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Dedicated Member
Jun 7, 2016

Keepass: Password Safe
Disclaimer: The thread was created definitely out of my intent and to spread the knowledge about password databases and having a stronger password in general.

What is KeePass?
Keepass is a "Password Database" Where you can store an infinite amount of passwords, and have access to all of them by just having to remember one password.

Where do I download KeePass?
KeePass can be downloaded from their official website; https://keepass.info.

What are the Advantages of having a Password Database?

  • Not having to remember long passwords or complicated passwords that have a lot of symbols and characters in them
  • Can create really complicated passwords which cannot be brute-forced
  • Just have to remember one password or use a key file*
(* explained later below)

Installing KeePass
It's quite easy to install KeePass. Just install it as you would with any program. A link to their site is here

First, click on Downloads.

Next, download whichever version you wish. My preference is the KeePass ver. 2.39.1.

Next, you should be taken to a site called SourceForge. It should begin the download.

Once downloaded,

  • Open the Program
  • Select Preferred Language
  • Agree to the terms
  • When asked which files to install, keep it as it is and click next.
  • Click install and finish the installation.
Using KeePass
Once downloaded, open the software.

Open KeePass. It should show a panel like this;


Click on "New Database".

After this, a message should pop up, giving you two options;


I use a master password for my database; as that's the easiest to set-up and most familiar. So I'm going to go with that one.

You can leave the "Database Settings" as it is, so just click "OK" and proceed.

Great! Now you've created your own Database.

Now, click on the "Key" Icon, "Add Entry".


You can categorize your passwords in other places too (General, Windows, Network etc.), or just give a general entry.

You should see this;


Again, you can just use this tab. You don't really need to go to other tabs (Advanced, Properties etc.)

Title: A title for your password (MC account, Steam, Facebook)
User Name: Your username for the associated password (Ex: Flyerman2001@gmail.com)
Password: Your password. Quite obvious.
Repeat: Repeat your password.
Quality: This shows how strong your password is (More bits, more hard to hack)
URL: Which .com you use it for (Ex: facebook.com)
Notes: About your password. (Ex: Jake's new password)
Expires: This option shouldn't really be ticked. I mean, you can use it if needed.
Icon: just a cool little icon for your password to differentiate it from others.
That little Key button: More options to specialize your passwords (Contains a Password Generator. Experiment with it if needed)

Creating Your Password
It's quite simple. There are two ways here; either type in your own password or just use the one provided.
(Make it as complicated as you want, make sure your bits count is high, don't use dictionary words.)

Using your password
Right-click on your entry. You should get a lot of options. Click on Copy Password. This will copy your password to your "Clipboard" for twelve seconds. Use Ctrl+V to quick-paste your password on a site.

Few Precautions
Remember that if the hardrive in which the database is present (Usually in your local disk) loses data/wiped/damaged, your password database is also deleted.

Don't forget the master password that opens your database, this has to be a good and rememberable password. Write it down somewhere if you don't trust your memory.

That's it.
First off, why the thread?
Simply to use some of my free time and to inform others about this great way to make really strong passwords and not have the trouble of getting your accounts compromised. (Unless you shared your passwords somehow.)

Stay Safe!


Dedicated Member
Jun 7, 2016
I honestly prefer using Lastpass (I've been using it for a while). It's not at all complicated, and its features are simply perfect for pretty much anything.
Oh good, personally the first password database I used was KeePass. I have a ton of game accounts at sketchy sites so I had to make a different password for each one.
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