Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2017
Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'll try adding all the recent suggestions, now that I have more time. Expect an update next week!


Forum Expert
Nov 21, 2016
Bug: Autothank didnt work for me and I got sent to lobby for reason illegal characters in chat. When the booster happened I just got sent to lobby and not xp for booster
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Novice Member
Feb 19, 2020
Thanks a lot for the feedback, and you are in luck! This client is extremely vanilla and the visuals don't change much, when I will be adding custom modifications, they will all be toggleable!

Also, I added your shortcut feature to my To-Do list!
If I figure out how to do it, I might update the client tomorrow with that feature!

Simply do it by making the macro look at a designated ingame string the user wants to type. Can simply be done by using chat regex and etc.


Novice Member
Feb 19, 2020
It's cool to see the community doing something. You will need to be careful when implementing or changing specific Minecraft code that is naturally present by default. This issue occurred recently with Lunar Client. This led to me and Elevated having to help fix the client. So make sure you proofread and make sure your code is extensively tested before hand.
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May 19, 2020
View attachment 164630

Introducing the Cubeclient v1.2:

Cubeclient is an unofficial utility client with unique features that will make your experience on the Cubecraft network "legendary". It comes with a lot of features, some are still in development.


  1. This client does NOT offer any in-game advantages, all the modifications are client-side and pure aesthetic. Because of that, Sentinel will not ban for using this, do not worry about that!
  2. Sadly enough, this only works for the Java Edition of the game, sorry if you are on Bedrock.
  3. This is still a very early build and is still a work in progress! If you encounter any bugs, please report them to me: more on that later.

View attachment 164631

Cubeclient comes with a lot of fun and unique features that will enhance your experience on the server.

This is a complete list of all the current features (As of v1.2), this list will be updated as more features come:

This client comes with Discord RP so that you can flex on all of your friends ;) . All you have to do in order for it to work is to launch the game, and the client will display it on Discord!

There are 4 different stages:

1: Singleplayer

View attachment 164632

2: Multiplayer + (server)

View attachment 164633

3: Idle in the main menu

View attachment 164634

4: Idle in the server list

View attachment 164635

That 1 experience is very important to us, right? Prove me wrong!

Just download it and discover it for yourself :)

Optifine is already built-in the client, no need to download it, just download the Cubeclient :cube_light:. FPS buff and shaders for days :eek:.

View attachment 164636

This is a step by step guide on how to install the client to your Minecraft launcher:

Step 1:

Download the .zip file from the Mediafire. (https://www.mediafire.com/file/688xu9hm0di8yjd/cubeclient.zip/file)

Step 2: Paste the file in your versions folder and unzip it:

View attachment 164637

Step 3:

Open your Minecraft Launcher, head to View attachment 164638. Create a new Installation View attachment 164639 . Select "cubeclient" in the list. View attachment 164640

Optional step:

Give it a cool name, and an icon.

View attachment 164641

Step 4:

Select the client:

View attachment 164642

Step 5:

Press "PLAY" and have fun!

If your installation didn't work, start a conversation with me!

Note: There are no images, might add them later.

Step 1:

Download the .zip file from the Mediafire. (https://www.mediafire.com/file/688xu9hm0di8yjd/cubeclient.zip/file)

Step 2:

Go to your Desktop -> Go -> Go To Folder (Alt: Shift + Command + G). In the prompt paste: ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/versions

Step 3:

Paste the zip file there and unzip it

Step 4:

Open your Minecraft Launcher, head to View attachment 164638. Create a new Installation View attachment 164639 . Select "cubeclient" in the list. View attachment 164640

Optional step:

Give it a cool name, and an icon.

View attachment 164641

Step 5:

Select the client:

View attachment 164642

Step 6:

Press "PLAY" and have fun!

If your installation didn't work, start a conversation with me!

View attachment 164643

Do you have a great idea that's worth implementing in the client, or did you suggest something countless times in the Suggestions forum but it has never seen the daylight? Then feel free to suggest your idea by replying to this thread!

Example suggestion:


A good suggestion is something that could work on the client:


This is a good suggestion because it can be added to the client. (Also I am using a Cubecraft suggestion as an example but you don't have to ofc).

Other good suggestions could be: Add capes (will probably do btw ;) ) or add player health above their heads.


A bad suggestion is something that is impossible to add to the client:

For example: Add /rejoin command or Add ranked matches...


Feel free to suggest your best splash screen ideas too!
View attachment 164653

View attachment 164644

Did you find a bug, a malfunction, or FPS drops?
Don't hesitate! You can also report bugs like you would suggest something, by replying to this thread. Alternatively, you could start a conversation with me on the forums!

NOTE: Bugs are not suggestions!

View attachment 164645


  1. I am in no way affiliated with the Cubecraft staff team. If you have questions regarding the client ask me. Don't bother them.
  2. This is an unofficial client, made by a community member (me).
  3. This is a very early version with minimal features, I am planning on dedicating a lot of time to the development of this project. So don't worry there is much more to come!

Make sure to let me know what you think of it. If you have negative complaints you can also let me know and explain why (Hopefully not though D: ).

@Finixly :)

I used Minecraft Coder Pack for anyone wondering:

View attachment 164851

After getting a lot of similar problems through Discord and the Forums, I decided to add this section.

Problem #1: 'I cannot see cubeclient in my installations list.'

  1. Fix 1: Make sure you correctly unzipped the file and that your cubeclient folder is in '%appdata%\.minecraft\versions' directory.
  2. Fix 2: Open the cubeclient folder and make sure that there is "cubeclient.json" and a "cubeclient.jar" in the folder. It should look like this:
  3. Fix 3: Delete 'launcher_profiles.json' in your '.minecraft' folder. This is completely safe to delete, you will have to relog into your launcher though.
Problem #2: 'My keybinds don't work.'
  1. Fix 1: Make sure you have the latest version of cubeclient.
  2. Fix 2: The default keybinds are configured for "Qwerty" keyboards. If you have an "Azerty" keyboard or another one, you might have to change the keybind.
Please make sure you contact me if none of these fixes worked. Thanks a lot!

View attachment 164648

I will be posting updates here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/cubeclient-updates.238343/ with the changelogs, so make sure to watch the thread.

LATEST BUILD (Current: 1.2): https://www.mediafire.com/file/688xu9hm0di8yjd/cubeclient.zip/file

TIP: If you want to be notified, you could watch this thread. I will let everyone know when there will be an update by replying to the thread!

View attachment 164649

On that note, thanks a lot for reading and taking an interest,

Here is a cookie:
View attachment 164654

This really does sound like a great idea and I am happy the community does stuff like that for people to use for free, even though the amount of work needed to make something like this is tremendous.

That being said, I cannot condone anyone to use this client. I am not saying that the developers of this client had any malicious intent or anything close to that. But it's really easy to mess something up in the client. Like, incredibly easy. Lunar for instance, which is a client developed from one of the biggest companies in the community and is one of the most used clients, and we had to help them for a solid two weeks of constant updates to be even able to consider Lunar as usable on CubeCraft.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2017
This really does sound like a great idea and I am happy the community does stuff like that for people to use for free, even though the amount of work needed to make something like this is tremendous.

That being said, I cannot condone anyone to use this client. I am not saying that the developers of this client had any malicious intent or anything close to that. But it's really easy to mess something up in the client. Like, incredibly easy. Lunar for instance, which is a client developed from one of the biggest companies in the community and is one of the most used clients, and we had to help them for a solid two weeks of constant updates to be even able to consider Lunar as usable on CubeCraft.
When making this client, I barely touch any Minecraft code, most of the modifications are made in separate classes and when I did it was always client-side stuff and nothing should theoretically trigger any sort of anti-cheat. I do play with the client a bit before releasing it. But thank you for the warning. (I should probably mention using this at your own risk).


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2017
I love the client but I have FPS drops
Normal I play on 200-280 and whit the client 60-150.
That should not happen, nothing should affect your FPS, in fact, it should boost your FPS a bit because it has Optifine built-in. The client is built upon Minecraft 1.12, so try playing Minecraft 1.12 and see if you get the same FPS. (Which version of Minecraft are you using when you get 200-280 FPS?) Also texture packs, shader packs can affect FPS.
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Dedicated Member
May 5, 2019
The Netherlands
That should not happen, nothing should affect your FPS, in fact, it should boost your FPS a bit because it has Optifine built-in. The client is built upon Minecraft 1.12, so try playing Minecraft 1.12 and see if you get the same FPS. (Which version of Minecraft are you using when you get 200-280 FPS?) Also texture packs, shader packs can affect FPS.
Thank you! I use 1.8 and 1.12 most of the time whit the 200-280 FPS


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2020
Hey man!

I just got the client up and running, bat what I really need is ToggleSprint, could you maybe add that whenever you can? :D


Jul 16, 2020
View attachment 164630

Introducing the Cubeclient v1.2:

Cubeclient is an unofficial utility client with unique features that will make your experience on the Cubecraft network "legendary". It comes with a lot of features, some are still in development.


  1. This client does NOT offer any in-game advantages, all the modifications are client-side and pure aesthetic. Because of that, Sentinel will not ban for using this, do not worry about that!
  2. Sadly enough, this only works for the Java Edition of the game, sorry if you are on Bedrock.
  3. This is still a very early build and is still a work in progress! If you encounter any bugs, please report them to me: more on that later.

View attachment 164631

Cubeclient comes with a lot of fun and unique features that will enhance your experience on the server.

This is a complete list of all the current features (As of v1.2), this list will be updated as more features come:

This client comes with Discord RP so that you can flex on all of your friends ;) . All you have to do in order for it to work is to launch the game, and the client will display it on Discord!

There are 4 different stages:

1: Singleplayer

View attachment 164632

2: Multiplayer + (server)

View attachment 164633

3: Idle in the main menu

View attachment 164634

4: Idle in the server list

View attachment 164635

That 1 experience is very important to us, right? Prove me wrong!

Just download it and discover it for yourself :)

Optifine is already built-in the client, no need to download it, just download the Cubeclient :cube_light:. FPS buff and shaders for days :eek:.

View attachment 164636

This is a step by step guide on how to install the client to your Minecraft launcher:

Step 1:

Download the .zip file from the Mediafire. (https://www.mediafire.com/file/688xu9hm0di8yjd/cubeclient.zip/file)

Step 2: Paste the file in your versions folder and unzip it:

View attachment 164637

Step 3:

Open your Minecraft Launcher, head to View attachment 164638. Create a new Installation View attachment 164639 . Select "cubeclient" in the list. View attachment 164640

Optional step:

Give it a cool name, and an icon.

View attachment 164641

Step 4:

Select the client:

View attachment 164642

Step 5:

Press "PLAY" and have fun!

If your installation didn't work, start a conversation with me!

Note: There are no images, might add them later.

Step 1:

Download the .zip file from the Mediafire. (https://www.mediafire.com/file/688xu9hm0di8yjd/cubeclient.zip/file)

Step 2:

Go to your Desktop -> Go -> Go To Folder (Alt: Shift + Command + G). In the prompt paste: ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/versions

Step 3:

Paste the zip file there and unzip it

Step 4:

Open your Minecraft Launcher, head to View attachment 164638. Create a new Installation View attachment 164639 . Select "cubeclient" in the list. View attachment 164640

Optional step:

Give it a cool name, and an icon.

View attachment 164641

Step 5:

Select the client:

View attachment 164642

Step 6:

Press "PLAY" and have fun!

If your installation didn't work, start a conversation with me!

View attachment 164643

Do you have a great idea that's worth implementing in the client, or did you suggest something countless times in the Suggestions forum but it has never seen the daylight? Then feel free to suggest your idea by replying to this thread!

Example suggestion:


A good suggestion is something that could work on the client:


This is a good suggestion because it can be added to the client. (Also I am using a Cubecraft suggestion as an example but you don't have to ofc).

Other good suggestions could be: Add capes (will probably do btw ;) ) or add player health above their heads.


A bad suggestion is something that is impossible to add to the client:

For example: Add /rejoin command or Add ranked matches...


Feel free to suggest your best splash screen ideas too!
View attachment 164653

View attachment 164644

Did you find a bug, a malfunction, or FPS drops?
Don't hesitate! You can also report bugs like you would suggest something, by replying to this thread. Alternatively, you could start a conversation with me on the forums!

NOTE: Bugs are not suggestions!

View attachment 164645


  1. I am in no way affiliated with the Cubecraft staff team. If you have questions regarding the client ask me. Don't bother them.
  2. This is an unofficial client, made by a community member (me).
  3. This is a very early version with minimal features, I am planning on dedicating a lot of time to the development of this project. So don't worry there is much more to come!

Make sure to let me know what you think of it. If you have negative complaints you can also let me know and explain why (Hopefully not though D: ).

@Finixly :)

I used Minecraft Coder Pack for anyone wondering:

View attachment 164851

After getting a lot of similar problems through Discord and the Forums, I decided to add this section.

Problem #1: 'I cannot see cubeclient in my installations list.'

  1. Fix 1: Make sure you correctly unzipped the file and that your cubeclient folder is in '%appdata%\.minecraft\versions' directory.
  2. Fix 2: Open the cubeclient folder and make sure that there is "cubeclient.json" and a "cubeclient.jar" in the folder. It should look like this:
  3. Fix 3: Delete 'launcher_profiles.json' in your '.minecraft' folder. This is completely safe to delete, you will have to relog into your launcher though.
Problem #2: 'My keybinds don't work.'
  1. Fix 1: Make sure you have the latest version of cubeclient.
  2. Fix 2: The default keybinds are configured for "Qwerty" keyboards. If you have an "Azerty" keyboard or another one, you might have to change the keybind.
Please make sure you contact me if none of these fixes worked. Thanks a lot!

View attachment 164648

I will be posting updates here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/cubeclient-updates.238343/ with the changelogs, so make sure to watch the thread.

LATEST BUILD (Current: 1.2): https://www.mediafire.com/file/688xu9hm0di8yjd/cubeclient.zip/file

TIP: If you want to be notified, you could watch this thread. I will let everyone know when there will be an update by replying to the thread!

View attachment 164649

On that note, thanks a lot for reading and taking an interest,

Here is a cookie:
View attachment 164654
Please subscribe to @Kendojay Minecraft
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Forum Veteran
Sep 15, 2015
Out of curiosity, will there be a bedrock version of this one day?
Porting it to bedrock is impossible. It'd require a conpletely diffetent version, made in C# or C++, which would also be way more difficult, as there's no MCP equivalent on bedrock, meaning (a way to do it) you'd to inject a dll into mcbedrock proccess, to add all the fancy stuff. Thatd require reverse engineering which, alone, is pretty complex.
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Aug 31, 2020
THIS IS SO EPPPICCCCC!!!!! I have been looking for like two days for optifine + auto gg + armor. NOW I FOUND IT ALL IN ONE FOR CUBECRAFT (favourite server). Now if I'm going to enjoy this can I donate somewhere?
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