Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Senior Moderator
Team CubeCraft
🛠️ Sr. Moderator
Mar 31, 2018
Hello, everyone! As of today, I have officially been a member of the forums, and a part of the CubeCraft community, for five years! I wanted to take this opportunity to give some special mentions to many of the people who have helped me along my journey, both from the forums and the server itself!

@Gemmmmie - You are quite possibly the most important person in this list, because if I had never met you, I probably wouldn’t be here! Thank you for supporting me through everything, and I wish you the best of luck for your future!

@xHappyMood - Fun fact, we have been friends for about 2 years now! You made those years so much better with your humour and unique perspective, and I am very grateful to have met you!

@Kazwa - Don't tell the others, but you were my favourite Mentor! It really helped that you still had confidence in me even through all of my anxiety, and I believe it is thanks to you that I was able to complete my training and become a Moderator. I am also so glad we were able to become SrMods together!

@Pluisje - Wifey! I can’t thank you enough for all of the memories we have made, all of the events we have hosted, and especially the weddings! I think you are really good at bringing people together, and you are an amazing Moderator on top of that!

@Frontlane - I think it’s fair to say that I would not have made it through my Helper trial without you! I tried to always be there for you like you were for me, and I will always treasure the memories of that month!

@Catss - Hey there TWIN! Thank you for all of the amazing Discord conversations, they have given me a whole new perspective on a lot of different topics. I know that it is always safe for me to come to you for help or advice, as you have always been kind to me!

@Goldy - We have made so many memories together - from participating in tournaments, to grinding Colony Control, to all of those voice calls! Even though you are not often around anymore, I hope you still end up seeing this, as I really appreciate those times!

@Evaluatiefout - You make the Discord server so much more fun to chat in, and you seem to know exactly how to make people smile, you are really a great person to talk to!

@Hoshi - I love your skins, forum posts, videos, streams, wise quotes, and everything else about you! You truly are a talented and creative individual!

@Ximenaa - Hey bestie! Thank you for helping me to feel accepted in the Discord community when I was still new and very, very shy. You probably don't realise how much a simple hello helped me back then, but I really appreciate it nonetheless!

@TenCookies - Thank you for the advice and help you gave me, especially when I was training as a Bedrock Moderator!

@SanCookie - Hey birthday twin! It seems you have been making a major impact on the forums ever since I first joined. I also love the weekly topics on Discord, and I’m happy that you are still maintaining them!

@toonber - Thank you for all of the cake (and advice) that you have given me over the past year!

@Verbramdt - Thank you for being a great and friendly guy, even with all of that disgusting Christmas talk in November!

@Salty_Shadows - I love the effort you put into your channel and content, and I hope that you will continue to improve! I will definitely be there to watch!

@Stijnnn_ - Thank you for always being friendly and incredibly welcoming in the community!

@S4nne - You really should believe in yourself just a tiny bit more, as you are one of the most kind and dedicated people I have ever met!

@Typicaaal - Why? As in, why are you so amazing?

My fellow CubeCraft GOATs: @Matriox, @FoxFil_, @JGCreate and @Ximenaa

The SrMod Team: @4Moonlightt, @CKelting262, @Capitan, @Deann, @EggWarz, @Kazwa and @S4nne

And finally, a super special mention to everybody who has read this post!


Forum Expert
Feb 23, 2020
Sweden ♡
This is such a great thread! I'm so happy I got to know you and being your mentor was truly a pleasure. I really appreciate all the kind words Lyra, and I'm so proud of how far you've got since then. You're amazing, never forget that! ♡


Forum Expert
May 25, 2020
Such a wonderful thread Lyra 🥺 Ty for all the help and support you've given me over the past 18 Months with the many things I've done, Won't ever be forgotten! Can't wait for the decade thread :3
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Reactions: Lyriie and Hoshi


Speedy Wing Rush Gonzales
Aug 4, 2017
The Netherlands
Hai Lyra!

I see you're following in my steps when it comes to writing long threads. Jokes aside, I appreciate the dedication a lot - coming from someone who also tries to do this.

I loved reading your story and I feel honoured to be someone you consider a friend and think so highly of. You're an amazing person. So kind and welcoming; You have a warm personality in general, genuinely. I'm very glad that I got to know you and I hope you'll be staying with all of us for a long time coming. You deserve everything good.

Can't promise I didn't let a tear or two out while writing my reply, heh. Never give up on being yourself, because you are truly a good person. ⭐

Love you <3
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Deleted member 511644

What an amazing thread of your journey over the years you've been a part of CubeCraft, I'm glad you decided to still play on the server, and eventually applied for Helper, as you're a great and amazing SrMod, and really kind!

@Verbramdt - Thank you for being a great and friendly guy, even with all of that disgusting Christmas talk in November!
Ahwww, thanks so much🥺
We will forget about the Christmas talks in November :P
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Reactions: Lyriie


Novice Member
Mar 12, 2021
The Half a Decade Thread

Hello, everyone! As of today, I have officially been a member of the forums, and a part of the CubeCraft community, for five years! To celebrate, I thought it would be fun to create a thread summarising each year of my CubeCraft experience. I actually received the trophy for this yesterday, but I will not let the forums trick me into posting this a day early! This will be quite a long and personal thread, so if that's not really your thing then I completely understand. Otherwise, enjoy the thread!

🌷 2018

I originally discovered CubeCraft in 2016, when another Minecraft Java server known as The Chunk merged with CubeCraft. This merge is what brought gamemodes such as Tower Defence, BlockWars and MinerWare over to this server. I joined CubeCraft along with many others to continue playing my favourite gamemodes. I was and still am a very anxious person, so sadly it took me a while to make friends and get involved in the community. But in early 2018, I was able to make a small group of friends through BlockWars, who later encouraged me to create an account on the forums. I made a few posts about BlockWars, but quickly started to become inactive. As time passed, I started to play BlockWars more competitively because, in my eyes, it was the way to “fit in”, as many of my friends were going in that same direction. I was just anxious about losing the friends that I had made, so I typically went along with anything they wanted to do. I did this for a while, soon making it onto the first page of the leaderboard and filling up my friends list quite a bit. I was really enjoying it, and it quickly became my escape from the struggles that I was facing in real life.

However, in September 2018, everything changed. The Big Change was an update to the Java network which removed the individual game lobbies, as well as many of the server's gamemodes from permanent play. BlockWars was one of those removed gamemodes. To us, it felt like all of our progress was just gone one day without any kind of warning, and we had no idea that the server was even struggling. It is also important to note that at the time, we didn't know that BlockWars would be returning as a featured game, so my friends were all devastated by this change. Many of them left the server, and some even left Minecraft altogether. It felt like my friend group was torn in two, between the ones who moved on to other servers and the ones who still played. The ones who stayed became very angry and annoyed at the CubeCraft team for what they had done, so I became distant from both groups.

🌷 2019

I did not completely leave CubeCraft like many of my friends, but I did play on the server less frequently, which is why the 2019 section is so short. I became interested in Tower Defence for a while, then moved on to Lucky Islands, and after those phases ended I slowly returned to BlockWars whenever it was an active featured game. It was quite an adjustment to play by myself, but I got used to it and eventually started preferring it over the toxic parties that I had previously been a part of. Outside of CubeCraft, I started to play on small SMP and skyblock servers, and I also became interested in skin designing and command blocks, which is something that I still do to this day.

🌷 2020

In early 2020 I managed to make a new friend, and after a few months, she introduced me to a community Discord server that she was a moderator on. This was my first time trying to get involved in a community outside of my BlockWars circle, and I actually enjoyed branching out and meeting new people that were interested in different things. I also liked participating in the events and tournaments that the server hosted on CubeCraft. While they were quite competitive, I made sure to join a team that was only interested in having fun. By the summer, I was able to build my confidence enough to become active on the forums and in CubeCraft's official Discord server.

In July 2020, a new wave of nineteen Helpers was added, which was the biggest wave in the history of the server. Now that I was starting to notice Helpers and Moderators everywhere, I was beginning to see a bit more of the work they did and why so many people were interested in the role at the time. I wasn't sure if I wanted to apply for Helper myself, but I decided that my first step should be to work towards meeting the requirements, and then I could review where I was and decide whether I was still interested in it. Unfortunately, before I could reach the point of applying, Helper applications were closed to specific languages and regions, meaning that I was no longer allowed to apply. Due to this, I decided to take a step back for a while. I rejoined the community Discord servers that I had become inactive in and focused my efforts on them, while staying semi-active on CubeCraft's official platforms in the background.

🌷 2021

Throughout 2021, I started to become much more involved in various community events, servers and projects. One such project was The CubeCraft Times, a community-run newspaper on the forums which has sadly stopped publishing now. I was invited to join the newspaper team in March 2021, and I have to say that being a reporter was a very memorable and amazing experience. Searching for inspiration and writing articles helped me to be more open-minded and pay more attention to what was going on in the CubeCraft community. Unfortunately, after a few months the team was beginning to struggle, and I had to start doing triple my usual workload in order to keep us going with enough articles to run an edition. I became a senior reporter in August, and I tried to assist the content manager by finding article inspiration for other reporters and thinking of new ways to motivate the team. Sadly, it couldn't last forever, but I think that working on the newspaper had an impact on my life, having been on the team for over a year in total.

In October 2021, CubeCraft Helper applications were reopened, after completely closing a few months before for a huge rework. They had originally reopened for my region earlier in the year, but I was not really interested in applying at that time. However, this time I definitely was. For some reason, I was worried that applying so soon after the reopening may come across as too eager. I also kept doubting myself, and even though I was very passionate about helping people, I was afraid that I wouldn't be good enough for the position. These thoughts quickly put me off applying again, but I continued to volunteer in Discord servers and participate in voice calls to build my confidence back up. Eventually, I reached a point where I thought I was ready. All I had to do now was write my application.

🌷 2022

It wasn't until shortly after my birthday in January 2022 that I finally decided to go through with applying. That day, I copied the questions from the application form into a Google document and just started filling them out. I spent the next few days working on my application before submitting it in early February. My application process was quite eventful (those who know, know) but thankfully I ended up being accepted, and I began my Helper trial in March alongside Frontlane and Jiivan. Overall, it was a very challenging but also amazing experience for me, and the bonds that I formed with my Mentors and fellow Helpers are something that I will never forget.

I became a Moderator the following April, and I would say that it took me about two to three months to feel confident in my abilities in the position. After that, I decided that I was ready to begin my Bedrock training, which was something that I had been interested in for a while but felt that I didn't have enough time for, as I was prioritising Java. I received my Bedrock Helper role in June and my Moderator role a few months later in September. Only a week after that, I was promoted to Senior Moderator across all platforms. This promotion came as a complete surprise to me, because I thought that I had nowhere near enough experience on the team to be a good fit for the role. However, I am glad that I accepted the position, as my SrMod responsibilities are now some of my favourite things to do on CubeCraft!

Special Mentions

That just about brings us to the present day! I did leave a fair few details out, as I felt that they were either unnecessary or a bit too personal. If you made it all the way to the end, I hope that you enjoyed reading! Before I finish, I wanted to take this opportunity to give some special mentions to many of the people who have helped me along my journey!
@Gemmmmie - You are quite possibly the most important person in this list, because if I had never met you, I probably wouldn’t be here! Thank you for supporting me through everything, and I wish you the best of luck for your future!

@xHappyMood - Fun fact, we have been friends for about 2 years now! You made those years so much better with your humour and unique perspective, and I am very grateful to have met you!

@Kazwa - Don't tell the others, but you were my favourite Mentor! It really helped that you still had confidence in me even through all of my anxiety, and I believe it is thanks to you that I was able to complete my training and become a Moderator. I am also so glad we were able to become SrMods together!

@Pluisje - Wifey! I can’t thank you enough for all of the memories we have made, all of the events we have hosted, and especially the weddings! I think you are really good at bringing people together, and you are an amazing Moderator on top of that!

@Frontlane - I think it’s fair to say that I would not have made it through my Helper trial without you! I tried to always be there for you like you were for me, and I will always treasure the memories of that month!

@Catss - Hey there TWIN! Thank you for all of the amazing Discord conversations, they have given me a whole new perspective on a lot of different topics. I know that it is always safe for me to come to you for help or advice, as you have always been kind to me!

@Goldy - We have made so many memories together - from participating in tournaments, to grinding Colony Control, to all of those voice calls! Even though you are not often around anymore, I hope you still end up seeing this, as I really appreciate those times!

@Evaluatiefout - You make the Discord server so much more fun to chat in, and you seem to know exactly how to make people smile, you are really a great person to talk to!

@Hoshi - I love your skins, forum posts, videos, streams, wise quotes, and everything else about you! You truly are a talented and creative individual!

@Ximenaa - Hey bestie! Thank you for helping me to feel accepted in the Discord community when I was still new and very, very shy. You probably don't realise how much a simple hello helped me back then, but I really appreciate it nonetheless!

@TenCookies - Thank you for the advice and help you gave me, especially when I was training as a Bedrock Moderator!

@SanCookie - Hey birthday twin! It seems you have been making a major impact on the forums ever since I first joined. I also love the weekly topics on Discord, and I’m happy that you are still maintaining them!

@toonber - Thank you for all of the cake (and advice) that you have given me over the past year!

@Verbramdt - Thank you for being a great and friendly guy, even with all of that disgusting Christmas talk in November!

@Salty_Shadows - I love the effort you put into your channel and content, and I hope that you will continue to improve! I will definitely be there to watch!

@Stijnnn_ - Thank you for always being friendly and incredibly welcoming in the community!

@S4nne - You really should believe in yourself just a tiny bit more, as you are one of the most kind and dedicated people I have ever met!

@Typicaaal - Why? As in, why are you so amazing?

My fellow CubeCraft GOATs: @Matriox, @FoxFil_, @JGCreate and @Ximenaa

The SrMod Team: @4Moonlightt, @CKelting262, @Capitan, @Deann, @EggWarz, @Kazwa and @S4nne

And finally, a super special mention to everybody who has read this post!
I think you forgot someone at the cc goats
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Forum Expert
May 25, 2022
Canada, America’s 51st State
The Half a Decade Thread

Hello, everyone! As of today, I have officially been a member of the forums, and a part of the CubeCraft community, for five years! To celebrate, I thought it would be fun to create a thread summarising each year of my CubeCraft experience. I actually received the trophy for this yesterday, but I will not let the forums trick me into posting this a day early! This will be quite a long and personal thread, so if that's not really your thing then I completely understand. Otherwise, enjoy the thread!

🌷 2018

I originally discovered CubeCraft in 2016, when another Minecraft Java server known as The Chunk merged with CubeCraft. This merge is what brought gamemodes such as Tower Defence, BlockWars and MinerWare over to this server. I joined CubeCraft along with many others to continue playing my favourite gamemodes. I was and still am a very anxious person, so sadly it took me a while to make friends and get involved in the community. But in early 2018, I was able to make a small group of friends through BlockWars, who later encouraged me to create an account on the forums. I made a few posts about BlockWars, but quickly started to become inactive. As time passed, I started to play BlockWars more competitively because, in my eyes, it was the way to “fit in”, as many of my friends were going in that same direction. I was just anxious about losing the friends that I had made, so I typically went along with anything they wanted to do. I did this for a while, soon making it onto the first page of the leaderboard and filling up my friends list quite a bit. I was really enjoying it, and it quickly became my escape from the struggles that I was facing in real life.

However, in September 2018, everything changed. The Big Change was an update to the Java network which removed the individual game lobbies, as well as many of the server's gamemodes from permanent play. BlockWars was one of those removed gamemodes. To us, it felt like all of our progress was just gone one day without any kind of warning, and we had no idea that the server was even struggling. It is also important to note that at the time, we didn't know that BlockWars would be returning as a featured game, so my friends were all devastated by this change. Many of them left the server, and some even left Minecraft altogether. It felt like my friend group was torn in two, between the ones who moved on to other servers and the ones who still played. The ones who stayed became very angry and annoyed at the CubeCraft team for what they had done, so I became distant from both groups.

🌷 2019

I did not completely leave CubeCraft like many of my friends, but I did play on the server less frequently, which is why the 2019 section is so short. I became interested in Tower Defence for a while, then moved on to Lucky Islands, and after those phases ended I slowly returned to BlockWars whenever it was an active featured game. It was quite an adjustment to play by myself, but I got used to it and eventually started preferring it over the toxic parties that I had previously been a part of. Outside of CubeCraft, I started to play on small SMP and skyblock servers, and I also became interested in skin designing and command blocks, which is something that I still do to this day.

🌷 2020

In early 2020 I managed to make a new friend, and after a few months, she introduced me to a community Discord server that she was a moderator on. This was my first time trying to get involved in a community outside of my BlockWars circle, and I actually enjoyed branching out and meeting new people that were interested in different things. I also liked participating in the events and tournaments that the server hosted on CubeCraft. While they were quite competitive, I made sure to join a team that was only interested in having fun. By the summer, I was able to build my confidence enough to become active on the forums and in CubeCraft's official Discord server.

In July 2020, a new wave of nineteen Helpers was added, which was the biggest wave in the history of the server. Now that I was starting to notice Helpers and Moderators everywhere, I was beginning to see a bit more of the work they did and why so many people were interested in the role at the time. I wasn't sure if I wanted to apply for Helper myself, but I decided that my first step should be to work towards meeting the requirements, and then I could review where I was and decide whether I was still interested in it. Unfortunately, before I could reach the point of applying, Helper applications were closed to specific languages and regions, meaning that I was no longer allowed to apply. Due to this, I decided to take a step back for a while. I rejoined the community Discord servers that I had become inactive in and focused my efforts on them, while staying semi-active on CubeCraft's official platforms in the background.

🌷 2021

Throughout 2021, I started to become much more involved in various community events, servers and projects. One such project was The CubeCraft Times, a community-run newspaper on the forums which has sadly stopped publishing now. I was invited to join the newspaper team in March 2021, and I have to say that being a reporter was a very memorable and amazing experience. Searching for inspiration and writing articles helped me to be more open-minded and pay more attention to what was going on in the CubeCraft community. Unfortunately, after a few months the team was beginning to struggle, and I had to start doing triple my usual workload in order to keep us going with enough articles to run an edition. I became a senior reporter in August, and I tried to assist the content manager by finding article inspiration for other reporters and thinking of new ways to motivate the team. Sadly, it couldn't last forever, but I think that working on the newspaper had an impact on my life, having been on the team for over a year in total.

In October 2021, CubeCraft Helper applications were reopened, after completely closing a few months before for a huge rework. They had originally reopened for my region earlier in the year, but I was not really interested in applying at that time. However, this time I definitely was. For some reason, I was worried that applying so soon after the reopening may come across as too eager. I also kept doubting myself, and even though I was very passionate about helping people, I was afraid that I wouldn't be good enough for the position. These thoughts quickly put me off applying again, but I continued to volunteer in Discord servers and participate in voice calls to build my confidence back up. Eventually, I reached a point where I thought I was ready. All I had to do now was write my application.

🌷 2022

It wasn't until shortly after my birthday in January 2022 that I finally decided to go through with applying. That day, I copied the questions from the application form into a Google document and just started filling them out. I spent the next few days working on my application before submitting it in early February. My application process was quite eventful (those who know, know) but thankfully I ended up being accepted, and I began my Helper trial in March alongside Frontlane and Jiivan. Overall, it was a very challenging but also amazing experience for me, and the bonds that I formed with my Mentors and fellow Helpers are something that I will never forget.

I became a Moderator the following April, and I would say that it took me about two to three months to feel confident in my abilities in the position. After that, I decided that I was ready to begin my Bedrock training, which was something that I had been interested in for a while but felt that I didn't have enough time for, as I was prioritising Java. I received my Bedrock Helper role in June and my Moderator role a few months later in September. Only a week after that, I was promoted to Senior Moderator across all platforms. This promotion came as a complete surprise to me, because I thought that I had nowhere near enough experience on the team to be a good fit for the role. However, I am glad that I accepted the position, as my SrMod responsibilities are now some of my favourite things to do on CubeCraft!

Special Mentions

That just about brings us to the present day! I did leave a fair few details out, as I felt that they were either unnecessary or a bit too personal. If you made it all the way to the end, I hope that you enjoyed reading! Before I finish, I wanted to take this opportunity to give some special mentions to many of the people who have helped me along my journey!
@Gemmmmie - You are quite possibly the most important person in this list, because if I had never met you, I probably wouldn’t be here! Thank you for supporting me through everything, and I wish you the best of luck for your future!

@xHappyMood - Fun fact, we have been friends for about 2 years now! You made those years so much better with your humour and unique perspective, and I am very grateful to have met you!

@Kazwa - Don't tell the others, but you were my favourite Mentor! It really helped that you still had confidence in me even through all of my anxiety, and I believe it is thanks to you that I was able to complete my training and become a Moderator. I am also so glad we were able to become SrMods together!

@Pluisje - Wifey! I can’t thank you enough for all of the memories we have made, all of the events we have hosted, and especially the weddings! I think you are really good at bringing people together, and you are an amazing Moderator on top of that!

@Frontlane - I think it’s fair to say that I would not have made it through my Helper trial without you! I tried to always be there for you like you were for me, and I will always treasure the memories of that month!

@Catss - Hey there TWIN! Thank you for all of the amazing Discord conversations, they have given me a whole new perspective on a lot of different topics. I know that it is always safe for me to come to you for help or advice, as you have always been kind to me!

@Goldy - We have made so many memories together - from participating in tournaments, to grinding Colony Control, to all of those voice calls! Even though you are not often around anymore, I hope you still end up seeing this, as I really appreciate those times!

@Evaluatiefout - You make the Discord server so much more fun to chat in, and you seem to know exactly how to make people smile, you are really a great person to talk to!

@Hoshi - I love your skins, forum posts, videos, streams, wise quotes, and everything else about you! You truly are a talented and creative individual!

@Ximenaa - Hey bestie! Thank you for helping me to feel accepted in the Discord community when I was still new and very, very shy. You probably don't realise how much a simple hello helped me back then, but I really appreciate it nonetheless!

@TenCookies - Thank you for the advice and help you gave me, especially when I was training as a Bedrock Moderator!

@SanCookie - Hey birthday twin! It seems you have been making a major impact on the forums ever since I first joined. I also love the weekly topics on Discord, and I’m happy that you are still maintaining them!

@toonber - Thank you for all of the cake (and advice) that you have given me over the past year!

@Verbramdt - Thank you for being a great and friendly guy, even with all of that disgusting Christmas talk in November!

@Salty_Shadows - I love the effort you put into your channel and content, and I hope that you will continue to improve! I will definitely be there to watch!

@Stijnnn_ - Thank you for always being friendly and incredibly welcoming in the community!

@S4nne - You really should believe in yourself just a tiny bit more, as you are one of the most kind and dedicated people I have ever met!

@Typicaaal - Why? As in, why are you so amazing?

My fellow CubeCraft GOATs: @Matriox, @FoxFil_, @JGCreate and @Ximenaa

The SrMod Team: @4Moonlightt, @CKelting262, @Capitan, @Deann, @EggWarz, @Kazwa and @S4nne

And finally, a super special mention to everybody who has read this post!
Thank you for this! That was a very interesting read! Congrats on 5 years!!
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