I didn't use google translate, I've got French on my school but I'm not very good at it xD!It's good to try to speak French but ... google translation is full of mistakes
I didn't use google translate, I've got French on my school but I'm not very good at it xD!It's good to try to speak French but ... google translation is full of mistakes
Oh ok, because I saw a small accent fault, what google translate oftenI didn't use google translate, I've got French on my school but I'm not very good at it xD!
xDOh ok, because I saw a small accent fault, what google translate often
If so, there are about twenty but translate will bring players to the serverje deteste le francias... pls no i dont want reminders of school. also there not enough french people playing to translate everything
I agree. Cubecraft is heavily in favor of english. Most players are english, when I switch to the other languages in game, the players still talki n the same language, nothing changes, and I think it would be nice to have an option to change it and make the other languages feel welcomed! :DEnglish :
Hello, I am a French player of the server. I saw that the server is not translated into French but only in Spanish, English and Dutch...
So I want to help you translate this beautiful server.
Bonjour, je suis un joueur Français du serveur. J'ai vue que le serveur n'est pas traduit en Français mais seulement en Néerlandais, anglais et allemand...
Je souhaites donc vous apporter mon aide pour traduire ce magnifique serveur.
Hola, soy un jugador francés del servidor. Vi que el servidor no está traducido al francés, sino solo en holandés, inglés y español ... Así que quiero ayudarte a traducir este hermoso servidor
Hallo, ik ben een Franse speler van de server. Ik zag dat de server niet in het Frans is vertaald, maar alleen in het Nederlands, Engels en Spaans ... Dus ik wil u helpen deze mooie server te vertalen