This is the solution that I want to see, I feel like it has the best chance of being a successful change that will solve this problem. I will be using ideas (as well as images) from this thread by
@TransGans ( This thread sums up pretty much perfectly what I would like to see to fix this issue. It also comes with some very useful visuals, I would highly suggest checking it out to find out more because this idea is pretty great. As said in this thread “Now I know that this is annoying, but let's cut them some slack. It's not their fault that they have yet to master the game of TD, because they haven't played it before or for whatever reason. But, however innocent these players are, towers placed as shown in the picture above, sure are annoying as hell.” And this sums it up perfectly. It's not their fault that they don't know how to play. So what we can do to help is put tools in place to teach these people the game.
Now, before I start talking about what was in the thread I would like to add a bit of my own. If any of these limitations were to be added I would like to see a setting (like the one shown below which disables these barriers because it is sometimes strategic to place towers where they don't belong and I would not want to see these strategies go away. I see the purpose of these limitations as a way to teach new players not to stop trollers, that is their problem and I can't fix that.
Alright! Let's get to what was said in the thread. It started off with a basic explanation of how tower placement works, which I think is a really important part of this suggestion so i have put an explanation at the beginning of this section. What was stated in this thread was that instead of making the block that you click on the center, the game should recognise the 3x3 or 5x5 space that the player clicked on and place the tower in that square, regardless of what of the 9/25 blocks you clicked. This would prevent new players who don't know how to play from accidentally misplacing towers and team trolling. I really urge you to go check out the thread because it does a great job explaining this and has some epic visuals. This is the idea that i want to see implemented but I would honestly be happy if anything is implemented to fix this.