Cubecraft Staff, there have been many complaints about 1.20 eggwars and many requests to revert, or bring back the OG eggwars in some way but the staff have never answered. Will there be a return? In any way for example a seprate server, or just a complete revert or maybe even a vote before games like the modes? Staff pls answer because want a definite answer and other people pls don't answer
I extremely doubt that they'd revert back. Mainly because, even regardless of what you, the forums and I may think of the update, eggwars is more popular than ever.
Especially in the recent few days, according to the player numbers, almost half the server (as I am writing this: 4400 players out of almost 9670 online, again: ALMOST half) is on eggwars at all times.
Yesterday morning, with around 9500 players online: 4300 on eggwars
Yesterday evening, 19500 online: 9000 on eggwars
Today morning, 9670 online, 4400 on eggwars.
Just so you know, just shortly after the update released, as well as before its release, with 9000 online, eggwars would be somewhere around 2k players.
The player numbers on eggwars almost doubled just a few weeks after the updates released.
They have no reason to revert an update that seemingly made the game more popular than its ever been in terms of player numbers. Not even the bugs are such a problem anymore, they have seemingly fixed the most severe ones, the server also feels less laggy (though that could just be me getting used to the lag at this point, lol).
Tl;dr: Why would they revert an update that the majority of players seem to like?