I believe there are some problems with the suggestion system that should be addressed, I've been sharing my suggestions that I feel would make Cubecraft better for a while and have noticed lots of flaws in my time suggesting.
Here are my opinions on two areas relating to the Feedback and Suggestion systems of Cubecraft Games.
Disagree and Unsure Reactions
Disagree reactions are a complete fail and are currently killing the suggestions system as a whole. The whole point of an online forums is to discuss and debate ideas. Currently, neither are being done. People press there disagree button and leave the thread as fast as anything, without giving the thread owner or people who agree with the original thread point any idea of why they disagree. When the suggestion maker thinks of the idea they only see upsides - not always but they at least outweigh the downsides - yet people disagree, and why? you need to share your belief and not just disagree, its ruining the whole suggestion system. The downsides need to be pointed out, whether it be by a forums user describing the downsides they see, or staff showing interest finally and actually sharing the cubecraft related downsides.
The reason why i think disagree reactions are killing the system and not agree reactions is because disagree reactions show that the individual has an opinion on the cons or the downsides yet they don't share them, which is the most important thing in the entire forums and the whole point of a feedback and suggestions system. Whereas when someone reacts with agree they are showing they agree to the opinion already stated by others, which is a good thing to do as it still shows your opinion. The only time i see disagree being used correctly is when someone disagrees with the original suggestion posts and then agrees with the disagreement message(best messages on the forums) because it shows why you disagree. Whereas if you disagree, don't agree to the downside argument and dont say what you feel you may as well leave the thread as your useless to everyone, whether it be Cubecraft staff, the thread owner, or anyone involved in the discussion.
Unsure reactions are completely useless, and there's not much i can say about them really.. they're just useless, they tell you nothing. At least disagree reactions tell you that someone disagrees with your point(still not good as it doesn't show why).
So, in my opinion disagree reactions should be completely removed from the feedback and suggestions sub-forum, if you disagree with a point and see downsides you should share that with the people involved in the discussion and cubecraft staff. If you see a point you agree with whether it be in favour of or against the original thread point you should press agree. But please, please, share opinions on the forums and do not press a button that means nothing to everyone whether they are removed or not. And with the suggestion of disagrees being removed, unsures should too as no one likes you if you vote unsure(trust me). Agrees should stay as they show you agree with the point raised and pay a vital role in the suggestions system relating to forwarded suggestions.
Forwarded and Planned Suggestions
There is another huge problem within the suggestion system and that is the false hope it brings, like a lot of other Cubecraft messages and excuses. People get excited when a suggestion they think will improve Cubecraft for the better gets forwarded, and they should, as they've made a suggestion that the Cubecraft community clearly like. Yet, it will not be implemented unless its incredible easy and fast to make so cube look like they listen every once in a while..
There are currently, at this time, seven pages of planned and forwarded suggestions - all of which are what the *community* wants - yet, updates like simple parkour which is a joke (im sorry but wasting developer and design time on that really made me sad) and blockwars which no one asked for, go ahead. Cubecraft need to use the suggestion system for what it is - its there plans for the future-. Not there calender which says we need to do this here and this here etc etc etc. Cubecraft needs to see that the forums is what the community wants, not what the admins want.
I suggest Cubecraft use the forums as there calender, not there own one they made out through there own opinions but the ideas the community want to be seen implemented to Cubecraft. Cubecraft are constantly stating the devs are busy and admins are too busy etc.. they should not be busy with the Blockwars update that no one asked for, they should be busy adding a small, qol feature to a game like Minerware which has been suggested by the community or an extra command to make the communities time on cubecraft easier or a simple design change, for the community. That's what the community wants, not go by Cubecrafts calendar but by what the community tells you they want.
Again, I want to repeat what I've said at first, these are my opinions, and shouldn't be forced upon anyone, it's just what I think as a Cubecraft community member. and I want to really thank Cubecraft for the happiness their server brings to so many people.
Here is a shortened list of suggestions I have named above:
below. If you disagree please share your opinion and maybe it will open my mind to why the suggestions system is good, thanks for reading this thread.
Here are my opinions on two areas relating to the Feedback and Suggestion systems of Cubecraft Games.
Disagree and Unsure Reactions
Disagree reactions are a complete fail and are currently killing the suggestions system as a whole. The whole point of an online forums is to discuss and debate ideas. Currently, neither are being done. People press there disagree button and leave the thread as fast as anything, without giving the thread owner or people who agree with the original thread point any idea of why they disagree. When the suggestion maker thinks of the idea they only see upsides - not always but they at least outweigh the downsides - yet people disagree, and why? you need to share your belief and not just disagree, its ruining the whole suggestion system. The downsides need to be pointed out, whether it be by a forums user describing the downsides they see, or staff showing interest finally and actually sharing the cubecraft related downsides.
The reason why i think disagree reactions are killing the system and not agree reactions is because disagree reactions show that the individual has an opinion on the cons or the downsides yet they don't share them, which is the most important thing in the entire forums and the whole point of a feedback and suggestions system. Whereas when someone reacts with agree they are showing they agree to the opinion already stated by others, which is a good thing to do as it still shows your opinion. The only time i see disagree being used correctly is when someone disagrees with the original suggestion posts and then agrees with the disagreement message(best messages on the forums) because it shows why you disagree. Whereas if you disagree, don't agree to the downside argument and dont say what you feel you may as well leave the thread as your useless to everyone, whether it be Cubecraft staff, the thread owner, or anyone involved in the discussion.
Unsure reactions are completely useless, and there's not much i can say about them really.. they're just useless, they tell you nothing. At least disagree reactions tell you that someone disagrees with your point(still not good as it doesn't show why).
So, in my opinion disagree reactions should be completely removed from the feedback and suggestions sub-forum, if you disagree with a point and see downsides you should share that with the people involved in the discussion and cubecraft staff. If you see a point you agree with whether it be in favour of or against the original thread point you should press agree. But please, please, share opinions on the forums and do not press a button that means nothing to everyone whether they are removed or not. And with the suggestion of disagrees being removed, unsures should too as no one likes you if you vote unsure(trust me). Agrees should stay as they show you agree with the point raised and pay a vital role in the suggestions system relating to forwarded suggestions.
Forwarded and Planned Suggestions
There is another huge problem within the suggestion system and that is the false hope it brings, like a lot of other Cubecraft messages and excuses. People get excited when a suggestion they think will improve Cubecraft for the better gets forwarded, and they should, as they've made a suggestion that the Cubecraft community clearly like. Yet, it will not be implemented unless its incredible easy and fast to make so cube look like they listen every once in a while..
There are currently, at this time, seven pages of planned and forwarded suggestions - all of which are what the *community* wants - yet, updates like simple parkour which is a joke (im sorry but wasting developer and design time on that really made me sad) and blockwars which no one asked for, go ahead. Cubecraft need to use the suggestion system for what it is - its there plans for the future-. Not there calender which says we need to do this here and this here etc etc etc. Cubecraft needs to see that the forums is what the community wants, not what the admins want.
I suggest Cubecraft use the forums as there calender, not there own one they made out through there own opinions but the ideas the community want to be seen implemented to Cubecraft. Cubecraft are constantly stating the devs are busy and admins are too busy etc.. they should not be busy with the Blockwars update that no one asked for, they should be busy adding a small, qol feature to a game like Minerware which has been suggested by the community or an extra command to make the communities time on cubecraft easier or a simple design change, for the community. That's what the community wants, not go by Cubecrafts calendar but by what the community tells you they want.
- Use the community for what they are - your most valuable asset.
- Use the forums as your future calendar, the community should come first.
- Big updates mean nothing when there's seven pages of small ones, use them to your advantage and keep your community happy.
- We will not be saddened by your updates not coming, if we are, the community will tell you on the forums!
Again, I want to repeat what I've said at first, these are my opinions, and shouldn't be forced upon anyone, it's just what I think as a Cubecraft community member. and I want to really thank Cubecraft for the happiness their server brings to so many people.
Here is a shortened list of suggestions I have named above:
- Remove the reactions disagree and unsure as they remove the point of an online forums.
- Implement community suggestions.
- Implement a system where the cubecraft feedback and suggestions sub-forum IS your development and server calendar.
- We will not be saddened by not having your updates, because if we feel an update for a game should be added, it will be suggested.
- Listen to your community.
- Implement suggestions faster.

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