Currently, cubecraft doesn't have big staff team and the staff team isnt that good. 1 way what the staff team could do better is implementing more suggestions. well you might say that some of the suggestions aren't that good (you may be right), alot of them are actually pretty good. an example of a good but not implemented suggestion can be found at I'm also aware it has been suggested MANY times but still not implemented. The second way staff could be better is just being more active. Ik they may have other things to do but still be at least a little bit more active. I see staff afk in lobbies alot and if they weren't afk as much they could punish rule breakers much quicker and help out more players. cubecraft would be a better server if staff were a bit more active
It's definitely not up to the moderation team to deal with suggestions. They can only escalate them to higher forces (aka management) and they are responsible for these. The suggestion you linked as an example is perfect: you can see Quetzi has gone in to detail as to why this won't be added any time soon. Not because they don't want it but because they simply can't.
Staff members are just like you and me, they have lives, friends, school, work, parents, sleep, food. This is something people don't really think about
Quite a handful of staff members are actively dealing with reports, both online as in-game, and telling them to do more so is simply disrespectful. It's like people would tell you what you worked so hard on isn't good enough. Not nice heh?
I have a ton of things to say about the anticheat. The anticheat is garbage. Why? First, sentinel has no killaura or velocity checks, and you may say "The anticheat is being improved" actually 1.9 sentinel is BROKEN af and believe it or not, it has been getting worse.
also, 1.8 sentinel isn't as bad as 1.9 sentinel but its still garbage, LoonyRules said that there is an Autoblock check. That's true, but it has been already bypassed several months ago
Also staff ban people in the name of sentinel to make themselves feel good and to make it seem that sentinel is a good anticheat
And if you still think that the anticheat isn't bad, then you don't know what your talking about
Sentinel, just like every other anti-cheat is not perfect and will never be perfect. I know this makes it seem like I'm some sort of wannabe just using the same argument as every staff member would do, but it's true. There have been numerous cases where I was up against a hacker and Sentinel helped me out. Personally, I think that Sentinel should only check on players who have been /report-ed just to reduce the number of unfair bans. It's definitely not banning all hackers, but you should be glad it exists in the first place
There have been thousands (if not more) alternate accounts joining the server with hacks, mostly from network-banned players. It wouldn't surprise me if 'lytecho0' is just another alt and was cursing towards Camezonda (because they got network-banned) and got hacks a few seconds later. Nothing suspicious here.
The discord is soooooo bad, because if you need help with something and if you know the staff is wrong and try to correct them, they will either start lying or make excuses and if you "argue" with them, they might ban you!
If a staff member is helping someone then they surely do know what they're talking about. If sometimes, they choose not to help someone out, then it's likely because they don't know it themselves and they just ask another moderator, this is something I've seen happening quite a lot. Again, staff members are just like you and me, hence they can't know everything. The reason as to why they don't want you to 'correct' them (which you'll rarely have to do anyway) is because the staff-help channel is only required for people in need of assistance; not for know-it-alls.
The reporting is very slow and ineffective, but /report is decent because it takes a few seconds to report and the hacker will usually get banned in a few hours at most but it costs money to use /report! Im aware that people could abuse it, but they could just limit it for stone rankers to prevent that. Now the reporting site is horrible because it can take an hour to make an report because you have to record them, upload it to YouTube, and fill out the info and even then there was most likely other reports made and even if your report gets accepted, it takes days to weeks just to look at your report! Reporting hackers is useless anyways because most hackers have alts, so I don't even bother reporting hackers
The report-site may be slow at times, but it's far from ineffective. If anything, it's the most effective report-system I've ever seen on any Minecraft server so far. You just report a player with your evidence and staff get to it within a day or two. Slow but effective.
I do agree that it's tedious to record a video, upload it, then get the link, etc. but that's why I simply don't do it and choose to /report instead. Shouldn't take an hour like you said though. Reporting hackers is indeed quite pointless but that's not on CubeCraft, that's on those idiots that have nothing better to do than buying thousands of alts for a couple of box and go wild with their hacks
Lets say that you decide to break a rule, and that you got punished accordingly. However, if you are a well known user or even a plus ranker, then there's a very high chance that the staff are biased with you and proof for staff being biased with well known players and even plus rankers can be found at ik this is over a year old but this is still proof
Like mentioned above, the thread you used as 'evidence' is a complete contradiction considering a handful of well-known users which all had a rank got banned - at least I think all, but definitely majority had a rank. Staff members are not biased when it comes to punishing, if that were the case don't you think people like LaidToFall, Juskebat, CrabADerp, Gaaabb and many others wouldn't be banned? They were all incredibly famous on the network and some provided CubeCraft with a dozen active players. What you said is just a ridiculous assumption
Now I might've been wrong on some of my points and if I was wrong, then prove it. Also thx for reading my rant and I hope you guys liked it
Some points you say? Hmh? Yeah, thanks for writing this 'rant', I enjoyed every second of it! r/woosh