Hello CubeCraft!
I've been absent for a while. Some would have noticed, some not at all and some just don't care.
In the past six months I worked as a Helper and then as Moderator on a fairly large Dutch server, here I worked together as a team for a while to lift the server to new levels.
In a sense, this has certainly been achieved with the help of each other!
Because I noticed, among other things, that this really became a second job in which there may be more work hours than in my paid job, I decided to stop this for the time being.
I wanted to enjoy something like a simple game of EggWars again with my friends.
A while back we played the nicest game of EggWars and had the best fun and humor while playing.
I missed this!
Just without thinking about it, a nice evening of fun gaming in the evening without 100 different obligations elsewhere
That's why I handed in my resignation this week. Now I have a lot more free time!
Some of this time would definitely get back into gaming with buddies, so the EggWars games may fear us again!
Haha no kidding, we're very rusty and have already noticed that the level of the players is very high.
I'm glad to see all your minecraft faces again!
I'll see you in the games!
I've been absent for a while. Some would have noticed, some not at all and some just don't care.

In the past six months I worked as a Helper and then as Moderator on a fairly large Dutch server, here I worked together as a team for a while to lift the server to new levels.
In a sense, this has certainly been achieved with the help of each other!
Because I noticed, among other things, that this really became a second job in which there may be more work hours than in my paid job, I decided to stop this for the time being.
I wanted to enjoy something like a simple game of EggWars again with my friends.
A while back we played the nicest game of EggWars and had the best fun and humor while playing.
I missed this!
Just without thinking about it, a nice evening of fun gaming in the evening without 100 different obligations elsewhere
That's why I handed in my resignation this week. Now I have a lot more free time!
Some of this time would definitely get back into gaming with buddies, so the EggWars games may fear us again!
Haha no kidding, we're very rusty and have already noticed that the level of the players is very high.
I'm glad to see all your minecraft faces again!
I'll see you in the games!