About Skyblock (End Update)
Disclaimer: Internal deadlines are not to be considered as publicly available deadlines when players should expect the update to be released; they are there so that developers/designers aren't working on the same project for a large portion of the year and to avoid developer burnout, as well as collect WIP and prototype screenshots for promotional material.
I can help shed some light on the situation regarding the Skyblock update; however, for NDA reasons, I cannot disclose the complete details. I was originally assigned to lead the Skyblock End update back in 2022 after the original product lead decided to move on from the network. We originally started the Skyblock end update back on November 1st, 2021. Things were slow, with limited developers available to work on the project, but we continued to push on. We had set out a planned internal deadline for the gamemode update to release, which I can now say was September 2022... However, at the time the deadline date came around, all we had was a complete End Dimension map and working EnderDragon mechanics, mainly because the project was a lot larger and time-consuming for our developers than originally anticipated. We didn't even have any quest ideas or quests thought of for the update, because of developer availability, as it was a time when all of our developers were working on the 1.19 update that came out this year (Yes, that update has been in the works for a very long time), and GameFrameWork.
There were many more important tasks that our developers who were working on the Skyblock update had to focus on, as well as Skyblock. Members from our Protocol team working on EnderDragon mechanics also had to keep the network updated every time Minecraft released an update so the server didn't say players have to update every time a new version came out; while working on GameFrameWork and the recently released 1.19 update. Those developers are also on contract to work a set amount of hours. Designers are also contracted to work a specific maximum of hours a day.
Also, bug fixes during a time when Skyblock was most prone to having issues with things not working due to Minecraft updates each time they updated and added/changed blocks around, there was a lot of things going on at the time.
As many of our developers have already mentioned, we're a company, but we're not a major company. Hiring new team members isn't always a viable option from a cost and financial standpoint. While I can agree that
at the time, it would have been beneficial to have hired additional developers to work on the Skyblock update, there weren't enough resources to do so.
Based on the progress that had been made, and how close we were to finishing the project, we came to the conclusion to scrap the project to a later update, which will potentially have even more features in the coming future. We know a lot of players were hyped the anticipation of the Skyblock End update, and we know that we let a lot of players within our Skyblock community down when we went radio silent, but after I stopped working on the project, I was requested to focus back on my current role, as customer and sales support.
It's rather sad to see how quiet the Skyblock community has gotten over time, due to the majority already having completed all the main quests, and waiting for the gamemode to update. The next Skyblock update is already being brainstormed, and while no development has started yet, there are a lot of big plans and user-requested features being thrown into the next one. We don't have an internal deadline or even a start date for this project, but we can assure players that an update is planned and in the works.
With the 1.19 update out the way and GameFrameWork now in a functioning state, we can focus on making games better and providing players with more of their suggestions, giving the community something to look forward to. I cannot say what specifically, but there are other projects that we currently have cooking up, some that aren't even in the Notion board yet, as we want to keep them a secret until we are absolutely certain the project is going to be released on time.
About the Partner Programme
This is specifically to
@VanHouten @privqted @Prixifye @xclutchingg @RelatedNoobs and anyone else within the partner programme. The current partner managers are Luke, Marta, and Camezonda. Luke has a lot more things that he needs to focus on within Ziax other than partnership, such as the business management side of the company. This is also the same when it comes to Marta, who focuses mainly on network infrastructure. They try their best to handle the programme as it currently stands, and response times can vary but eventually will be answered.
One of the main perks of becoming a partner is having that direct support, and the ability to make 'partner requests' to the team, so I can understand where partners may be getting frustrated when it takes between 3-5 business days for a response back. Don't forget that Ziax requires Marta and Luke to focus on other key parts of the business' infrastructure, including some areas that you may not see. While Camezonda focuses more towards CubeCraft Games, he also has other important areas to manage, such as the Quality Assurance team.
Additionally, when team members are on holiday, responses can be made even longer. I do agree that communication could be made better here to let partners know when to expect a lack or extended response from our team and that partners should be a large focus on the network for publicity and advertising reasons.
These roles can be very time-consuming, and our team definitely aren't trying to ignore your requests. I do try and pass on these requests to those who handle the programme as soon as I see them (usually within 2-4 hours of posting), but it all depends on
their availability, even bumping them internally to prompt the need for a response. I can't handle these requests.
Having previous experience with the role, I can understand how much time it takes, especially when trying to focus with other tasks on a busy day.