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The CubeCraft Times

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2020

The CubeMas Times | Edition #11


🎆 Happy Holidays

We have arrived in the final week of December. Christmas is over, new year to come! We hope you all experienced a great Christmas and got lots of presents. For now, another present: The CubeMas Times Edition 11!

🌏 Translations

The CubeCraft Times has hired translators. Translators will translate every single article in the newspaper. The translated newspapers can be found in spoilers at the end of each newspaper. TCCT continues to be: a newspaper for everyone!

Article by: @Shotgun

📖 Writing Competition

As you may know we have hosted a writing competition. We let the community vote and decide which of the submissions is the best. They have decided, and this story written by @Lyri has won. Have fun reading it, I'm sure you'll like it!

CubeCraft Winter SkyWars Tournament​

I thrust my iron sword deep into his chest, watching as his smug smile dissolved into an expression of horror. I didn't waste any time, not even turning back to watch as his lifeless body plummeted into the freezing void. My face flushed as the wind's icy fingers clawed at my skin. But I continued moving forward, because I didn't have time to worry about the cold. I had a game to win.

Three days earlier…

It was the first of December in CubeCraft. Holiday cheer seemed to float through the city, which was no surprise, as the design team had gone all out with the decorations this year. Glowing lights were strung elegantly between snow-topped buildings. There were piles of presents in vivid colours, and giant candy canes propped up in heaps of glittering snow. Everywhere I looked, people were smiling and laughing, eating candy and sharing presents…

I leaned back against the city's grand fountain, casually scrolling through the messages on my phone. At first it was just the usual: "Hey, how are you?" or, "Fancy playing a game of Minerware?" There were even a few friends wishing me a merry Christmas twenty-four days too early. I smiled to myself and was about to reply, but then my eyes landed on something a little different:
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Being a naturally shy person, this was not something that would usually have interested me. I would have preferred to celebrate the season within my small group of close friends. I went to close the message, but then I hesitated. The longer I considered it, the more I realised that maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to try something new. I didn't expect to win, but as long as I didn't place last, it would definitely be worth it.

I spun around, throwing myself to the ground just in time. The arrow slammed into the wall just above me with a sharp twang. My heart hammered inside my chest as I scrambled to my feet, reaching for the arrow to pluck it from the wall. Before I had time to grab it, another sliced through the air, missing me by centimetres. The girl didn't even seem bothered that she had missed twice; she just calmly notched another arrow and took aim. This time I brought up my shield, hearing the clunk as it embedded itself into the thick wood. When no more shots followed, I peered hesitantly over the top. The girl was fumbling with her bow, clearly frustrated and muttering under her breath. She was out of arrows.

As she searched the chests surrounding her, I used it to my advantage and sprinted away, seeking shelter in a nearby abandoned building. My footsteps echoed ominously through the silent halls as I climbed to the top floor. I was severely weakened by this point in the tournament, collapsing heavily in the corner, gasping for breath. The soles of my feet were burning. Bringing a hand up to my face, I touched the fresh bruises there and winced in pain. I momentarily closed my eyes to the world that was spinning around me. I was so exhausted that I failed to hear it above the buzz of static in my ears. He shoved me to the ground, and pain exploded in my skull and down my back as I hit hard concrete. My sword dropped from my hands and clattered to the floor. I weakly turned my head to look at him as he, with a sadistic smile, raised the tip of his blade to my fragile heart.

But the pain never came. I opened my eyes again, confused, my mind filling with sudden dread. A crushing weight collapsed onto me, and panic surged through me as I forced myself out from under his body and struggled to stand. My eyes fell on the arrow that had pierced through his back, then to the silhouette of the girl who stood in the doorway, as she slung her bow over her shoulder. I acted quickly, knowing I only had a few seconds to get out before I became her next victim. I dashed over to the building's only window, ignoring the broken shards of glass that cut into my aching hands as I swung myself over the ledge, descending straight into the darkness with no hesitation.

I felt her murderous glare from above, following me as I guided myself carefully but swiftly across the vines like a gymnast, and dropped onto solid ground. I didn't feel an ounce of relief, because the girl was climbing down after me just as quickly. I couldn't keep running forever, but my plan was to find somewhere I could use the terrain to my advantage. I started moving towards the centre of the map, but I was so focused on it that I almost missed the gaping hole in the ground. My eyes widened in terror as I stared down at the vast expanse of bottomless black ocean below me. I turned around to look for another way, but my predator was closing in on me. My only choice now was to fight her, but in the rush to escape, I hadn't remembered to retrieve my sword.

The girl charged at me with her axe, trying to end it with one sickening blow. It crashed right through my battered shield, sending splinters of wood flying in all directions. She prepared for another swing, grinning as I helplessly backed closer and closer to the edge. I had nothing left to defend myself with now. The axe came hurtling towards me. Thinking fast, I dodged the attack and grabbed the handle of the axe, trying to pull it away from her. She hadn't been expecting this, and fought hard to keep her grip on it, but she was much stronger than me, and the force of it knocked me to the ground. As she raised the axe for the third time, I noticed the beads of sweat clinging to her forehead. She was exhausted.

I tried to avoid the axe again, but this time it made contact, slicing into my left leg. I screamed out as pain shot through my body, but I had to keep going. She was relentless, bringing the axe down again, but at the last second, I pulled myself away from it. She was panting heavily with the energy it took to wield the axe, and I used the opportunity to get back on my feet. I grimaced from the pain, darkness clouding the edges of my vision. I dodged her weapon again and again, but even with my best efforts, it was missing me by mere centimetres. I couldn't keep this up.

The next time she lifted the axe, I knew it would be the last. She and I were both almost out of energy. I had to end this now. Suddenly filled with determination, I grabbed one of her arms and twisted it behind her back until she shrieked in pain, causing her to drop the axe. She lunged for it, but I punched her in the face, sending her stumbling backwards. I took the deadly weapon in my hands, staring at its blade, which was covered in my own blood. I looked at her, lying helpless on the ground, vulnerable and sobbing. Then, in one swift movement, I beheaded her with her own axe.

Written by Lyriie

Article by: @xHappyMood

💻 Christmas Activities

Ah Christmas, some would say it's the most wonderful time of the year, a time to spend time with family, enjoy presents and... destroying people on CubeCraft with Christmas items. This is according to Tenisty who recently uploaded a video titled "Minecraft but I cyberbully children with the power of Christmas..."

The video is supported by the age-old classical song "feliz navidad", so you can enjoy watching them knock people in the void with some classical Christmas music in the background. To be honest, their skill is pretty impressive, as they even knock someone with full diamond into the void, using a bow to punch them. The editing is kept to a minimal but sometimes this is better as we can just enjoy watching them knock people off without too much distractions.

A short but entertaining video, we would definitely say it is worth the watch!

Article by: @GladiusYugen

🌟 Top 3 Threads

A new concept is being introduced to The CubeCraft Times: Top 3 threads. This returning article will feature the top 3 threads on the forums from that week. Are you afraid to have missed an interesting thread? Check this article!

🥇Transparency and Clarity in CubeCraft - by @xHappyMood

This thread is about the transparency and clarity of CubeCraft. Is CubeCraft too secretive? Are they listening to the community? What does the community think about it? Read it all!

🥈BlockWars Bridges: Does it really deserve to be a permanent game? - by @CBBR

A thread designated to BlockWars. The playerbase doesn't seem to be the biggest, it's not the most popular game. But to remove it isn't the solution, or is it? Find it out by reading the thread.

🥉Loot Menu Suggestions - by @Sergiio12

The Loot Menu needs to be improved! At least, that's what Sergiio thinks. Interested? Read all about it in this thread.

Article by: @Shotgun

❄️ 4 Weeks of Winter - Part 3

It was the third release of maps within the 4 Weeks of Winter on Wednesday, that included some outstanding creations.
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Bedrock and Java received such a magical EggWars Teams of 2 map, your skills will become a fantasy while playing! This map is called Fairytale.

Both platforms claimed an adventure as a map called Temple settled in BlockWars Bridges.
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Java is very fortunate to receive such a beautiful Team Lucky Islands map. Have some faith and test your strategies on this creation called Mystical.
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Article by: @Gemmmmie

🎁 Giveaways

There have been 2 giveaways this week. CubeCraft seems to like this time of the year!

🎉 CubeCraft's Birthday

It’s CubeCraft’s 8th birthday and how does one celebrate their own date of birth? By giving 8 other people stuff.

In the announcements channel CubeCraftGiveaways said:

"It's our birthday! Can you believe it's been 8 years since we started? And what better way than to celebrate with 8 ranks / rank upgrades! 8 winners to be picked. Anyone can enter, it will end on the date: 22/12/2020"

Within exactly 10 minuets of it being announced there were already 169 reactions! Within 20 minutes 269 reactions, after 30 there were 369 reactions. At 40 minutes 469 reactions and in 50 minutes 548 reactions, I suppose the staff team ran out of alternative accounts… After 24 hours there were 2961 reactions.

Anyway, now for the real subject, who are the winners? Well you'll find out in this interview now!

What was your reaction when you first noticed you won?
Monkey: I was really hyped, I won a big giveaway for the first time Jan) Shocked at first, because it’s the first time I had ever won something from a giveaway. Then I was happy and excited.
Nayeli: Kind of surprised I won out of all those people who participated; I usually never win these things but I entered just in case you know
Obama cube: Nothing special, just happy, because I was watching a movie and I checked my phone, and I won.
DR beef: I just noticed it, I spoke out loud, and began shaking.

What rank/bundle did you select/get?
Monkey: I have gold now so a rank upgrade (to diamond).
Jan: I am planning on getting an EggWars rank because it was the first game that I played when I joined CubeCraft and it is the favourite game mode of my friends, so we constantly play it when we get the chance.
Nayeli: Well I’m an emerald rank on cube so the only one left is obsidian
Obama cube: From diamond to emerald
DR beef: Gold :D

As you can tell 3 people didn’t want to be interviewed but I’d say 5/8 is pretty good. And right after I finished writing this: announcement from CubeCraft: Giveaway again!

🎅 Christmas Giveaway

'It’s Christmas time, so what better way to celebrate than with a Discord giveaway?'

CubeCraftGiveaways Bot:

'10 winners to be picked ending at: 26/12/2020 19:04 UTC'


"Hey guys, Merry Christmas from everyone here at CubeCraft! We hope your day has been going well so far! Today we’ve got another giveaway in which we’re giving 10 Discord Classics for a month! (Thanks, Hazard, for this<3) Be sure to keep an eye out in this channel (announcements) for more giveaways in the future, especially leading up to the New Year!"

So, if you win, thank Hazard. That’s the most important to remember.

What is your favourite Discord emoji?

Yeaalright: Oh, I don't have a favourite emoji
TeamTMS: Crabrave probably that one because I like crab rave lol
XAD: Someone patting a fish.
Messimuss: I only really like one which is blobnomcookie.
Rodeappel: salt shake
Mini bomba: I lately use a lot of kekw, and its modified versions (kekw hyper, kekwUL, TRAKEKW, Shiance and eyes Kitty Slayer).

What was your initial reaction when you saw you won?

Yeaalright: I was so happy; I think the chance was zero but...
TeamTMS: Shocked.
XAD: UHM I was really surprised because I had just joined the server like 5 days prior and I never win giveaways so that was fun
Messimus: Really happy, it was the first time I ever won a giveaway so I was really happy about it
Rodeappel: I did not think I would have ever won, as the chances seem like 1% or less, but I sure was very surprised and excited about getting Discord Nitro for Christmas.
Mini Bomba: First thing I did was just start using some emojis on my server that were from other servers.
Shiance: Surprised
Kitty Slayer: Quite surprised. I've entered a lot of giveaways before but never won, so this was unique.

Article by: @Conea64

:egg: Mega EggWars

Recently, CubeCraft released another bedrock exclusive, Mega Eggwars. In Discord, the announcement was made by Palombo as summarised below:

"Introducing MEGA EGGWARS to Bedrock! - Fight your opponents in a 10v10v10v10 battle! - 3 new maps to fight in! - A new feel for our iconic EggWars game! We've also released a chunk loading optimisation, so you load into our games faster! Read more about this awesome update here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/272995/"

Of course the EggWars players had strong opinions about this and tend to dislike when their game gets changed. InsaneOrbitzz, the biggest Bedrock Youtuber, said:

"The new game Mega EggWars is a pretty cool concept and I can see why some people may enjoy it and why it was implemented but I'm not a massive fan of it. I'm not criticising it as such, but even though it may not have been rushed. It feels like it wasn't really thought through."
Source: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/my-view-on-mega-eggwars.273032/#post-1277706

Along with this Mitgobla posted this:
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Which may be a new egg they are working on? But hey, that’s just a theory, a game theory, thanks for reading.

Article by: @Conea64

🎆 Happy Holidays

We zijn aangekomen in de laatste week van december. Kerst is voorbij, nieuwjaar komt eraan! Hopelijk hebben jullie allemaal een fijne kerst gehad met cadeautjes. Hier is nog een cadeautje: The CubeMas Times Edition 11!

🌏 Translations

The CubeCraft Times heeft vertalers aangenomen. Vertalers zullen alle artikels in de krant vertalen. De vertalingen kan je vinden in spoilers aan het einde van elke editie. TCCT blijft: een krant voor iedereen!

Article by: @Shotgun
Translation by: @Dreamer

📖 Writing Competition

Zoals je misschien al weet hadden wij een schrijfwedstrijd georganiseerd. We hebben de community laten stemmen en beslissen welke inzending het beste was. Ze hebben beslist, en het verhaal geschreven door @Lyri heeft gewonnen. Veel succes met lezen, ik weet zeker dat je het leuk gaat vinden!

CubeCraft Winter SkyWars Tournament​

I thrust my iron sword deep into his chest, watching as his smug smile dissolved into an expression of horror. I didn't waste any time, not even turning back to watch as his lifeless body plummeted into the freezing void. My face flushed as the wind's icy fingers clawed at my skin. But I continued moving forward, because I didn't have time to worry about the cold. I had a game to win.

Three days earlier…

It was the first of December in CubeCraft. Holiday cheer seemed to float through the city, which was no surprise, as the design team had gone all out with the decorations this year. Glowing lights were strung elegantly between snow-topped buildings. There were piles of presents in vivid colours, and giant candy canes propped up in heaps of glittering snow. Everywhere I looked, people were smiling and laughing, eating candy and sharing presents…

I leaned back against the city's grand fountain, casually scrolling through the messages on my phone. At first it was just the usual: "Hey, how are you?" or, "Fancy playing a game of Minerware?" There were even a few friends wishing me a merry Christmas twenty-four days too early. I smiled to myself and was about to reply, but then my eyes landed on something a little different:
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Being a naturally shy person, this was not something that would usually have interested me. I would have preferred to celebrate the season within my small group of close friends. I went to close the message, but then I hesitated. The longer I considered it, the more I realised that maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to try something new. I didn't expect to win, but as long as I didn't place last, it would definitely be worth it.

I spun around, throwing myself to the ground just in time. The arrow slammed into the wall just above me with a sharp twang. My heart hammered inside my chest as I scrambled to my feet, reaching for the arrow to pluck it from the wall. Before I had time to grab it, another sliced through the air, missing me by centimetres. The girl didn't even seem bothered that she had missed twice; she just calmly notched another arrow and took aim. This time I brought up my shield, hearing the clunk as it embedded itself into the thick wood. When no more shots followed, I peered hesitantly over the top. The girl was fumbling with her bow, clearly frustrated and muttering under her breath. She was out of arrows.

As she searched the chests surrounding her, I used it to my advantage and sprinted away, seeking shelter in a nearby abandoned building. My footsteps echoed ominously through the silent halls as I climbed to the top floor. I was severely weakened by this point in the tournament, collapsing heavily in the corner, gasping for breath. The soles of my feet were burning. Bringing a hand up to my face, I touched the fresh bruises there and winced in pain. I momentarily closed my eyes to the world that was spinning around me. I was so exhausted that I failed to hear it above the buzz of static in my ears. He shoved me to the ground, and pain exploded in my skull and down my back as I hit hard concrete. My sword dropped from my hands and clattered to the floor. I weakly turned my head to look at him as he, with a sadistic smile, raised the tip of his blade to my fragile heart.

But the pain never came. I opened my eyes again, confused, my mind filling with sudden dread. A crushing weight collapsed onto me, and panic surged through me as I forced myself out from under his body and struggled to stand. My eyes fell on the arrow that had pierced through his back, then to the silhouette of the girl who stood in the doorway, as she slung her bow over her shoulder. I acted quickly, knowing I only had a few seconds to get out before I became her next victim. I dashed over to the building's only window, ignoring the broken shards of glass that cut into my aching hands as I swung myself over the ledge, descending straight into the darkness with no hesitation.

I felt her murderous glare from above, following me as I guided myself carefully but swiftly across the vines like a gymnast, and dropped onto solid ground. I didn't feel an ounce of relief, because the girl was climbing down after me just as quickly. I couldn't keep running forever, but my plan was to find somewhere I could use the terrain to my advantage. I started moving towards the centre of the map, but I was so focused on it that I almost missed the gaping hole in the ground. My eyes widened in terror as I stared down at the vast expanse of bottomless black ocean below me. I turned around to look for another way, but my predator was closing in on me. My only choice now was to fight her, but in the rush to escape, I hadn't remembered to retrieve my sword.

The girl charged at me with her axe, trying to end it with one sickening blow. It crashed right through my battered shield, sending splinters of wood flying in all directions. She prepared for another swing, grinning as I helplessly backed closer and closer to the edge. I had nothing left to defend myself with now. The axe came hurtling towards me. Thinking fast, I dodged the attack and grabbed the handle of the axe, trying to pull it away from her. She hadn't been expecting this, and fought hard to keep her grip on it, but she was much stronger than me, and the force of it knocked me to the ground. As she raised the axe for the third time, I noticed the beads of sweat clinging to her forehead. She was exhausted.

I tried to avoid the axe again, but this time it made contact, slicing into my left leg. I screamed out as pain shot through my body, but I had to keep going. She was relentless, bringing the axe down again, but at the last second, I pulled myself away from it. She was panting heavily with the energy it took to wield the axe, and I used the opportunity to get back on my feet. I grimaced from the pain, darkness clouding the edges of my vision. I dodged her weapon again and again, but even with my best efforts, it was missing me by mere centimetres. I couldn't keep this up.

The next time she lifted the axe, I knew it would be the last. She and I were both almost out of energy. I had to end this now. Suddenly filled with determination, I grabbed one of her arms and twisted it behind her back until she shrieked in pain, causing her to drop the axe. She lunged for it, but I punched her in the face, sending her stumbling backwards. I took the deadly weapon in my hands, staring at its blade, which was covered in my own blood. I looked at her, lying helpless on the ground, vulnerable and sobbing. Then, in one swift movement, I beheaded her with her own axe.

Written by Lyriie

Article by: @xHappyMood
Translation by: @Shotgun

💻 Christmas Activities

Ah kerstmis, sommige zouden zeggen dat het de prachtigste tijd van het jaar is, een tijd om met familie door te brengen, te genieten van cadeautjes en... het uitroeien van mensen op CubeCraft met kerstmis items. Dit volgens Tenisty die recent een video heeft geupload met de naam "Minecraft but I cyberbully children with the power of Christmas..."

De video word ondersteunt door de jaren oude klassiek nummer "feliz navidad", je kan dus ervan genieten om hun mensen in de void te zien slaan met wat klassieke kerstmis muziek op de achtergrond. Om eerlijk te zijn, hun vaardigheden zijn best indrukwekkend, zoals ze iemand met full diamond in de void slaan met behulp van een boog. Het editen is tot een minimum beperkt maar soms is het beter als je gewoon kan genieten van het eraf slaan van mensen zonder al te veel afleiding.

Een kort maar vermakelijke video, ik zou sowieso zeggen dat dit het waard is om te kijken. Tot het volgende artikel!

Article by: @GladiusYugen
Translation by: @Shotgun

🌟 Top 3 threads

We introduceren een nieuw begrip bij The CubeCraft Times: Top 3 threads. Dit terugkomende artikel zal de top 3 threads van die week bevatten. Bang dat je een interessante thread hebt gemist? Lees dan zeker dat artikel!

🥇Transparency and Clarity in CubeCraft - by @xHappyMood

Deze thread gaat over de transparantie en helderheid van CubeCraft. Vertelt CubeCraft ons te weinig? Luisteren ze naar de community? Wat denkt de community hierover? Lees het allemaal!

🥈BlockWars Bridges: Does it really deserve to be a permanent game? - by @CBBR

Een thread over BlockWars. De spelerbasis is niet al te groot en het is ook niet de populairste game. Volledig verwijderen is ook geen oplossing... toch? Alle antwoorden in deze thread!

🥉Loot Menu Suggestions - by @Sergiio12

Het Loot-Menu moet verbeterd worden vind Sergiio. Benieuwd? Lees alles erover in deze thread.

Article by: @Shotgun
Translation by: @Dreamer

❄️ 4 Weeks of Winter - Part 3

Woensdag kwamen voor de derde keer maps voor 4 Weeks of Winter, waaronder een paar heel mooie creaties.
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Bedrock en Java kregen een magische EggWars Teams van 2 map, je skills worden fantasie terwijl je er op speelt! Deze map heet Fairytale.

Allebei de versies hadden een avontuur toen een map genaamd Temple in Blockwars Bridges kwam.
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Java heeft heel veel geluk dat ze zo'n mooie Team Lucky Islands map krijgen. Wees een beetje dapper en test je strategieën in deze creatie genaamd Mystical.
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Article by: @Gemmmmie
Translation by: @xHappyMood

🎁 Giveaways

Er waren 2 giveaways deze week. CubeCraft vindt dit blijkbaar echt een leuke tijd!

🎉 CubeCraft's Birthday

Het is de 8ste verjaardag van CubeCraft en hoe vier je dat? Door 8 mensen leuke dingen te geven.

In het aankondigingskanaal CubeCraftGiveaways zei:

"Het is onze verjaardag! Kun jij het ook niet geloven dat het 8 jaar is geweest sinds we gestart zijn? En wat is een betere manier dan dit te vieren met 8 ranks / rank upgrades! 8 winnaars worden uitgekozen. Iedereen kan meedoen, de deadline is 22/12/2020."

In precies 10 minuten vanaf aankondiging waren er al 169 reacties! Na 20 minuten 269 reacties, na 30 minuten 369 en na 40 minuten 469. In 50 minuten haalde ze de 548 reacties, ik geloof dat de alt accounts van het staff team toen op waren....
Na 24 uur waren er 2961 reacties. Hoe dan ook, nu het echte onderwerp, wie zijn de winnaars? Je zult het lezen in de interviews hieronder!

Wat was je reactie toen je er voor het eerst achterkwam dat je won?

Monkey: Ik ging door het dak, het was de eerste keer dat ik een giveaway won.
Jan: Geschokt eerst, want het is de eerste keer dat ik ooit wat gewonnen had van een giveaway. Maar daarna was ik blij en opgewonden.
Nayeli: Een beetje verrast dat ik had gewonnen met alle mensen die mee deden; ik win normaal nooit maar ik doe altijd mee want je weet maar nooit.
Obama cube: Niks speciaal, gewoon blij, ik was een film aan het kijken en keek even op m'n telefoon, toen zag ik dat ik gewonnen had.
DR beef: Ik zag het, zei het hardop, en begon te trillen.

What rank/bundle did you select/get?

Monkey: Ik heb nu een gold rank, dus ik ga omhoog naar diamond.
Jan: Ik ga een EggWars rank kiezen want dat was de eerste game die ik op CubeCraft speelde and het is de favoriete game van mij en m'n vrienden, we spelen het altijd als we kunnen. Nayely: Ik ben al Emerald rank op CubeCraft dus ik kan alleen maar naar Obisidan.
Obama cube: Van diamond rank naar emerald.
DR beef: Gold :D

Zoals je kunt zien wilden 3 mensen niet geinterviewd worden maar ik zou zeggen dat 5/8 best goed is. And net nadat ik dit schreef werd er weer een giveaway aangekondigd!

🎅 Christmas Giveaway

'It’s Christmas time, so what better way to celebrate than with a Discord giveaway?'

CubeCraftGiveaways Bot:

'10 winners to be picked ending at: 26/12/2020 19:04 UTC'


"Hey guys, Merry Christmas from everyone here at CubeCraft! We hope your day has been going well so far! Today we’ve got another giveaway in which we’re giving 10 Discord Classics for a month! (Thanks, Hazard, for this<3) Be sure to keep an eye out in this channel (announcements) for more giveaways in the future, especially leading up to the New Year!"

Dus, als je wint, bedank Hazard. Dat is het belangrijkste.

Wat is je favorite Discord emoji?

Yeaalright: Oh, ik heb geen favorite emoji
TeamTMS: Crabrave, waarschijnlijk die want ik hou van crab rave
XAD: Iemand die een vis aan het slaan is
Messimuss: Ik hou er maar van eentje, dat is blobnomcookie.
Rodeappel: salt shake
Mini bomba: Laatst gebruik ik heel vaak kekw, en de aangepaste versies daarvan (kekw hyper, kekwUL, TRAKEKW, Shiance and eyes Kitty Slayer).

Wat was je eerste reactie toen je won?

Yeaalright: Ik was zo blij, ik dacht dat ik geen kans had maar...
TeamTMS: Geschokt.
XAD: Ik was heel verrast, ik was sinds 5 dagen de server gejoined en ik win nooit giveaways
Messimus: Heel blij, dit was de eerste keer dat ik een giveaway won dus ik ben er heel blij mee
Rodeappel: Ik had niet gedacht dat ik ooit zou winnen, de kansen lijken minder dan 1%, maar ik was zeker heel verrast en opgewonden dat ik Discord Nitro voor kerstmis kreeg.
Mini Bomba: Het eerste wat ik deed was het gebruiken van emoji's in mijn server die van een andere server vandaan kwamen.
Shiance: Verrast
Kitty Slayer: Best verrast. Ik heb aan veel giveaways deelgenomen maar nooit 1 gewonnen, een best unieke ervaring dus.

Article by: @Conea64
Translation by: @Shotgun & @xHappyMood

:egg: Mega EggWars

Een tijdje geleden heeft CubeCraft een nieuwe game genaamd Mega Eggwars gemaakt speciaal voor Bedrock. Op discord werd de aankondiging gemaakt door Palombo:

"Introducing MEGA EGGWARS to Bedrock! - Fight your opponents in a 10v10v10v10 battle! - 3 new maps to fight in! - A new feel for our iconic EggWars game! We've also released a chunk loading optimisation, so you load into our games faster! Read more about this awesome update here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/272995"

Dat is de samenvatting. Natuurlijk hadden EggWars spelers veel mening over deze nieuwe game en ze vinden het vaak niet leuk als hun game word veranderd. InsaneOrbitzz, de grootste bedrock youtuber, zei: "The new game Mega EggWars is a pretty cool concept and I can see why some people may enjoy it and why it was implemented but I'm not a massive fan of it. I'm not criticising it as such, but even though it may not have been rushed. It feels like it wasn't really thought through."
Bron: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/my-view-on-mega-eggwars.273032/#post-1277706

Tegelijkertijd poste Mitgobla dit:
View attachment 183369
Wat zou kunnen wijzen op een nieuw soort egg waar ze aan werken? Maar ja, dat is maar een theorie, een game theorie, dank voor het lezen.

Article by: @Conea64
Translation by: @xHappyMood

🎆 Happy Holidays

La última semana de diciembre ha llegado. La Navidad se ha acabado, ¡y un nuevo año está por llegar! Esperamos que hayáis tenido una Navidad espléndida y que hayáis recibido muchos regalos. Pero ahora... ¡otro regalo! ¡The CubeMas Times Edición nº 11!

🌏 Translations

The CubeCraft Times ha contratado traductores. Estos se ocuparán de traducir cada uno de los artículos del periódico. Las versiones traducidas se pueden encontrar al final de cada edición. ¡TCCT continúa siendo un periódico para todo el mundo!

Article by: @Shotgun
Translation by: @Gregeyy

📖 Writing Competition

Como ya muchos sabéis, durante las últimas semanas hemos estado organizando una competición de escritura. Dejamos que la comunidad vote y decida cuál de las historias es la mejor. La comunidad ha decidido que la mejor historia ha sido la de @Lyriie, y se ha convertido en el ganador de la competición. ¡Esperamos que os guste su historia!

CubeCraft Winter SkyWars Tournament​

I thrust my iron sword deep into his chest, watching as his smug smile dissolved into an expression of horror. I didn't waste any time, not even turning back to watch as his lifeless body plummeted into the freezing void. My face flushed as the wind's icy fingers clawed at my skin. But I continued moving forward, because I didn't have time to worry about the cold. I had a game to win.

Three days earlier…

It was the first of December in CubeCraft. Holiday cheer seemed to float through the city, which was no surprise, as the design team had gone all out with the decorations this year. Glowing lights were strung elegantly between snow-topped buildings. There were piles of presents in vivid colours, and giant candy canes propped up in heaps of glittering snow. Everywhere I looked, people were smiling and laughing, eating candy and sharing presents…

I leaned back against the city's grand fountain, casually scrolling through the messages on my phone. At first it was just the usual: "Hey, how are you?" or, "Fancy playing a game of Minerware?" There were even a few friends wishing me a merry Christmas twenty-four days too early. I smiled to myself and was about to reply, but then my eyes landed on something a little different:
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Being a naturally shy person, this was not something that would usually have interested me. I would have preferred to celebrate the season within my small group of close friends. I went to close the message, but then I hesitated. The longer I considered it, the more I realised that maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to try something new. I didn't expect to win, but as long as I didn't place last, it would definitely be worth it.

I spun around, throwing myself to the ground just in time. The arrow slammed into the wall just above me with a sharp twang. My heart hammered inside my chest as I scrambled to my feet, reaching for the arrow to pluck it from the wall. Before I had time to grab it, another sliced through the air, missing me by centimetres. The girl didn't even seem bothered that she had missed twice; she just calmly notched another arrow and took aim. This time I brought up my shield, hearing the clunk as it embedded itself into the thick wood. When no more shots followed, I peered hesitantly over the top. The girl was fumbling with her bow, clearly frustrated and muttering under her breath. She was out of arrows.

As she searched the chests surrounding her, I used it to my advantage and sprinted away, seeking shelter in a nearby abandoned building. My footsteps echoed ominously through the silent halls as I climbed to the top floor. I was severely weakened by this point in the tournament, collapsing heavily in the corner, gasping for breath. The soles of my feet were burning. Bringing a hand up to my face, I touched the fresh bruises there and winced in pain. I momentarily closed my eyes to the world that was spinning around me. I was so exhausted that I failed to hear it above the buzz of static in my ears. He shoved me to the ground, and pain exploded in my skull and down my back as I hit hard concrete. My sword dropped from my hands and clattered to the floor. I weakly turned my head to look at him as he, with a sadistic smile, raised the tip of his blade to my fragile heart.

But the pain never came. I opened my eyes again, confused, my mind filling with sudden dread. A crushing weight collapsed onto me, and panic surged through me as I forced myself out from under his body and struggled to stand. My eyes fell on the arrow that had pierced through his back, then to the silhouette of the girl who stood in the doorway, as she slung her bow over her shoulder. I acted quickly, knowing I only had a few seconds to get out before I became her next victim. I dashed over to the building's only window, ignoring the broken shards of glass that cut into my aching hands as I swung myself over the ledge, descending straight into the darkness with no hesitation.

I felt her murderous glare from above, following me as I guided myself carefully but swiftly across the vines like a gymnast, and dropped onto solid ground. I didn't feel an ounce of relief, because the girl was climbing down after me just as quickly. I couldn't keep running forever, but my plan was to find somewhere I could use the terrain to my advantage. I started moving towards the centre of the map, but I was so focused on it that I almost missed the gaping hole in the ground. My eyes widened in terror as I stared down at the vast expanse of bottomless black ocean below me. I turned around to look for another way, but my predator was closing in on me. My only choice now was to fight her, but in the rush to escape, I hadn't remembered to retrieve my sword.

The girl charged at me with her axe, trying to end it with one sickening blow. It crashed right through my battered shield, sending splinters of wood flying in all directions. She prepared for another swing, grinning as I helplessly backed closer and closer to the edge. I had nothing left to defend myself with now. The axe came hurtling towards me. Thinking fast, I dodged the attack and grabbed the handle of the axe, trying to pull it away from her. She hadn't been expecting this, and fought hard to keep her grip on it, but she was much stronger than me, and the force of it knocked me to the ground. As she raised the axe for the third time, I noticed the beads of sweat clinging to her forehead. She was exhausted.

I tried to avoid the axe again, but this time it made contact, slicing into my left leg. I screamed out as pain shot through my body, but I had to keep going. She was relentless, bringing the axe down again, but at the last second, I pulled myself away from it. She was panting heavily with the energy it took to wield the axe, and I used the opportunity to get back on my feet. I grimaced from the pain, darkness clouding the edges of my vision. I dodged her weapon again and again, but even with my best efforts, it was missing me by mere centimetres. I couldn't keep this up.

The next time she lifted the axe, I knew it would be the last. She and I were both almost out of energy. I had to end this now. Suddenly filled with determination, I grabbed one of her arms and twisted it behind her back until she shrieked in pain, causing her to drop the axe. She lunged for it, but I punched her in the face, sending her stumbling backwards. I took the deadly weapon in my hands, staring at its blade, which was covered in my own blood. I looked at her, lying helpless on the ground, vulnerable and sobbing. Then, in one swift movement, I beheaded her with her own axe.

Written by Lyriie

Article by: @xHappyMood
Translation by: @Gregeyy

💻 Christmas Activities

Ahh Navidad, muchos dicen que es la época más bonito del año. Una época para estar con la familia, recibir regalos y... destrozar a los jugadores en CubeCraft con artículos de navidad. Esto último es más bien una idea que Tenisty nos ha dado con su nuevo vídeo llamado "Minecraft pero les hago cyberbullying a los niños con el poder de la Navidad..."

El vídeo tiene puesta de fondo la clásica y milenaria canción llamada "Feliz Navidad", cosa que hará aún más entretenido verlo/a tirar a gente al vacío. Siendo honesto, su habilidad es impresionante, tanto es así que incluso consigue tirar al vacío a alguien con armadura de diamante completa usando un mero arco. La edición del vídeo es mínima, pero creemos que a veces es mejor disfrutar de un vídeo de calidad sin demasiadas distracciones.

Un vídeo corto pero sin duda entretenido, ¡sin duda os recomendamos que le echéis un vistazo!

Article by: @GladiusYugen
Translation by: @Gregeyy

🌟 Top 3 threads

Se ha introducido un nuevo concepto a The CubeCraft Times: Top 3 threads. En esta sección serán destacados las 3 mejores hilos de la semana a según nuestro criterio. ¿Crees que te has perdido una publicación interesante? ¡Continúa leyendo el artículo!

🥇Transparency and Clarity in CubeCraft - by @xHappyMood

Esta publicación trata el tema de la transparencia y/o claridad dentro del servidor. ¿Es el equipo de CubeCraft muy reservado? ¿Escuchan a su comunidad? ¿Qué es lo que la comunidad piensa realmente sobre eso? ¡Échale un vistazo a este artículo!

🥈BlockWars Bridges: Does it really deserve to be a permanent game? - by @CBBR

Una publicación dedicada a BlockWars. La base de jugadores no parece ser la mayor, no es el juego más popular. Sin embargo, eliminarlo no es la solución... ¿o sí? Échale un vistazo al siguiente hilo para averiguarlo.

🥉Loot Menu Suggestions - by @Sergiio12

El menú de vanidad necesita una mejora (o al menos eso es lo que Sergiio cree). ¿Interesante, cierto? Todo lo que necesitas saber se encuentra en la siguiente publicación.

Article by: @Shotgun
Translation by: @Gregeyy

❄️ 4 Weeks of Winter - Part 3

Fue la tercera edición de 4 Weeks of Winter lanzada este miércoles la que nos ha traído estos excepcionales mapas.
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Las dos redes de CubeCraft, Bedrock y Java, ahora cuentan con un mapa mágico de EggWars para equipos de 2. ¡Jugar en este mapa ha de ser una fantasía! El mapa se llama Fairytale.

Este mapa de aventuras llamado Temple para BlockWars Bridges ha sido introducido en ambas redes.
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Los jugadores de la red de Java son muy afortunados de poder disfrutar de Mystical, un hermoso mapa de Lucky Islands para equipos.
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Article by: @Gemmmmie
Translation by: @Gregeyy

🎁 Giveaways

Esta semana se han celebrado 2 sorteos. ¡Parece que a CubeCraft le gusta esta época del año!

🎉 CubeCraft's Birthday

Es el 8º cumpleaños de CubeCraft y... ¿Como uno celebra su propia fecha de nacimiento? Regalando a otras 8 personas cosas.

En el canal de anuncios CubeCraftGiveaways dijo:

“¡Es nuestro cumpleaños! ¿Puedes creerte que han pasado 8 años desde que empezamos? ¡Y qué mejor manera que celebrarlo con 8 rangos / mejoras de rango! 8 ganadores para ser elegidos. Cualquiera puede entrar, acabará en la fecha: 22/12/2020"

Exactamente 10 minutos después de ser anunciado ya habían 169 reacciones!
20 minutos después, 269 reacciones
30 minutos después, 369 reacciones
En 40 minutos, 469 reacciones
A los 50 minutos, 548 reacciones, supongo que la staff se quedó sin cuentas alternativas…
Después de 24 horas habían 2961 reacciones.

De todos modos, ahora a por el tema real, ¿Quiénes son los ganadores? Bueno, ¡Lo descubrirás en esta entrevista ahora!

Cuál fue tu reacción cuando te diste cuenta de que ganaste?

Monkey) Estaba muy hypeado, gane un gran sorteo por primera vez
Jan) Sorprendido al principio, porque es la primera vez que gané algo en un sorteo. Estaba feliz y emocionado/a
Nayeli) Bastante sorprendido/a, gané de todas esas personas que participaron; normalmente nunca gano estas cosas pero entre por si acaso y ya sabes
Obama cube) Nada especial, solamente feliz, porque estaba mirando una película y comprobé mi teléfono, y gané
DR beef) Me acabo de dar cuenta, hablé en voz alta y comencé a temblar.

Que rango/bundle has elegido/recibido?

Monkey) Ahora tengo gold así que una mejora de rango (a diamond).
Jan) Estoy planeando en elegir un rango de EggWars ya que es el primer juego que jugué cuando entré a CubeCraft y es el modo de juego preferido de mis amigos, así que lo jugamos constantemente cuando tenemos la oportunidad.
Nayeli) Bueno, soy rango emerald en cube así que lo único que queda es obsidian
Obama cube) De diamond a emerald
DR beef) Gold :D

Como puedes ver, 3 personas no quisieron ser entrevistadas pero diría que 5/8 está bastante bien. Y justo cuando acabé de escribir esto: anuncio de CubeCraft: Sorteo de nuevo!

🎅 Christmas Giveaway

Es época de Navidad, por lo tanto, ¿qué mejor manera de celebrarlo que con un sorteo en Discord?

Bot CubeCraftGiveaways:

'10 ganadores serán elegidos al azar el 26/12/2020 a las 19:04 UTC'


'Hola a todos y ¡feliz Navidad de parte del equipo de CubeCraft! ¡Esperamos que os haya ido bien hasta ahora! ¡Hoy tenemos otro sorteo en el que estaremos regalando 10 Discord Classics por un mes! (Gracias, Hazard, por esto <3) Mantente informado y vigila el canal de anuncios para más sorteos en el futuro, ¡especialmente antes del año nuevo!'

Así que, si ganas el sorteo, no te olvides de darle las gracias a Hazard.

¿Cuál es tu emoji favorito de Discord?

Yeaalright: No tengo un emoji favorito.
TeamTMS: Probablemente 'Crabrave' porque me gustan los cangrejos lol. XAD: Alguien acariciando a un pescado.
Messimuss: Me encanta uno en específico, que es el 'blobnomcookie'.
Rodeappel: salt shake
Mini bomba: Últimamente uso mucho el kekw y sus variantes (kekw hyper, kekwUL, TRAEKW, Shiance y eyes).

¿Cuál fue tu reacción al enterarte de que ganaste?

Yeaalright: Me puse muy feliz. Pensé que las probabilidades de ganar eran mínimas pero...
TeamTMS: Me quedé 'flipando'.
XAD: Me sorprendió porque acababa de entrar al servidor hace unos 5 días y nunca había ganado un sorteo.
Messimus: Me puse realmente feliz, pues fue la primera vez que gané un sorteo.
Rodeappel: Nunca pensé que iba a ganar, ya que las posibilidades de que eso ocurra son mínimas, pero estuve realmente entusiasmado.
Mini bomba: Lo primero que hice fue empezar a usar algunos emojis en mi servidor.
Shiance: Me sorprendió.
Kitty Slayer: Me sorprendió mucho. Participé en muchos sorteos pero nunca gané.

Article by: @Conea64
Translation by: @Gregeyy & @Nyawh

:egg: Mega EggWars

Esta semana, CubeCraft sacó una nueva modalidad para la red de Bedrock Edition llamada Mega EggWars. En el servidor de Discord, Palombo anunció lo siguiente:

"¡MEGA EGGWARS implementado en Bedrock! - ¡Pelea contra tus enemigos en una batalla de 10v10v10v10! - ¡3 nuevos mapas en los que jugar! - ¡Una remasterización de nuestro icónico juego llamado EggWars!
También hemos optimizado la carga de chunks, ¡así que las partidas cargarán más rápido! Más información sobre esta actualización: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/272995/ "

Ese es el resumen. Obviamente los jugadores de EggWars tuvieron opiniones bastante fuertes sobre esto. Estos tienden a enfadarse si su juego favorito cambia demasiado. El YouTuber más grande de la red de Bedrock, InsaneOrbitzz, dijo lo siguiente:
"El nuevo Mega EggWars es un concepto fantástico, por lo que entiendo que mucha gente disfrute jugándolo y también entiendo que esté implementado en el servidor, pero no soy un gran fan del juego. No critico a la modalidad como tal, pero parece que no se ha puesto mucho esfuerzo en ella."
Fuente: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/my-view-on-mega-eggwars.273032/#post-1277706

Junto con esto, Mitgobla publicó lo siguiente:
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¿Podría ser una nueva modalidad en la que están trabajando? Bueno, esto es solo una teoría.

Article by: @Conea64
Translation by: @Gregeyy

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Click here for the link - Information can be found there.

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Kazwa wrote on tahatii's profile.
happy birthday!
Wave Master7S wrote on jamesthesignificant's profile.
Thanks for the follow!
Amacchi wrote on tahatii's profile.
Happy bday!!! 🎉
Zawuri wrote on tahatii's profile.
Happy birthday!
Fjackp14_ wrote on tahatii's profile.
Happy bday 🎂 🥳
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