Well, indeed we are lucky!Ahh love Spain u guys are lucky with the weather and the beautiful nature. We don’t have that here actually. Is Spain easy to learn?
And about the language, I can say for me it's preatty easy since I've been talking it all my life haha! But when I hear people's opinion about learning spanish, it might seem a bit complicated I think!
There is a few things that for example english doesn't have, such as:
- "ñ" . Take "España", that has that letter
- Words with accents like "fotografía"
- Some sentences in english are even silly in spanish. Saying I'm hungry here will literally mean that your name is hungry lmao. So we say "I have hungry", which might sound ridiculous in english
But I think that if you put a decent amount of time to it, it will seem like an easy language to learn