Henlo! Most people know what UHC is so im not going to bother explaining. Anyways when I last did a thread about this people said “oH nOeS iTs wIlL bE tOo lOnG” but recently due to winter we have had a clash of clans rip off for the seasonal games and I have barely played it because stabbing kids in eggwars is priority but what I do know is you gather recourses for 10 minutes then stab orphans. Familiar? Anyway UHC, gather essential murder weapons in 10 minutes then 20-30 minutes until death match.
Hackers? No problem! Just only let VIPs play and then make a custom rank that just gives you a pass to UHC for less then VIP would cost. You capitalise and then you can capitalise more by making an actual rank for it which lets you pivk set bonuses! Also give everyone a free game to try it out even if they dont have VIP or the pass.
Players, money and a lot of bugs when it WILL come out.
I’m so good at making threads.
Hackers? No problem! Just only let VIPs play and then make a custom rank that just gives you a pass to UHC for less then VIP would cost. You capitalise and then you can capitalise more by making an actual rank for it which lets you pivk set bonuses! Also give everyone a free game to try it out even if they dont have VIP or the pass.
Players, money and a lot of bugs when it WILL come out.
I’m so good at making threads.