[Figure 1: The ten colours of slimes in Among Slimes]
I personally am moderately colour blind and I find it really difficult to tell some colours apart, like between cyan and white, or yellow and green.
So instead I suggest to add a letter to the back of the slimes' skin, to help colour blind players distinguish the colours.
Actually this is the second thread I've mentioned about the subject. I used to have a thread a year ago. It got escalated but I didn't know how to bump it, so it never made its way to be forwarded. That's why I want to remention it again here.
I might want to ask you to leave a comment on your ideas about how this should be done, especially which specific letter to choose for each colour.
One of the scheme I will propose is as such: Red - R, Orange - O, Green - G, Yellow - Y, Cyan - C, Blue - B, Purple - P, Pink - P, White - W, Black - Nothing.
The reason why black is nothing is that black is already very dark, and is probably pretty much distinguishable even under Gray Scale.
However, I'm not very sure about Purple and Pink. I've tried to view it in Red-Green filter, Green-Red filter and Blue-Yellow filter, but I don't know exactly how a Tritanopia will really feel. I think this part may be upon discussion.
Thank you very much.