Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2020
game clip.png

Welcome to the official Winter Game Clips Competition 2021!

With the chilly season setting in, seasonal games follow, so we'd like to see your best winning clips from them!
You can submit clips from the following games:
- Colony Control
- Snowmen Survival


1st Place
: Rank upgrade on Java or Rank of your choice on Bedrock.
2nd Place: Plus for 2 months or Festive Bundle.
3rd Place: 5 Winter Cubelets or any item 660 :minecoin: or below on our Bedrock store.

How to participate

All you need to do is post a video in a reply under this thread and include your Java or Bedrock username with it!

You can submit as many clips as you'd like! Though, only one will be taken into consideration when reviewing the submissions, so be sure to make it clear which one you are entering the competition with!


- The submitted clip must be your own.
- No inappropriate or offensive content is allowed within the clip.


The deadline for this competition is January 25, 2022.

Good luck, everyone! We're excited to see your best moments!



Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2020
Hey everyone! We hope you've had a good winter! Thanks to everyone who participated in this competition. It's been super fun to see all of your clips from the games! Choosing the winners has been a difficult thing to do, but we've made a decision! 📽️

1st Place:
@leo in fire made our eyes bounce following their snowball!

2nd Place:
@Dont kill made us gasp upon finding the other player!

3rd Place:
@Organic had us celebrating at their amazing shot!

Honorable Mention:
@Blom provided a funny new way to build a castle wall!

I'll be reaching out to the winners soon.
It's been a great experience seeing all of your submissions. Thank you all for participating in this! ❄️

Make sure to keep an eye out for future competitions on the Events & Competitions sub-forum!
We hope you enjoyed the Winter Game Clips Competition of 2021/2022 :)​
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Reesle just mentioned that you can report your own forums account
I was thinking of trying it,should I?
Kovu wrote on Gemmmmie's profile.
this is sooo late but happy birthday :D
Just noticed that it is now possible to access the gift menu via the loot item in hotbar on Bedrock. I like that new feature!

Reesle wrote on unevencelery901's profile.
Welcome to the Official Cubecraft Forums, fellow Cubecraft Enjoyer! :D
If you need help with something, feel free to DM me or a mod any time! Hope you enjoy your time on here!
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