Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2015
look a this


Forum Expert
Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco
she has a point but i am gonna start a new contest similar to this one if you want to participate i have a sign up sheet for default i have @justryann and @rockbob4 if either of you don't want to participate just tell me it you can sign up below note i can only take so many people it is the sign contest you have to find a sign note Easter egg places don't count just a simple sign describing something there or just about anything not parkours and vortex jumps
don't count here is an example i know this is 2 signs but it counts as one and even one saying something like cubecraft golf just no parkour or vortex jump ones and it can be on a game or game waiting lobby just tell me if it is on a game waiting lobby or on a game say what map and what game

there is a prize but you don't know what it is [ )=D he he]
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My bedrock username is rasib900 not ras1b!
Just installed my new ssd, finally ^-^
Livvv wrote on fionnjackp14's profile.
Thanks for the follow! ^-^
BicolourSine41 wrote on Otherworld's profile.
3rd mod on my friend list!!!
(Ur so cool tho)
glo7776 wrote on WorriedSkate940's profile.
Bro worried why did u ghost me awhile back?? Did I do something wrong :(
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