What is it like now? 
When you get into an eggwars lobby, you can vote the type of gamemode you'd like to play (hardcore, normal, overpowered). You can also vote for the type of health you'd like in the game (half, normal, double & tripple). Obviously that's great, but there's one downside. Just before the game starts you get put into your chosen cage in the map you're about to play and then you can't vote anymore for some reason.. I asked in staff-help and they told me to just create a suggestion so I don't really see the reason to why it's like that. In skywars you can still vote and in lucky islands as well if I'm correct..
What would I like it to be?
I'd really like that to change, that you're still able to vote when you get put in your game. Yes, very short but it's simple. Hit agree if you agree
and hit disagree if you disagree (also please explain why you disagree) 

When you get into an eggwars lobby, you can vote the type of gamemode you'd like to play (hardcore, normal, overpowered). You can also vote for the type of health you'd like in the game (half, normal, double & tripple). Obviously that's great, but there's one downside. Just before the game starts you get put into your chosen cage in the map you're about to play and then you can't vote anymore for some reason.. I asked in staff-help and they told me to just create a suggestion so I don't really see the reason to why it's like that. In skywars you can still vote and in lucky islands as well if I'm correct..
What would I like it to be?

I'd really like that to change, that you're still able to vote when you get put in your game. Yes, very short but it's simple. Hit agree if you agree