We were playing in team lucky islands, we've heard of other people having this problem in solo too, but I've never done it in solo so I don't know what the issue is. Try it in team and see what happens. As to what version we were playing in, I think we were all in 1.13, although one of us might have been 1.15, all I know is that I play in 1.13 because I find it lags a lot and some of the lucky bows glitch in 1.15.my friend and I liked this so much that we wanted to try it ourself.we first tried it in solo Lucky but the flying machine would fail after a few blocks. We thought that I might had to do with the fact that we were in solo so we tried it in teams. But it would still fail after a few block And the machine would just stop Working. Can you maybe explained how you created your machine? And can you tell me in what mode you are playing in? (1.13/1.15.2)