Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Jun 11, 2022
Punjab, India but I really wanna go to London
I'll get to the point...

So, we all know the Ping issue... I live in India so, Singapore is not that far away and I have pretty stable connection as well. My usual ping is around 75-90 which applies to almost all servers even in Java, even CC shows that I should be getting 80-90 ping in AS region on the Featured Servers Menu... but that's not the case, I get around 150 ms of ping... and not to forget the Cross-Region Match-making,
It would almost everytime put me in the EU region when I play and it changes to always when I play at night, and then I start getting 300-400 ping, it's literally almost unplayable since High ping makes it more difficult to Jump reset, Combo-lock, bridging, and Arrow delay and aim.

I Know it's there to make the Matchmaking quicker but at least make it toggle able, So, if we want faster Matchmaking we can turn it on...
Also, I still don't understand Why I am getting 150 ping in AS lobbies and Games


Novice Member
Feb 23, 2023
it's literally almost unplayable since High ping makes it more difficult to Jump reset, Combo-lock, bridging, and Arrow delay and aim.
I am in germany, I rarely get above 75 ping, and the average when typing /ping is between 40 and 60, and on the server selection screen the game often claims the ping to be around or below 20.

And despite that I still have these kinds of problems, especially the arrow delay, though I have also had problems bridging and jump resetting.

I also noticed it gets even worse when on gamemodes with lots of players, like giga blockwars. It seems like the more players there are in one game at once, the laggier it gets naturally.


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Team CubeCraft
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Dec 24, 2016
Germany, Bavaria
We are having issues with Asia region for a while now, the main reason is a broken subsea cable that is greatly impacting the connection of players. This is not our cable, so we have to wait for the local people to fix the issue, we can not fix the cable ourselves.

The /ping command on the server will always show a higher number, as it factors in server latency to give a more accurate representation

Asia is our smallest playerbase and if you try to play at times uncommon for people from asia to play at, you will very likely moved to a different region.


Jun 11, 2022
Punjab, India but I really wanna go to London
We are having issues with Asia region for a while now, the main reason is a broken subsea cable that is greatly impacting the connection of players. This is not our cable, so we have to wait for the local people to fix the issue, we can not fix the cable ourselves.

The /ping command on the server will always show a higher number, as it factors in server latency to give a more accurate representation

Asia is our smallest playerbase and if you try to play at times uncommon for people from asia to play at, you will very likely moved to a different region.
That's why I say to make it toggle able, it would be a really welcomed addition, since it's on players choices


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2024
Paris, France
I'll get to the point...

So, we all know the Ping issue... I live in India so, Singapore is not that far away and I have pretty stable connection as well. My usual ping is around 75-90 which applies to almost all servers even in Java, even CC shows that I should be getting 80-90 ping in AS region on the Featured Servers Menu... but that's not the case, I get around 150 ms of ping... and not to forget the Cross-Region Match-making,
It would almost everytime put me in the EU region when I play and it changes to always when I play at night, and then I start getting 300-400 ping, it's literally almost unplayable since High ping makes it more difficult to Jump reset, Combo-lock, bridging, and Arrow delay and aim.

I Know it's there to make the Matchmaking quicker but at least make it toggle able, So, if we want faster Matchmaking we can turn it on...
Also, I still don't understand Why I am getting 150 ping in AS lobbies and Games
My ping is always around 15, but it can be different for other players so i react unsure
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Really cool pink feeling the pfp and the banner is good match haha xD btw hru my friend?:D
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