I recently came across teamers (Which I cannot report) who managed to kill me and break my team's egg faster than I could open Bandicam... Does anyone know a good Minecraft recording software I can use to report offences?
If you want a free recording software, I recommend you use OBS. Here's the OBS site: https://obsproject.com/I recently came across teamers (Which I cannot report) who managed to kill me and break my team's egg faster than I could open Bandicam... Does anyone know a good Minecraft recording software I can use to report offences?
I mainly use OBS, click HERE if you want to see how it would look like! Please keep in mind that you need a good graphics card to record. All the "How to record 120 FPS no lagg videos with OBS" is bullshit. You just need a good graphics card. I recommend you GTX 1060 6GB (That's what I'm using)I recently came across teamers (Which I cannot report) who managed to kill me and break my team's egg faster than I could open Bandicam... Does anyone know a good Minecraft recording software I can use to report offences?
a gtx 1060 is overkill for obsI mainly use OBS, click HERE if you want to see how it would look like! Please keep in mind that you need a good graphics card to record. All the "How to record 120 FPS no lagg videos with OBS" is bullshit. You just need a good graphics card. I recommend you GTX 1060 6GB (That's what I'm using)