Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Dedicated Member
Oct 18, 2016
Overijssel, The Netherlands
Instead of disagreeing on this comment you can also just do a fact check and know that this is true
Since this thread is the only one where I can find any 'rules' about the suggestion thread:
It states you need :agree: agree reactions:

And is later clarified that likes are not counted:

Also after the update it's still :agree: agree reactions:


Bagel Maker
Jan 30, 2014
I don't understand why a staff member can complain about bump posts and the rule gets changed without any community suggestions about it or complaints
It was my idea, I'm working on a response to this thread and seeing which of the options is actually possible. I'll also be giving my take on why I requested the rules to be updated.


Bagel Maker
Jan 30, 2014
Hi Blom, thanks for your suggestion.

Let me begin by stating that I was a big supporter of the bumping removal, based on the information we had about the suggestions system internally and how it was running- I felt this would be a great step in the right direction and I'll explain everything that led to this decision so you all can critique it as well. Beware it's a lot to read, sorry for that but I hope you'll read it all.

Internally what is currently happening is that there are too many forwarded suggestions, which might sound great but we simply cannot reply to all of them in any reasonable amount of time, it's not the system we want as it's stressful and pulls away from our important work with developers and delivering content on the network first.

We did not intend for the forwarded status to be attained by every semi-agreeable suggestion which is in my opinion what is currently happening, this tag is held in high regard because too many are receiving it- if you don't get it then your suggestion gets swept under the rug which I do agree with. However, I believe the reason for this is that too many suggestions get forwarded in the first place, our suggestions time becomes 99% dedicated to responding to forwarded suggestions and then we don't have time to look at smaller suggestions outside of the tag.

I understand the logic that smaller games or suggestions that don't incite discussion will be left behind and that is unfair, I totally agree. My logic above- if true- would effectively solve this issue and this 'solution' of bumping generates negatives in new areas because in order for featured game suggestions to get through we have to accept about 15 other suggestions.

We've discussed the issue of too many suggestions before, one of the arguments we got is that we need to get more people but this is also incredibly complicated. Server team members work not only on the suggestions system but a lot of things, they have individual specialties, doing things such as writing new updates, assisting developers and running teams, all of which at this point in time match well with our server team size, the only thing that is mismatched is the suggestions workload compared to team members, which screams to me- that the system is what needs changed, not the team.

Passing off suggestions to non-server team members is in my opinion, not an option, it requires great knowledge of the network and it's future direction which can't be communicated in any reasonable amount of time, we discuss all forwarded discussions between us to come to decisions about whether it's a good fit and whether we can get it on the network in a reasonable amount of time.

Our goal was to have the absolute best of the best suggestions passing the 'forwarded' mark thus giving us time to go through the non-forwarded suggestions and respond to the others who don't have this tag.

Unfortunately now since most suggestions are passing, we can only respond to those and everyone holds it in incredibly high regard since it's the absolute only path for getting your suggestion on the network, which was not the intention behind the system.

Finally back to the bumping suggestions. Being able to bump your suggestions has led to lots of suggestions pushing their way into the forwarded list that really didn't need to be there, my hope is that we can reduce the number of forwarded suggestions so much that we can begin quick-responding to many suggestions outside the forwarded list.

The reason this works is that it means the number of suggestions matches the number of responders we have, in addition- all non-forwarded suggestions have a good chance of being replied to, allowing featured games and non-discursive suggestions to be responded to.

In conclusion, I feel as though removing bumping from suggestions is a small step towards amending an incredibly complicated system.


Forum Expert
Sep 12, 2018
MinerWare Town
Hi Blom ... complicated system.
Current situation: 19 threads marked as forwarded, 3 threads marked as planned

Obviously, I cannot see all the behind the scenes. I absolutely understand how difficult the system is and I can get that with little staff members available it is tough to respond to every suggestion.

Now what I think is very paradoxical is that threads that aren't forwarded, hence not enough people support the idea, should get a response if there are less forwarded threads, which got enough support from members to be discussed by the team.

The rule update disallowed bumps. Bumps however don't buy you votes. If your idea sucks, people will still not put :agree:-reactions underneath it. With the small member flow, sometimes it's just necessary to get like 3 more agrees on your suggestion to get it forwarded.

Besides that, implementing some of the forwarded suggestions can be quite hard. I don't understand however why, if they can be implemented after work, it takes so long to discuss if they could be implemented. The planned prefix is the guideline for the developing team to work on, besides Cube's own plans for new stuff, but when executing stuff, they don't look at forwarded threads. Some of the forwarded threads are quite hard/not possible to implement, so those can already be denied, but I don't see the point on leaving them on forwarded for so long. I think (correct me if I'm wrong (on any of the mentioned points)) the discussion and execution part are two separate departments within the team?

Also, some threads aren't even hard to implement at all, such as the following two threads:

Of course it's important to also look at threads of games with less people that play it, but bumping was in my opinion a perfect way to make that happen! If threads that obviously can't happen are forwarded, staff can deny them, because thats the point of the forwarded prefix.


Bagel Maker
Jan 30, 2014
Current situation: 19 threads marked as forwarded, 3 threads marked as planned
You only counted the first page, which was 20, for 4 pages is nearly 80 forwarded threads, nearly 80 planned as well.

The rule update disallowed bumps. Bumps however don't buy you votes. If your idea sucks, people will still not put :agree:-reactions underneath it.
It's easy for members to throw agrees on suggestions that are simply above average. Just because something could get put on the network doesn't mean it should, there are thousands upon thousands of ideas that could get suggested, they shouldn't all be getting through the system because it's simply too much.

My point is that bumped threads get more attention and if they are simply okay and not bad then they can pass into the system with a couple of bumps.

Besides that, implementing some of the forwarded suggestions can be quite hard. I don't understand however why, if they can be implemented after work, it takes so long to discuss if they could be implemented. The planned prefix is the guideline for the developing team to work on, besides Cube's own plans for new stuff, but when executing stuff, they don't look at forwarded threads. Some of the forwarded threads are quite hard/not possible to implement, so those can already be denied,
Implementing stuff is hard, no matter how easy it appears. It requires us to write it and account for details that community members do not so that the developer understands and we test everything in addition to this. These things are compulsory regardless of the development time. All suggestions take more time to get on the network than they took to write.

but I don't see the point on leaving them on forwarded for so long. I think (correct me if I'm wrong (on any of the mentioned points)) the discussion and execution part are two separate departments within the team?
We're not leaving them that way, it just takes a long time, I explained this in my post so I'd recommend reading it.

Also, the discussion and execution of suggestions are done by the same department; the server team. I explained this in my post also.

Also, some threads aren't even hard to implement at all, such as the following two threads:
Listing two suggestions that are easy to implement is not an argument for anything we're discussing. Not to mention the fact that in my opinion, they are not easy to implement at all.

The trophy suggestion would need to be a plugin which it probably is not, meaning we'd need to develop it ourselves, but we aren't a company whose purpose revolves around websites so we don't have web developers as we cannot justify the resources, so it'd be a game developer or infrastructure person flexing to it, thus they'd need to come off whatever it is they are doing.

The second one is something I've been looking at, we've discussed what it should be but no major ideas have come up, there were discussions on how good it would look but the main issue lay in design as we wouldn't want to take images that don't belong to us, so we'd need to make them, we have two pixel artists on our team, both of whom are very busy.

Of course it's important to also look at threads of games with less people that play it, but bumping was in my opinion a perfect way to make that happen! If threads that obviously can't happen are forwarded, staff can deny them, because thats the point of the forwarded prefix.
Denying a suggestion is difficult because most of them are not obvious denial reasons, we know people put effort into their suggestions so we need to justify our denial reason. It's easy to say "just deny a suggestion" as if it's so simple but drafting a message the thread creator will accept is another.


Forum Expert
Jun 15, 2020
this is stupid, you can't say that we can see if a suggestion is popular if its gets 25 agrees straight away or whatever.. there are so many factors that play a part in how many reactions you get, for example the day you do it, the time you do it, how many people are online etc. its literally impossible to get a suggestion forwarded now if its not a weekend

bumping is such an essential part of suggestions.. i barely ever get any suggestion forwarded without bumps, but does that mean its a less popular suggestion that the community doesn't want? no. 25 agrees spaced between a week vs in a night is the same, it's the same community members that want to see whatever the suggestion may be, to be added.


Bagel Maker
Jan 30, 2014
Hey all. We've decided to close out this thread with the following decision:

There is far too much information from all sides of the community with this - us included - to come to a correct answer simply through discussion. We've had the old system for a while and we don't believe it's efficient, we'll run the current system for 2 months and will review how these changes impacted the community/suggestions system on the week of April 4th.

On this week, we will decide whether to continue with the current changes and will make amendments depending on how it impacted the health of the system.

As such this thread will remain as forwarded until then.

Thanks for your discussion thus far. ~ Locked.


Forum Professional
Jul 2, 2015
Hey everyone!

I am here to update you all. The server team got unexpectedly busy with a few projects (like Spring and SkyWars), which is why we haven't had the chance to review the changes in the week of april 4th. We have started doing research and are looking into solutions, but this might take a few weeks as well. Thanks for your patience everyone!


Moderation Manager
Team CubeCraft
💙 Admin Team
Oct 13, 2016
After reviewing the suggestions that were forwarded since the last rule change, we have decided to change the Bumping rule and from now on we will allow 1 "bump post" per suggestion.
It is possible that this change will not be permanent, since as we have said before, we monitor the interaction that the suggestions subforum receives.
Thank you for your suggestion!
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