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Dedicated Member
Jul 7, 2016
#47: people with nohaxjust in their name
WHY... My old IGN used to be NoHaxJustDorito. I wasn't annoying people with it though, I thought it was funny when I was accused of hacks so I changed my IGN to NoHaxJustDorito. :P


Dedicated Member
Jul 16, 2016
The nest of dorks
Wannabes are very annoying. That is so true. It doesn't matter if you answered a question that was already answered and telling people that they helped someone. I help people, not to become helper but, to help people! I enjoy it :P. Yes, I used to be a helper wanna be but now, I despise my actions. I mean, to all wannabes, really, staff will know if you're really trying to help people or just wanting the rank :P. @Earth, I backed you up :P


Dedicated Member
Sep 1, 2016
Ladies and Scrubs(Gentlemen),
Welcome to eh.. my Second thread about most annoying people on Cubecraft!!!
Yes a thread were you can rant other players for the stuff they do and how they are. ;)
Now let's begin, well before I do if you don't know what this is see my last thread
Here's my list:

  • Number 7: Well like last time I really hate people with Edgy names here are some examples: (xXxPvPBryanpls_MCYTxXx or TBNR_ULTIMATENOMERCY_YT or even beter JustLikeIHaveNoInspiration for a username.)
  • Number 6: People who copy other peoples art or skin! Such people have the least originality of them all it's just soooooo annoying (Well anime doesn't really count I'm talking about YTers and things like that)
  • Number 5: Campers in Duels... It's just dump like if they're building up I wait and then shoot them off, they die in a instant.. Just why?
  • Number 4: Hackers, they're just annoying if you're tryharding for the rest Hackers can be really fun and entertaining :) They spice the game up for you and make it a bit more challenging.
  • Number 3: Tryhards! Seriously I hate them they're just unbelievable! Here's a example:
    Dude I get it that you won but seriously saying eZ and Nub with 0.5 hearts left is just childish.
  • Number 2: Staff Diggers. Seriously your doing all badass and provoking people but when a Staff shows up they're like "OMG MAC I love you and I love Cubecraft! OMG Please can I haz Mod?" and when they're gone they go back to their normal annoying self. just disgusting :/
  • Number 1: Wannabes. Just stop please, I know you need some messages otherwise you guys won't have a chance to get Helper but seriously if the Answer to someones question is already give don't repeat it again or don't ask for locks -_- very very annoying.
Well I hope you liked this list and tell me yours down bellow I want to read them ;D
Also just going to tag some people,

See, I've actually applied for Helper rank because I do help people occasionally on the server and sometimes on the forums, I enjoy it - I guess that makes me a wannabe. But most of the time when I go to offer a solution or an answer to a problem, its already been answered not once, but about 30 times xD So I don't bother saying anything.

My point is, I wish more people just read the whole thread and its replies before they started replying to it. It's really not much to ask for :/

Anyways, back to the main subject. Staff diggers are just hypocrites most of the time. It makes me laugh the way they act trash one minute, then so nicey nice the next. I'm friendly to the staff too because I respect them, but I don't act any differently around them than I would with my friends or anyone else for that matter.

The most annoying people in general are campers - wether its a 1v1 duel or a big Eggwars brawl, campers just stop the game dead and make everything long and drawn out when it doesn't need to be. It's the worst when I'm playing without friends in Eggwars, and my stranger teammates decide to break our bridge to mid. Without any warning. While I'm still in mid -.- thanks!

Tryhards take everything waaaay too seriously. This is a block game, not an actual war :L But i can put up wih them. It's hackers that really grind my gears. They can't win with skill so they have to cheat their way to victory and ruin everyone else's fun while theyre at it... Still there is hope. Most hackers are still pretty bad at the game so there are ways to beat them if you know what you're doing :D and i guess it does add an extra challenge to some matches. Of course, that's not to say I approve of it though!

Qin Shihuangdi

Forum Expert
Nov 11, 2015
The Orange House
33. People who won't shut up about streaming (I'm not talking about the Pleb Streamers, it's the OTHER streamers)
31. People that don't know the difference between your and you're
30. People that report themselves
29. People that run around and place blocks in the middle of nowhere
28. Horizontal Staircase Builders in Block Wars
27. People that think rushing is a noob strategy
26. Hackers that keep dying because they can't fly
25. People who aren't plebs
24. People that pretend to be part of a clan:
Screenshot (956).png

23. People that always ask what to do before a game starts
22. People that think this is Badlion
21. Steve skins
20. Alex skins
19. People with xx_(other bad stuff)_xx
18. People with NL in their name
17. People that vote hardcore Triple
16. People that vote OP Triple
15. People that shoot a bow at nothing
14. People who think this is a 1.8 server
13. Teams of 20 in FFA that I killed 13 of
12. People that AFK on the iron generator
11. People that don't know how to spell 3 letter words
10. People who worship staff like they're a god
9. People who worship YouTubers like they're a god
8. People who impersonate BajanCanadian
7. People that have TBNR in their name
6. opopopopopoopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopoppop
5. Mid Campers
4. Spawn Killers
3. People that use memes from 2007
2. Wannabes
1. This
Screenshot (950).png
Screenshot (951).png
Screenshot (952).png
Screenshot (953).png

0. People that don't know what a meme is

Despacito 2

Forum Professional
Dec 6, 2015
See, I've actually applied for Helper rank because I do help people occasionally on the server and sometimes on the forums, I enjoy it - I guess that makes me a wannabe. But most of the time when I go to offer a solution or an answer to a problem, its already been answered not once, but about 30 times xD So I don't bother saying anything.

My point is, I wish more people just read the whole thread and its replies before they started replying to it. It's really not much to ask for :/

A little sneakpeak of my application:


Dedicated Member
Nov 5, 2015
I agree!

My list:
1.) me
2.) me
3.) me
4.) me
5.) me
6.) me
7.) :D
That's true

My list is:
7- Bullies. Aaah, I love when someone starts (trying) to bully me. "You suck, fudge you and your mother..." It is not my fault if non-sociable, 10 years old kids sitting in front of their computers all day are trying to call the attention.
6- Tryhards. The enemy wins with 0.5 HP left. I say GG. He says ez noob learn to pvp. I challenge them again. 10-hearted. lucky ur ezzzz. Lovely
5- Bow Spammers. Before someone says "Just get a shield", I'll mention that shields break pretty fast, and campers always have a lot of arrows and a Punch 69 bow on their inventories.
4. Hackers. These are not the players I hate most. Although hackers are annoying and need to install a forbidden client to win, sometimes they can even be funny. I have had some past experiences with it.
TP-aura hackers saying "ezzzz strafe"... Hilarious, to be honest
Newbies on hacking, saying things like: "fudge my hax won't work"...
3- Lava users. I just HATE when someone has better gear than you and still, they use lava buckets. Like, they could beat me with they swords, but they prefer to be annoying and place lava on my feet.
2- Runners. I'll explain it with a few memes.
Aww Yea 14012017113458.jpg

Futurama Fry 14012017113703.jpg

1- Spammers. There are a lot of them and they are SOOO ANNOYING. "Subscribe to my channel xx_iwinyouezxx_pvp360noscope"
"opoopppopopop op opoopppopopop plzplzplz"
"&k constant messages"
"who wants to duel me? (Spammed every 2 seconds)"


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2016
  • Number 5: Campers in Duels... It's just dump like if they're building up I wait and then shoot them off, they die in a instant.. Just why?
80% of the times when I play the 'Eggwars' kit in duels (a kit with NO bow AND 64 blocks), they always build up and stare down at you... And you just think to yourself, "WTF are they even trying to accomplish?"

I ended up getting a rank, now I never have to play that kit again :)

Cubo ㅤ

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2016
80% of the times when I play the 'Eggwars' kit in duels (a kit with NO bow AND 64 blocks), they always build up and stare down at you... And you just think to yourself, "WTF are they even trying to accomplish?"

I ended up getting a rank, now I never have to play that kit again :)
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Forum Expert
Jan 30, 2016
Toulouse (France)
Also just going to tag some people,
...Me ?
Anyways, heres my list :
"1.7 was the best update/1.9 ruined pvp" pvpers
That one alex that "hides" behind a block but becomes the ultimate egg turret as soon as you even think about looking in his direction
(Then goes back to hiding)
Players you trust with the obsidian but fail (@Gainfullterror , I'm soorrrrryyyy)
Gen Hoggers
People who discover you have an autoresponse script and abuse it *Cough* @RainyDayz_ *Cough*
Staff Targeters (meaning choosing anything else than swordsman is very risky as you are to be targeted...)
People who follow you through different games specifically to kill you and rejoice about it when they egg you off. (I know it's fun but pls refrain)
People who bow you just before your tnt explodes :/
My own inability to make a 1 block jump at times leading me to fall into the void...
@Yasly in tab, I know I've already lost before the game starts... (jk It's fun playing against pros like you)
People asking about the anticheat/factions/freebuild when the response can be found on hundreds of other existing threads.

33. People who won't shut up about streaming (I'm not talking about the Pleb Streamers, it's the OTHER streamers)
31. People that don't know the difference between your and you're
30. People that report themselves
29. People that run around and place blocks in the middle of nowhere
28. Horizontal Staircase Builders in Block Wars
27. People that think rushing is a noob strategy
26. Hackers that keep dying because they can't fly
25. People who aren't plebs
24. People that pretend to be part of a clan:
View attachment 127611
23. People that always ask what to do before a game starts
22. People that think this is Badlion
21. Steve skins
20. Alex skins
19. People with xx_(other bad stuff)_xx
18. People with NL in their name
17. People that vote hardcore Triple
16. People that vote OP Triple
15. People that shoot a bow at nothing
14. People who think this is a 1.8 server
13. Teams of 20 in FFA that I killed 13 of
12. People that AFK on the iron generator
11. People that don't know how to spell 3 letter words
10. People who worship staff like they're a god
9. People who worship YouTubers like they're a god
8. People who impersonate BajanCanadian
7. People that have TBNR in their name
6. opopopopopoopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopoppop
5. Mid Campers
4. Spawn Killers
3. People that use memes from 2007
2. Wannabes
1. This
View attachment 127598 View attachment 127599 View attachment 127600 View attachment 127601
0. People that don't know what a meme is
Completely agree, number 0 was the cherry on top of the cake : P

Just realised...

Necro posters
I lock now : /
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