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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2014
somewhere over the Hellbow
Hello staff and everyone yet again,

Today i would love to talk about the amazing idea for adding a server called "Super Prison". This is the same as normal prison, but with different ranks (not a-z) these are the following ranks i came up with:

Rank: Runnerup- Price, 1,000 money.
Rank: Cadet- Price, 10,000 money.
Rank: Cubette- Price, 15,000 money.
Rank: Juvenile- Price, 20,000 money.
Rank: Inmate- Price, 30,000 money.
Rank: Survivalist- Price 50,000 money.
Rank: Fallen- Price 70,000 money.
Rank: Elistist- Price 100,000 money.
Rank: Terminator- Price 150,000 money.
Rank: Pro- Price 200,000 money.
Rank: Superior- Price 250,000 money.
Rank: Megacrafter- Price 310,000 money.
Rank: Omega- Price 350,000 money.
Rank: Beta- Price 500,000 money.
Rank: Alpha- Price 800,000 money.
Rank: Bedrock- Price 1,000,000 money.
Rank: Void- Price 2,000,000 money.
Rank: Nether- Price 3,000,000 money.
Rank: Civilized- Price 4,000,000 money.
Rank: Free Price 5,000,000 money.

Those are my following and chosen ranks for this. Also just a reminder for 3 things:

1) when players join the prison for the first time they will start out with 1,000 in prison money (not points)
2) once ranked up with the 1,000 money to "Runnerup", there will be wood mines right next to spawn (used to make tools, weapons, etc.)
3) The more mines the players unlock, the more ores are added to each mine + the sell signs for each mine increase when unlocking more and more mines!

Plots will probably be a later thing since this is a mouthfull :P

Thank you guys so much for all your support over my last few forums! :D
Keep up the great work on the server, Staff! You guys are amazing at what you do!
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Forum Professional
Jan 13, 2014
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
Can we change the name to Superjail?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2014
Would you have these ranks aswell as donator ranks? And would you keep this ranks across the server or just in the prisons server?

These ranks would be as well as the donator ranks (::Runnerup::::Emerald::allstarninja, or something similar) The ranks would also only be on the prison server.

I don't know if these were @M4Dn3sS_m4N_01's actual plans but these are what I think would be the best.


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2014
A Deep Derp Cave
do donor jails like
iron:iron blocks and iron ore
lapis:lapis blocks and lapis ore
gold:gold blocks and gold ore
e.c.t but for obsidian u have quartz and obsidian blocks

also u could have kits like /iron /lapiz /gold e.c.t

hope u like my ideas :P


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2014
do donor jails like
iron:iron blocks and iron ore
lapis:lapis blocks and lapis ore
gold:gold blocks and gold ore
e.c.t but for obsidian u have quartz and obsidian blocks

also u could have kits like /iron /lapiz /gold e.c.t

hope u like my ideas :p

1. Kits aren't allowed for donators (Violates the EULA..)
2. I disagree I honestly think that the Prison ranks should only be in the Prison server. But again only my opinion.
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