Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2014
Hey! I don'y know if you accept or take in kit ideas for sky wars, but I came up with a couple. I know most are easy to think of yourself but I figured I'd just put 'em here.

Spawn with water bucket and lava bucket to use to your advantage!
STRATEGIES: Place your water bucket and if you get hit off, try to catch yourself in the water flow! Also, you can block people off from bridges easier as they have to swim through the water! Dump lava on foes!

I had a few more ideas but I will post them later.
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Reesle wrote on coolroyboy's profile.
Heyy I didn’t know you were here!
Happy Birthday, Cool person! :D 🎉
Lord of Ducks wrote on Alicia28's profile.
welcome to the Cubecraft forums, hope you enjoy your stay here, if you need help, contact a staff member!
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Reesle wrote on redj101's profile.
Thank you for the follow! :D
Reesle wrote on UBRE's profile.
Happy Birthday!
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