The map has 4 islands connected with bridges and 4 towers with generators on the last floor.
End: Every island is connected to the middle via a small bridge.
Farm: There's a big barn to play around and on top of.
Golf: There is a ring as submid, there's a ball flying in the air to get to mid quicker.
MLG: The 12 starter island are grouped in groups of 3 around the submid, usually there's just a minifight at these pairs and 4 people will survive to battle, the middle has a unique placement of the generators in and around the train.
Mine: The submiddle is connected to the middle with a rail.
Nightmare: The middle is really interesting with different low level generators and one center with high level generators. The egg is in a unique position on the roof.
Safari: All islands are directly connected to the middle, which makes this map an excellent rush map, but gives unique opportunities with the generators in the trees and on the zebra.
Snowy: The submid is almost connected to the middle, the middle has high level gold generators but no diamond generators (
Tropical is similar, however tropical has emeralds and the diamond generator is inside a house).
Steampunk: The 12 players are split are 3 middles, usually these groups of 4 fight each other before the build out to others. There is space under the island (though this is a controversial thing :P ).
Stronghold: The mid is unique with the big glass circle to walk around and the starter island have the egg behind the house, which makes it possible to sneak people eggs.
Technology: The submids are connected to the middle, above the middle is a secret diamond generator, there's a hole in the starter islands with an iron generator.
Teepee: I don't really know this map because I dislike it, so I may be incorrect about this: The egg is inside the tipi, there are 2 middles with generators.
Tentacles: The island are connected to the middle and the middle is very unique, it consist of large bridges which make unique gameplay possible.
Village: The middle is very big which a lot of high level generators.
This shows that the solo eggwars maps all have different and unique gameplay aspects. I can't find any of these at your map, it's just starter islands and a middle. The only thing that can be said is that it's flat for PvP, which is a good thing, but it's just boring without anything special.
As for aesthetics, I like the middle, but the starter islands are just not on Cubecraft's level, it's just too basic.
If you want your map to be implemented on Cubecraft, I think there's a lot that has to be changed. You need something unique to play around, not just starter islands and a middle. As for the looks, I am not sure about it, I'm not a map builder but I think the Cubecraft build team want to have a certain theme throughout their whole map, right now the theme is only visible in the middle.