Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
Jun 18, 2024
Hi, it’s my first time posting, but I play a lot of cubecraft. I recently bought a ton of stuff from them, so now I have vip level 14 or something. Anyways I am about to hit normal level 33 and I would like to say that I have reported and gotten a ton of hackers banned. I have a now deleted video of one of them racing around the warden map. What I’d like to say is that I’m back to playing a lot of Minecraft and hope to see some more great people on cubecraft. I have some suggestions for the server as a whole that I believe many people would agree with, there should be a system similar to brawl stars reporting where you can report afk or team briefing teammates and some punishments could start with a warning, then a temporary suspension from that gamemode and if they are a serious offender, up to a year suspension from that gamemode or game modes. The strikes could reset to zero every month, but the suspension will not be waived if a month passes before they are out of that ban, they should be banned from all of the gamemodes they were afk or team griefing in. There should be a report limit that can be expanded by buying the rank for that gamemode. They could also add a wizard bundle that includes a wizard hat egg skin, a wizard shop skin, a sparkle trail, a bunny coming out of a tophat win effect and maybe some sort of hat cosmetic which is one of the other suggestions I would like to make. There should be a hat system that has the same sort of interface as the trail and cage system but it lasts through both gamemodes. Say you are in a game and let’s say you have the wizard hat from before equipped, it will stay on your head until a helmet is equipped. Some hat examples could be a bucket hat, a cowboy hat, a party hat, a baseball hat, an upside down trophy on your head, a motorcycle helmet, and a bike helmet.

I’m sorry that I practically wrote an entire paper for this. And sorry about my English it’s my second language.
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BrunoScott wrote on tahatii's profile.
Happy birthday!!🎉🥳
Kazwa wrote on tahatii's profile.
happy birthday!
Wave Master7S wrote on jamesthesignificant's profile.
Thanks for the follow!
Amacchi wrote on tahatii's profile.
Happy bday!!! 🎉
Zawuri wrote on tahatii's profile.
Happy birthday!
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