Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Dedicated Member
May 12, 2016

Friends POV
my POV
story behind it:
so me and my friend were the last 2 of our team (the rest ragequit) against the last greenie as shown on the pic, i was shifting behind the sandstone build but then i took my chance and walked behind there and stood there for like 20 seconds (i recorded way too late :c ) until i hit her and she noticed me. my friend took a pic (shown above) in the mean time

Story behind the vid: so me and the same friend from above were AGAIN the last team surviving, i was just goofing around in mid until i saw the guy wanted to build to our Island, however instead of knocking him straight off i wanted to give him some hope and faith that he SHALL and WILL get our egg but no i cockblocked him from doing it ;d

not really a story behind it, just saw him build and took my chance to take a screenie

my aim is bad in that vid dont Judge me
:/ That is sad
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PickleeeePastaaaaa54 wrote on Mintypie's profile.
Fun playing with you and @BicolourSine41.........even though I had an average of 300 ping. And yes I crashed
Flxen wrote on Lyriie's profile.
xHappyMood wrote on Lyriie's profile.
wow no way we the same amount of posts, twinssss
CrystalLegend01 wrote on Lyriie's profile.
Happy birthday! 🎉
Mr Jii Gamer wrote on Lyriie's profile.
And one more msg to 1k
Congratulations from now pro sr mod 🤍🎉
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