So lots of times when i run across the new launchpad, i often go over the wall where all the game npc's are. I then have to run all the way back around. To prevent this, i usually have to turn around 180 degrees in mid jump. This is really annoying.
I would like to suggest 2 things
1. Give players the option to not be affected by the launchpad. Settings Menu -> affected by launch pad -> true/false
2. Make it launch u more horizontal, and less straight up. That way when u land, u can find urself right in front of the npc's
I would like to suggest 2 things
1. Give players the option to not be affected by the launchpad. Settings Menu -> affected by launch pad -> true/false
2. Make it launch u more horizontal, and less straight up. That way when u land, u can find urself right in front of the npc's