Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2023
Bedrock player

if your talking about for cubecraft specifically, yes, but if you’re referring to minecraft as a whole, no.

From the sounds of things, cubecraft Java hasn’t been doing so well, other servers on Java are, and their server on bedrock still dominates and doesn’t appear to be going anywhere, I think cubecraft Java will definitely be the first of the two cubecraft servers to go based on how things look right now, it’s just a matter of when it will happen, as a bedrock player I don’t know. It would take a lot of effort and strategy to make a significant comeback from where the Java version sits right now.

I doubt mojang would get rid of Java considering how the bulk of Minecraft’s exposure on media is on the Java edition, which attracts many new players to both versions of the game without needing to spend a penny. I doubt the cost of maintaining and updating Java exceeds whatever that version makes, so I think it’s here to stay.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2022
that orange tree
Bedrock player

if your talking about for cubecraft specifically, yes, but if you’re referring to minecraft as a whole, no.

From the sounds of things, cubecraft Java hasn’t been doing so well, other servers on Java are, and their server on bedrock still dominates and doesn’t appear to be going anywhere, I think cubecraft Java will definitely be the first of the two cubecraft servers to go based on how things look right now, it’s just a matter of when it will happen, as a bedrock player I don’t know. It would take a lot of effort and strategy to make a significant comeback from where the Java version sits right now.

I doubt mojang would get rid of Java considering how the bulk of Minecraft’s exposure on media is on the Java edition, which attracts many new players to both versions of the game without needing to spend a penny. I doubt the cost of maintaining and updating Java exceeds whatever that version makes, so I think it’s here to stay.
Besides media, is there anything else you think that is keeping Minecraft java Alive?
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Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2023
Besides media, is there anything else you think that is keeping Minecraft java Alive?
There’s definitely a lot more than just media, I feel like there’s a lot Java offers that you can’t experience on bedrock. Java mods and Java servers, for example, that can’t simply be ported to bedrock edition. Its also become very clear that a lot of players are only satisfied playing one version of the game over the other, I’ve seen a lot of bedrock hate by Java players and I’m sure they wouldn’t like this change at all. I really don’t understand what benefit there would be to getting rid of java anyway.
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Forum Expert
Sep 11, 2022
Somewhere in the North pole
I'm a bedrock player

I feel like Bedrock will probably be the main focus on cubecraft for the future and where they are going to put most of their eggs but I don't see them abandoning Java unless something goes horribly wrong in the future. I think the fact that the pillar of fortune game came out on bedrock before Java might show that they are just focusing more on the bedroom side of things for now.

Mr Jii Gamer

Dedicated Member
Jun 10, 2022
Hello I’m Aratic, I’m researching a video essay based on if bedrock will take over the java edition of bedrock.

So please answer these 3 questions

Are you a java or bedrock player?(or both)

Will bedrock take over java?

Why do you think that?
I am bedrock player

I dont know if bedrock will take over java or no but in this time bedrock is the most edition played by players so i thing java is not that popular like bedrock bc is work only in pc and the most minecraft player they are phone or consol player so ....
Jan 21, 2024
Samoyed Land
Well, i am a bedrock player and i think there is a quite big chance that bedrock is gonna take over java, cause for java so far i know you can only play on java on pc so that is a advantage for bedrock.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2022
that orange tree
I am bedrock player

I dont know if bedrock will take over java or no but in this time bedrock is the most edition played by players so i thing java is not that popular like bedrock bc is work only in pc and the most minecraft player they are phone or consol player so ....
Why do you think Java is still here?


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2022
that orange tree
I'm a bedrock player

I feel like Bedrock will probably be the main focus on cubecraft for the future and where they are going to put most of their eggs but I don't see them abandoning Java unless something goes horribly wrong in the future. I think the fact that the pillar of fortune game came out on bedrock before Java might show that they are just focusing more on the bedroom side of things for now.
Do you think that Microsoft might be focusing on bedrock more too?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2023
Java player here!

Bedrock edition of Minecraft has more players because of different mobile and console users, but Bedrock will not take over Java. I think Mojang will continue making updates for both networks equally in the future like they do now. And there are multiplie reasons why I think that Java version will always be around as long as Minecraft in general is still alive.

First of all, Java version was the original version of Minecraft which is still the most popular version of Minecraft among PC users like my self.

Secondly, most if not all big Minecraft Youtubers are Java players and making only Java content. I actually only know one huge Bedrock Youtuber named Stamplylonghead, and even he stopped making Minecraft videos while back. I'm sure that there are more Bedrock Youtubers who I just don't know, but most of the Minecraft Youtubers make Java content only. If Microsoft decided to stop making updates for Java version, most likely all of these big Youtubers would stop playing and making content. Minecraft needs attention from huge content creators because people will start playing Minecraft when they see their favourite YouTubers playing it.

And the third reason why Java will not die is because Java offers a lot of different mods to play with. A lot of big Youtubers like Forge Labs make modded Minecraft Youtube videos like rlcraft which is famous modpack for Java only.

But if we are talking about Java version and Bedrock version of Cubecraft, then it's safe to say that Bedrock has already taken over the Java version. But even though Java has way less amount of players than Bedrock, Java is still doing just fine right now apparently. @Hazard said this about Java while back in this thread "No, Java is not at risk of being shut down. At this time we have no active plans on shutting down our Java network. It was previously mentioned that if Java did not surpass 1,000 players at any given time that we would have no choice but to shut it down, however this has since changed, and we no longer plan to do this. Instead, we will continue to expand and improve our Java network where possible."


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2022
that orange tree
Java player here!

Bedrock edition of Minecraft has more players because of different mobile and console users, but Bedrock will not take over Java. I think Mojang will continue making updates for both networks equally in the future like they do now. And there are multiplie reasons why I think that Java version will always be around as long as Minecraft in general is still alive.

First of all, Java version was the original version of Minecraft which is still the most popular version of Minecraft among PC users like my self.

Secondly, most if not all big Minecraft Youtubers are Java players and making only Java content. I actually only know one huge Bedrock Youtuber named Stamplylonghead, and even he stopped making Minecraft videos while back. I'm sure that there are more Bedrock Youtubers who I just don't know, but most of the Minecraft Youtubers make Java content only. If Microsoft decided to stop making updates for Java version, most likely all of these big Youtubers would stop playing and making content. Minecraft needs attention from huge content creators because people will start playing Minecraft when they see their favourite YouTubers playing it.

And the third reason why Java will not die is because Java offers a lot of different mods to play with. A lot of big Youtubers like Forge Labs make modded Minecraft Youtube videos like rlcraft which is famous modpack for Java only.

But if we are talking about Java version and Bedrock version of Cubecraft, then it's safe to say that Bedrock has already taken over the Java version. But even though Java has way less amount of players than Bedrock, Java is still doing just fine right now apparently. @Hazard said this about Java while back in this thread "No, Java is not at risk of being shut down. At this time we have no active plans on shutting down our Java network. It was previously mentioned that if Java did not surpass 1,000 players at any given time that we would have no choice but to shut it down, however this has since changed, and we no longer plan to do this. Instead, we will continue to expand and improve our Java network where possible."
Referring to the second paragraph, would you say the fact that Java is the original has a strong impact on keeping java Minecraft and java cubecraft alive?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2023
Referring to the second paragraph, would you say the fact that Java is the original has a strong impact on keeping java Minecraft and java cubecraft alive?
I think it has small impact on keeping Java in general alive since a lot of "og" players like myself who started playing around 2012, would most likely still choose Java version instead of Bedrock even if they had quit playing for years and now decided to start playing again.
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Dedicated Member
Feb 9, 2021
Bedrock has way more players than Java, that's just a fact. If you look at Cubecraft alone you'll see that Bedrock gets more than 10x Java's player count. But if you look at Minecraft as a whole, Bedrock gets over three times the player count of Java (if I remember correctly). This is probably because Java's only available on PC, so a bunch of people can't play Java at all.

But anytime people talk about Java Vs Bedrock they forget the other 2 versions of the game. China edition and Cracked Minecraft also exist. China edition is deceptively large, but it's also extremely hard to learn much about it. It's almost impossible to actually play China edition outside of China, because of CCP firewalls. It's a few versions behind regular Minecraft, being stuck in 1.16 I believe.

The other version is Cracked Minecraft, which has almost as many players as Java. This is because Minecraft has always been easy to pirate, it was even encouraged by Notch in the early days of Minecraft. Piracy is so widespread that in many countries Java and Bedrock are called "Minecraft Premium". Another reason why it's so common is because Minecraft has horrible regional prices. This means that Minecraft is actually really expensive in many developing countries, making piracy the only option. Some cracked servers even see similar player counts to Cubecraft Bedrock. Also I am not endorsing piracy I'm any way, I'm simply pointing out how common it is.


Forum Expert
Oct 31, 2023
anywhere but here
bedrock "taking over" java is a broad statement, because both editions of the game take over each other in different aspects

said aspects have already been mentioned by the people above so I'll make it short

bedrock takes over java due to how readily available it is and how much easier people could play with each other through different platforms

given that, bedrock pretty much runs fine on almost any device even the potato ones unlike java that's somewhat resource intensive

java on the other hand takes out bedrock with how stable it is compared to the latter (with bedrock being notoriously known for its bugs) and for its modding capabilities

java also has much more utilities compared to bedrock such as the aforementioned modding capabilities, java-exclusive game mechanics (that bedrock gets after java receives them first), and the ability to switch versions

in conclusion I don't think bedrock entirely takes over java, unless we're talking about playercount (which already took out java years ago), multiplayer capabilities, and for being tailor made for cross-platform play


Forum Expert
Oct 31, 2023
anywhere but here
Minecraft is actually really expensive in many developing countries
true like i only got pc bedrock after it got bundled with java for free and i paid for java eons ago

Also I am not endorsing piracy I'm any way
it's morally acceptable when it's old nintendo games

scalpers can go rot, piracy is the way


Dedicated Member
Feb 9, 2021
scalpers can go rot, piracy is the way
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