Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Novice Member
Feb 12, 2021
This is in my opinion very long overdue and we have a lot to talk about. This is continued from a previous forum post so go check that out if you haven't seen it yet or need a refresher, https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/w...n-for-eggwars-update-as-of-30-11-2020.271770/


Eggwars Solo

Well Any% has seen a lot of improvements to the record. Sub 2 minutes is in sight, but lets turn back the clock a bit.
@Awabbatt47_was_taken Would take @joshgreeninja's record, lowering it to a 2:36 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/yo9jkg1y) , and finally would lower it again to a 2:04 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/yw0dkkpm) vowing for the sub 2 minute game, meanwhile he does have some competition as @QuietMuerte would fire a 2:12 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/y66o5n0y) 2 weeks later as well as @Brozzki who would achieve a 2:22 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/y8vx69nz), a very tough battle, but who will be the first to sub 2?

Perfect% has also seen some new action as only recently 4 more players would finally achieve a run for the category (Getting all 11 eggs and 11 kills in one game), this is already difficult to do regardless. After @Awabbatt47_was_taken beat Zoinks_scoobs run by 4 seconds, @RelatedNoobs would fire a 6 second improvement over that record getting a 4:11 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/y42wr7nm) but @QuietMuerte would take the record from him lowering it to a 4:03 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/zno3pw9y), @RelatedNoobs would not stand for that and would take it back again getting a 3:40 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/y66d81py), but 2 weeks later @Awabbatt47_was_taken would take his record back achieving a 3:28 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/y9nx1gnz) the record for sure has room to be lowered, an honourable mention as only 3 weeks ago @Brozzki would be the 5th person to submit a perfect% eggwars game getting a 4:32 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/yj1p13gy).

5Kill% is not seeing a lot of activity lately, however @Awabbatt47_was_taken would finally take the record getting a 1:14 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/yv97x5ez), however 4 days ago he would lower it down to a 1:09 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/y9nj74ez), @Brozzki would take 3rd place getting a 1:22 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/y9n6x3kz) but @Awabbatt47_was_taken still holds onto 1st and is claiming the 5kill record is "unbeatable" lets see if that is the case, maybe sub 1 minute might happen...

NoKills% is currently in a weird state, since the efficiency 10 pickaxe update @WaspBrain would set a record of 5:17 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/z1o9o2jm), @Awabbatt47_was_taken wanting WR dominance would lower that down to a 4:43 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/mr9xo8dm) starting the inevitable rivalry between the 2, @WaspBrain would lower it down to a 4:12 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/y6re4j0y), but @Awabbatt47_was_taken would get it again getting a 3:39 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/yd049g0z), for the record that is about 2 seconds behind even my any% PB so it is an insane time, however it is unclear as to whether it is beatable since the removal of the efficiency 10 pickaxe but we will soon see...

@Awabbatt47_was_taken holds a full sweep of all of Eggwars Solo, we will soon see whether that changes.

Eggwars Duos

is by far the most active category and I have made a video documenting the WR progression of the whole game that you can watch here
But for a quick run down, @Nightmare9945 and Angieplayz would tie @QuietMuerte and @WaspBrain's getting a 1:09 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/zgxgp1jm) on Toys, they would lower it again to a 1:00 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/y9n33q2z) soon after, but @QuietMuerte and @WaspBrain would get a 0:59 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/yj15rvgy) right after them, however @Nightmare9945 and @saf911 would then lower it down to a 0:57 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/zx6nv15z) soon after and @Nightmare9945 and Angie would finally get it even lower acheiving a 0:53 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/y8vwdrdz). @Nightmare9945 currently has 4 Sub 1 minute games in total and is top 3 on the leaderboards. More details about the progression found in the video above!

Perfect% has had no activity as of lately however @Nightmare9945and Angie would get a 1:25 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/y2v9nnwz) as their PB holding 2nd and will grind to beat their time and is the only record standing in the way of them 2 having a full sweep of Eggwars Duos.

5Kill% just had some new activity as @Nightmare9945 and Angie would beat @QuietMuerte and @WaspBrain getting a 0:51 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/zq4nen5m) beating them by 2 seconds, @Awabbatt47_was_taken and Batt776474 would beat that getting a slightly lower 0:51 game (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/yv24n46m) a month later, but soon after @QuietMuerte and @WaspBrain would fire back getting a 0:49 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/yd9qd9qz) getting the first sub 50 for the category and reclaiming their sweep, but Today @That1Turtle2 and @Nightmare9945 would claim that record getting a 0:43 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/y42l3rqm) smashing it by 6 seconds, does it have room to go lower?

NoKills% was in a similar state as @QuietMuerte and @WaspBrain would lower their time to a 2:09 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/m78qw60z) making use of the efficiency 10 pickaxe, the record after it was removed was seen to be unbeatable as @WaspBrain would claim for it to be the last ever NoKills record to ever happen, until @Nightmare9945 and @saf911 would achieve the first sub 2 minute Nokills game getting a 1:50 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/yd9l39qz) ONLY TODAY, does this mean that all other Eggwars nokills categories have room to be taken lower?

@Nightmare9945 is very close to having a full sweep of Eggwars duos and perfect% is the only one that stands in his way, will he finally reclaim his Duos sweep?

Eggwars Teams of 4

since I set my 0:54 with Toby2spades, @DarkStray and @ClutchesForDayz (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/m7574w5z), the record has seen an increase in competition as @QuietMuerte, @WaspBrain, jakexdee and ToxicRen420 would get a 0:52 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/zq4p8x5m), this stood for a while unmatched, MrPenguin @JosheMp11 MrsPenguin and AjxShushin would get a 0:56 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/m3no52gy) claiming 3rd place but finally only 3 days ago @Nash The Basher, @Adamtheapple, IgnBlair and @That1Turtle2 would best it achieving a 0:51 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/z06dp99z) but we will be back to take it.

Perfect% would also be simultaneously broken by @QuietMuerte, @WaspBrain, jakexdee and ToxicRen420 using the same 0:52 run (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/z090dv4z) that they used to get the any% WR, and still stands as the current record for perfect% this may be one of the last few times this ever happens but it still has room to improve.

5Kills% would finally have the 0:44 by @joshgreeninja, sadstreetken, Forgotten2D and IgnBlair (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/zn3rdw3y) by @QuietMuerte, @WaspBrain, jakexdee and ToxicRen420 getting a time of 0:38 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/z53w50ey), a full 6 second improvement, but it would be beaten again by 2 second by @Nash The Basher, @Adamtheapple, IgnBlair and @That1Turtle2 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/y8vw8jdz) getting a 0:36, this time definitely has room to be taken down for sure.

And finally NoKills% would have some activity as @ProfParzival's 3:02 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/y4eegp2m) would finally be beaten by @QuietMuerte, @WaspBrain, jakexdee and ToxicRen420 getting a time of 2:37 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/m75l170z) however it will be beaten soon as there is talks of teams grinding for it as of now, maybe it is only a matter of time!?!?

Thank you so much for reading, as always you are free to submit a run for this game at https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft. We also have a new set of categories to run at https://www.speedrun.com/ccex where you have categories such as Fastest Death and Fastest Kill as well as all the current lobby parkours at https://www.speedrun.com/ccex/Parkour. Have fun with all of that choice!!

If you want to interact with the speedrun community we have a discord: https://discord.gg/Z84qkSRwPw where you can talk to either us mods or fellow speedrunners like YOU! We are currently at 200+ members and are fairly active throughout the day.

Love you all <3


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
Based on my 5 kills pace i did a few calculations and also put diagonal rushes in mind and the perfect% solo can get as fast as 2:40 if im going at my 5 kills pace 👀

Nash The Basher

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2020
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
This is in my opinion very long overdue and we have a lot to talk about. This is continued from a previous forum post so go check that out if you haven't seen it yet or need a refresher, https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/w...n-for-eggwars-update-as-of-30-11-2020.271770/


Eggwars Solo

Well Any% has seen a lot of improvements to the record. Sub 2 minutes is in sight, but lets turn back the clock a bit.
@Awabbatt47_was_taken Would take @joshgreeninja's record, lowering it to a 2:36 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/yo9jkg1y) , and finally would lower it again to a 2:04 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/yw0dkkpm) vowing for the sub 2 minute game, meanwhile he does have some competition as @QuietMuerte would fire a 2:12 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/y66o5n0y) 2 weeks later as well as @Brozzki who would achieve a 2:22 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/y8vx69nz), a very tough battle, but who will be the first to sub 2?

Perfect% has also seen some new action as only recently 4 more players would finally achieve a run for the category (Getting all 11 eggs and 11 kills in one game), this is already difficult to do regardless. After @Awabbatt47_was_taken beat Zoinks_scoobs run by 4 seconds, @RelatedNoobs would fire a 6 second improvement over that record getting a 4:11 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/y42wr7nm) but @QuietMuerte would take the record from him lowering it to a 4:03 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/zno3pw9y), @RelatedNoobs would not stand for that and would take it back again getting a 3:40 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/y66d81py), but 2 weeks later @Awabbatt47_was_taken would take his record back achieving a 3:28 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/y9nx1gnz) the record for sure has room to be lowered, an honourable mention as only 3 weeks ago @Brozzki would be the 5th person to submit a perfect% eggwars game getting a 4:32 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/yj1p13gy).

5Kill% is not seeing a lot of activity lately, however @Awabbatt47_was_taken would finally take the record getting a 1:14 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/yv97x5ez), however 4 days ago he would lower it down to a 1:09 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/y9nj74ez), @Brozzki would take 3rd place getting a 1:22 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/y9n6x3kz) but @Awabbatt47_was_taken still holds onto 1st and is claiming the 5kill record is "unbeatable" lets see if that is the case, maybe sub 1 minute might happen...

NoKills% is currently in a weird state, since the efficiency 10 pickaxe update @WaspBrain would set a record of 5:17 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/z1o9o2jm), @Awabbatt47_was_taken wanting WR dominance would lower that down to a 4:43 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/mr9xo8dm) starting the inevitable rivalry between the 2, @WaspBrain would lower it down to a 4:12 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/y6re4j0y), but @Awabbatt47_was_taken would get it again getting a 3:39 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/yd049g0z), for the record that is about 2 seconds behind even my any% PB so it is an insane time, however it is unclear as to whether it is beatable since the removal of the efficiency 10 pickaxe but we will soon see...

@Awabbatt47_was_taken holds a full sweep of all of Eggwars Solo, we will soon see whether that changes.

Eggwars Duos

is by far the most active category and I have made a video documenting the WR progression of the whole game that you can watch here
But for a quick run down, @Nightmare9945 and Angieplayz would tie @QuietMuerte and @WaspBrain's getting a 1:09 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/zgxgp1jm) on Toys, they would lower it again to a 1:00 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/y9n33q2z) soon after, but @QuietMuerte and @WaspBrain would get a 0:59 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/yj15rvgy) right after them, however @Nightmare9945 and @saf911 would then lower it down to a 0:57 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/zx6nv15z) soon after and @Nightmare9945 and Angie would finally get it even lower acheiving a 0:53 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/y8vwdrdz). @Nightmare9945 currently has 4 Sub 1 minute games in total and is top 3 on the leaderboards. More details about the progression found in the video above!

Perfect% has had no activity as of lately however @Nightmare9945and Angie would get a 1:25 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/y2v9nnwz) as their PB holding 2nd and will grind to beat their time and is the only record standing in the way of them 2 having a full sweep of Eggwars Duos.

5Kill% just had some new activity as @Nightmare9945 and Angie would beat @QuietMuerte and @WaspBrain getting a 0:51 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/zq4nen5m) beating them by 2 seconds, @Awabbatt47_was_taken and Batt776474 would beat that getting a slightly lower 0:51 game (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/yv24n46m) a month later, but soon after @QuietMuerte and @WaspBrain would fire back getting a 0:49 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/yd9qd9qz) getting the first sub 50 for the category and reclaiming their sweep, but Today @That1Turtle2 and @Nightmare9945 would claim that record getting a 0:43 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/y42l3rqm) smashing it by 6 seconds, does it have room to go lower?

NoKills% was in a similar state as @QuietMuerte and @WaspBrain would lower their time to a 2:09 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/m78qw60z) making use of the efficiency 10 pickaxe, the record after it was removed was seen to be unbeatable as @WaspBrain would claim for it to be the last ever NoKills record to ever happen, until @Nightmare9945 and @saf911 would achieve the first sub 2 minute Nokills game getting a 1:50 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/yd9l39qz) ONLY TODAY, does this mean that all other Eggwars nokills categories have room to be taken lower?

@Nightmare9945 is very close to having a full sweep of Eggwars duos and perfect% is the only one that stands in his way, will he finally reclaim his Duos sweep?

Eggwars Teams of 4

since I set my 0:54 with Toby2spades, @DarkStray and @ClutchesForDayz (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/m7574w5z), the record has seen an increase in competition as @QuietMuerte, @WaspBrain, jakexdee and ToxicRen420 would get a 0:52 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/zq4p8x5m), this stood for a while unmatched, MrPenguin @JosheMp11 MrsPenguin and AjxShushin would get a 0:56 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/m3no52gy) claiming 3rd place but finally only 3 days ago @Nash The Basher, @Adamtheapple, IgnBlair and @That1Turtle2 would best it achieving a 0:51 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/z06dp99z) but we will be back to take it.

Perfect% would also be simultaneously broken by @QuietMuerte, @WaspBrain, jakexdee and ToxicRen420 using the same 0:52 run (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/z090dv4z) that they used to get the any% WR, and still stands as the current record for perfect% this may be one of the last few times this ever happens but it still has room to improve.

5Kills% would finally have the 0:44 by @joshgreeninja, sadstreetken, Forgotten2D and IgnBlair (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/zn3rdw3y) by @QuietMuerte, @WaspBrain, jakexdee and ToxicRen420 getting a time of 0:38 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/z53w50ey), a full 6 second improvement, but it would be beaten again by 2 second by @Nash The Basher, @Adamtheapple, IgnBlair and @That1Turtle2 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/y8vw8jdz) getting a 0:36, this time definitely has room to be taken down for sure.

And finally NoKills% would have some activity as @ProfParzival's 3:02 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/y4eegp2m) would finally be beaten by @QuietMuerte, @WaspBrain, jakexdee and ToxicRen420 getting a time of 2:37 (https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft/run/m75l170z) however it will be beaten soon as there is talks of teams grinding for it as of now, maybe it is only a matter of time!?!?

Thank you so much for reading, as always you are free to submit a run for this game at https://www.speedrun.com/cubecraft. We also have a new set of categories to run at https://www.speedrun.com/ccex where you have categories such as Fastest Death and Fastest Kill as well as all the current lobby parkours at https://www.speedrun.com/ccex/Parkour. Have fun with all of that choice!!

If you want to interact with the speedrun community we have a discord: https://discord.gg/Z84qkSRwPw where you can talk to either us mods or fellow speedrunners like YOU! We are currently at 200+ members and are fairly active throughout the day.

Love you all <3
You have to include our to4 1:16 no kills wr
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Cool new pfp! 🌤️🌄🌤️
Random fact:- The number 2520 is divisible from ALL the numbers between 1 to 10. Isn't it cool?
Daily Question 44.

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The new pfp is so cute ✨
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Happy Birthday! 🥳
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