"Overall: Great idea, absolutely love it. Shouldn't be that hard to code, could only attract more players. Can't see a major downside. Please add this.
- Not being able to recognize well who your allies and enemies are
Making them bold would also fix this
- Toxic players breaking egg defenses of other allied islands
This won't be unique to this gamemode, it already is happening in teams (although rarely, so I doubt it will often occur on your suggested gamemode as well). Otherwise just record and report you know the drill. Bonus point: If this actually did happen more frequently then you got helper wannabes on your side since they want more reports. Win - Win.
- Grand scale camping
Doubt this will happen. Usually large teams --> less camping. Ex. Rome and Mansion (camp-free basically) vs Forest (pretty common to encounter campers)
So, nope, there aren't really any problems that I could find.
- The last remaining winning team fights it out.
- Each squad/island gets their own strengths and weaknesses or their own items to purchase,
Meh not really in for these, let's just aim for the main thing first.
Big fat +1
Pretty good suggestion so @Camezonda you might want to take a look at this. Thanks in advance."
@jollow250 :
"this would be a very interesting version of eggwars"
@TheBoom989 :
"This idea seems great. Having to destroy multiple teams eggs to eliminate the alliance seems good, however it would also be nice when you are at mid you can stop at ally island to gear up. This would really add a new twist to the tactical strategy of EggWars.
@warriors1976 :
"Nice suggestion. Like the idea of 3 teams combining together in maps like teaparty. +1 support/yes"
@MimicPanda :
"Yes, this is a good suggestion. As of now Eggwars is getting boring, the content team does not want to try something new for the game. This mode could be fun to play, plus Eggwars is in dire need of new play styles."
@iLoveYouu :
"Certainly an interesting idea, I personally think it would be neat if the maps were decently big with quite a few smaller teams. Then when you're in-game it'd select an ally and every few minutes your ally changes to another team, until you finally come up against the other last team standing and you guys have to fight it out. Of course everyone would get teleported back to their island to give both last teams a decent shot at winning."
@Frez :
"I totally agree with this, I think that eggwars is getting a bit boring."
@MimicPanda :
"Anything to spice Eggwars up would be good, Eggwars is one of those games that is very customizable and if we don’t try anything new we will lose players."
@AFreakingCookie (Hank) :
"I agree with every post on EggWars. I am not finding eggwars boring, but it is starting to get stale. It should get updated soon. New voting option? New abilities? Kits? Maps?
There are a lot of things to make eggwars more fun/revive it, but most of the posts are just getting locked or they aren't getting implemented.
I think we should (at the same time) back off from asking to update it, because if we ask to update it, I don't want to be rude but there is a possibility that the developers do it completely different from what players wanted/make a version that has nothing to do with player suggestions. There have been many updates, but like 3 players said yes to it, so why do they add this stuff when not many players agree with it? I don't know. So I would like eggwars to be updated, but just keep in mind that it may be altered in was that we were not asking for. No offense to the developers.
@TheBoom989 :
"This is the problem. You get so many great posts like these, and so many, to an extent that shows how much the community wants them and that these posts are impossible to be ignored, but the staff still doesn't do anything about it. It's like they're hardly listening to feedback at all.
We can make these threads and get tons, even hundreds of 'yes' votes, but does it even matter if no one on the staff is listening? When was the last time when a great suggestion like this got added?
@RemiO05 :
"I agree with you! We just need a new EggWars update! Amazing suggestion! (I voted yes BTW :p)"
@TqqMqnyQs_ :
"I really like the idea but 1 problem some people may have, if you want to record people and ban them for crossteaming how is the staff member going to know if it isn't on crossteaming mode? Solution: put something in the scoreboard or repeating in chat that clearly says that you are in what mode. Sorry if this is a bit silly but maybe you can add it to the tread?"
@DankeyDeeds :
"Hell yes"
And quite a few more positive responses that unforunately all got lost due to thread removal at the 'Eggwars' section...
Luckily still managed to write down the poll votes of that thread when it was still fresh in my memory after it got deleted.