Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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    Votes: 18 69.2%
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    Votes: 8 30.8%

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Forum Veteran
Feb 6, 2016
I like normal projectiles and support this thread.
The current voting system is unfair as it favours no projectiles 100% of the time in an equal vote and I believe it should be changed, so equal votes means equal chances of each vote being chosen.
I don't think we can compare seperating the boards to the seperation that used to exist between no kits and abilities and kits and abilities, mainly because the difference between normal and no projectiles is horizontal, it's an alternative style of gameplay as opposed to being an "upgraded" version of the other gamemode, no kits and projectiles was needed when you had no kits to pick from and needed points to pick a kit.
The difference between no projectiles and projectiles drastically changes the game, and choosing between both is based entirely on how you prefer to play the game they are two alternatives.
The voting system should definitely get changed if that's the case.

Adding a new board also isn't an option. It will split up the community. Nevertheless, what do you think about making projectiles achievable at the first refill?
So please if we were to limit no projectiles in any way skywars as we know it would die because normal skywars is waay too unpopular to have it's own gamemode, or whatever... I don't play skywars much anymore so there's that, but by catering to the one type of audiance, the players who like no projectiles, which now represent the majority of the voters, we can keep skywars alive and well, all players who liked projectiles or any other aspect of the old skywars are slowly leaving and being replaced by players who cater to the fast paced no projectiles skywars, which represents the bigger audiance, we cannot cater to both audiances by seperating them as players would no longer be interested in the classic normal projectiles mode and that mode would eventually die out faster just as the no kits and abilities modes did.

Removing it is indeed not the appropriate solution, but you don't want players to leave because they're unable to play with normal projectiles, right? I mean, removing no projectiles will presumably make more players leave, but I don't believe the players who love playing with normal projectiles are fine with everyone constantly voting for no projectiles. Moreover, the majority of players vote for no projectiles, but that doesn't mean the others like it too. Don't forget the non-rankers!
Not having to worry about getting shot off while bridging is genuinely nice, but I am not making this thread because I want it changed, I made this thread for the players who like no projectiles and more important, for the ones who like to discuss about this topic.
Normal projectiles should die, but players still like it so we give them the ability to vote for it but no projectiles must trump that vote if votes are equal as the majority of the players that are our target audience prefee that gamemode.
Why should it die? Yes, if literally no one likes it anymore, it won't matter anymore. But currently not.

No. I enjoy playing Sky Wars without projectiles, as they are--to me at least--annoying, as you have to worry about getting shot of a bridge just like in Egg Wars or Lucky Islands.
I completely understand that, no worries. :P

Oh yeah let’s remove projectiles from eggwars, lucky islands and freebuild then :D:D:D:D:D

(Btw the skywars icon is a bow :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:)
If they want players to play those games it could actually be a good change, heh.


Forum Expert
Mar 16, 2016
I still think the only good sytem is to split it up into different boards. I've seen a lot players that prefer normal projectiles, even it if's the minority by far.
There used to be 2*21 signs for team skywars. Then it was changed to 2*8 and now to 1*5. I'd rather have 2*4 than this. As Lezzapeen said, the difference between normal proj/no proj is much bigger than the difference between no/with kits and abilities, which is why a separation is more important than before.
If fewer people play normal projectiles, you might only be able to play it at busyer times. Still better than forcing them into one game. You wouldn't merge SG or Control Point Money Walls Blockband UHC into Skywars even though you can't start a game most of the time.


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