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Would You like to see 5v5 back

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Jun 11, 2022
Idk, I am a Hacker from afar
On the unfortunate day of 17th January 2024 a
Shocking news was brought in front of thousands of CubeCraft players... The Announcement of BlockWars 10v10.
A poll was put in front of everyone having a :agree:,
A :disagree: and a :unsure: sign on. When I first saw it I was bewildered by this sudden news and I for a fact know that I wasn't alone...

Chapter 1:
The Coming of a Unwelcomed Crisis

When this was announced a limited time channel was opened for the players to express their feelings towards this update.
From a few sources I got to know that CubeCraft knew that this update would be extremely controversial, and it was. The chat was full of 5v5 players showing their resilience and resentment towards this update which included YouTubers like Privqted talking about the effect of this update on The BlockWars scrims and Sweats. The chat talked about how they hated this and said the update was a disaster, then someone posted the #BringBack5v5s and then almost the whole chat started spamming it. The situation got so bad that the staff had to mute the spammers and threatened to ban them. There were Admins and other staffs like QA and Developers in the chat as well.

Chapter 2:
The :disagree: to :agree: ratio:

It was around 157-15 respectively and with a few unsures. It sat around this for a long time until CC staff started voting towards agree but even after that the disagrees were prominent by a large margin around 168-50. But for some reason they thought that 50 agrees were more than the 168 disagrees and a whole chat full of hundreds of people saying No to the update.

Chapter 3:
The Update had no valid reason for the change.

When the update was announced the CC stated a few reasons which held absolutely no base to them. The first reason was to improve Gameplay Variations "We want each game to feel fun and unique. Each experience is a new one"
How would it feel fun and unique if the people who would play don't like the change.

Increase Player Creativity: "Keep crafting and player creativity at the heart of the game(Yes, talking about the base defenders and the players who created a house at the corner. We appreciate you all)."
All it did was increase the amount of Campers in the flag box and scoring pit. It severely decreased the creativity and skill required to win a game. Players started to brute force their way to victory with the sheer amount of players in a team.

Altering the map: "The Ability to alter the map. Players can create secret tunnels or mine their defences"
How's this even a valid reason? No one does it as much. It's rare to see people do this strategy anyways.

"We aim to provide to most enjoyable expirence there is to offer and feel 10v10 will help to achieve this"
How would it be enjoyable if players don't want it? Also this is a clear grammatical mistake, It should have been "We aim to provide the most enjoyable experience there is to offer..."

"Maintaining two versions of game is time-consuming. Condensing the game allows us to focus on new features and additions! As a side effect less bugs should appear"
If Maintaining two versions of game is difficult you should focus on keeping the one which players would want more and most of the bugs are still not fixed and some even return after a update.

"We wish to keep a high player count per game portal as much as possible to allow our match-making system to perform optimally"
The match-making system is still full of bugs like match-making not working sometimes. Plus it still takes the same time if not longer for a game to start.

These reasons have easy fixes to them, easy does not necessarily mean quick but are more straightforward. So instead of releasing a whole new game with a huge controversy they should have improved on what they have...

Chapter 4:

CubeCraft should have asked the players what they wanted before starting to work on it, instead of announcing it 1 week before release just to see the players reaction. They chose to be immature and work on it without having a hint if the players would like it or not and then when they saw the hate they chose to be ignorant but still not answering to their players calls. The entire BlockWars channel on their Discord got full of people talking about the ignorance of CC and how 5v5 was better and spamming #BringBack5v5s.
I am one of those who still protest in the BW channel.
I write whole essays dedicated to it, I was asked by someone to post them on CubeCraft forums instead since the staff doesn't even bother to check on Discord. Now I don't trust CubeCraft anymore, but they said that Camzodia one of the Managers of CubeCraft might listen on The Forums that's why I wrote this one here. If you are reading this Cam, I would want you to check the BW channel on Discord and ask the players.
Now, that's all for me and I would like to hear your opinions on it. I don't know if Cam would read it or not.

Thank You for reading this far...

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Novice Member
Jan 1, 2023
100% agree with this post it's not better match making, it's just as buggy and more laggy (obviously not for everyone)
I used to 6-7 points per game now 3-4 players come and attack me when trying to get a point, i just want OG BW back!


Dedicated Member
Feb 9, 2021
Yeah the 10v10 update was the 2nd worst update in Cubecraft Bedrock history! The only worse update they ever made was removing Magic and Mayhem. The community was clearly against the update, but sadly we were ignored. I do hope that 10v10 is removed and replaced with 5v5, but it probably won't happen and 5v5s are most likely dead forever.
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