When friends are online and in a game without you, the ability to spectate them would be neat. With this type of spectating, public chat could be turned off. Perhaps you need to be in a party to view them in-game. Just a suggestion. I haven't thought too much about it, but I have come across the issue of wanting to see what my friends are doing.
Suggestions/opinions welcome! :D
Me: *Makes a trap*
Opponent: Heya, where is that guy called RemiO05? Let's call one of my friends!
Me: *I finished my trap, I only have to wait now!
Opponent: /p add friend
Friend: Heya, how are you?
Opponent: I am fine! Please spectate that RemiO05 guy!
Friend: Oki, coolio!
Opponent: Where are they?
Friend: They are making a trap, you can defeat them by placing lava on his island!
Opponent: Oki, thank you so much!
Me: Oh, there's my opponent!
Opponent: *Places lava and blows my island up*
Chat: RemiO05 blew up, your opponent has won!
Do you get my point? Every friend would ghost, and it would be very annoying. No please.