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Gameplay Engineer
Mar 18, 2017
the selfie area

The ' win 10.000 games of X' achievement

For a lot of gamemodes, there is an achievement which requires you to get 10.000 wins on that specific gamemode. This number is truly insane, people who try to get it, especially on any solo gamemode, put days, weeks, and even months of their time to actually get this insane amount of wins.

The suggestion

Change the reward for the achievement.
Very few people actually manage to get this achievement. I counted them, it's 107 in total.
This number excludes the featured games and the PvP minigames. On MinerWare, the #1 just passed 5000 wins.

Current achievement rewards

  • 10.000 experience (you get 1.250.000 experience if you win 10.000 consecutive games)
  • 5 cubelets (you get around 1 cubelet every 10-20 games from experience which is >500 cubelets)
  • 5000 points (you get 200.000 points if you win 10.000 consecutive games (not to mention kills))
I do not have an exact number for the reward change but keep the following things in mind:
  • Winning a game depends per gamemode. Solo SkyWars can take around 1m30 - 2m if you're experienced with the game whereas MinerWare takes +-5m.
  • It's easier to win a teams game than a solo game. The chance of winning on a solo game is at least 1/12, theoretically. Winning on a teams mode has a chance of 1/x where x = # of teams (which can be as low as 2 on some maps).
  • A unique loot item would interest and motivate quite a lot of players.


The 'win 10.000 games' achievement has a too low reward and I suggest changing it into something better.


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2020
Exactly! The only real reason to get the achievement now is just for getting it or its on the game you normally grind. Would love to see some special items (cages, gadgets, trails, etc). Maybe even a armor set you can slowly (really slowly) gather by gaining 10.000 wins in the main games(skywars solo and teams, eggwars solo and teams maybe).
  • Agree
Reactions: SanCookie


Forum Veteran
Jul 14, 2018
The Netherlands
I already knew I was going to be scammed when I hit 10k in Skywars, but it actually hurt when you get the nice achievements but the rewards were just horrible lol. I agree that it needs to be upgraded. 10k winners got scammed a lot. It took for me 5 years to get it because I was a noob and now it doesn't even have to take half an year to get another 10k but still, it's what you really worked hard for and it also says that you're good & skilled in the game.


Bagel Maker
Jan 30, 2014
Heyo San, thanks for your suggestion.

I have always believed the 10,000 wins achievements were not good enough for the massive amount of time it takes to get them. For this reason I'd like to introduce the following: (these are subject to change)

  • A unique loot item for every 10,000 achievement in each game. These would be very special as very few people would have them.
  • Take the average game time data we have and use that to come up with exp amounts that better fit.
  • I'd like to change to Cubelets to 3-4 uber cubelets, depending on the game.
  • Points would likely need a boost but we'd decide this later.
Currently we're short handed in the content team so most of our work goes into Bedrock in order to keep growing there, so we'd like to get some work on Java once we expand more. This is definitely one of those things I'd like to change.

~ Marked as planned.
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