I was playing blockwars bridges yesterday with @Magnomon and in 2 matches I think I faced the biggest team of noobs EVER. I got 17 pe in 2 games which is crazy for a team of 5. This got me thinking. What game is infested with the most noobs at pvp or just Knowledge of the game. There is atleast 100 pros in every game bug also atleast 200 noobs. I know that people who are good will not go on games that will not challenge them so I have seen a lot of bad players in lucky islands duels, skywars duels, and blockwars bridges duels(but that's probably the one with the least amount in this selection.) Idk if it's just the time of day I play or what, but those 3 are my choice. Share what you think in the comments and merry 2 days to Christmas
