Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Planters Peanut Factory (Better than Wonka's)
As @Formelet said once:" The old cheese in my fridge is better than your computer" ... Words if wisdom *w*
That would be true if my computer didn't run on rats running on a hamster wheel. This is why it can't handle much, but they run on cheese, meaning my computer conquers the old cheese in Formelet's fridge. Unless his cheese has been mutated to eat cheese eating rats... The point is, my computer is slow. And rats dont provide much power.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Planters Peanut Factory (Better than Wonka's)
Try using rabbits, with a carrot on a stick.
Or do like me, and replace the rabbit with two horses.
You see, I was thinking about upgrading to horses, but my computer only has enough space for 1 1/2 horses. I've tried rabbits, but they repopulate to the point where everytime I open the disc tray, 6 or 7 rabbits pop out.Until I buy another shed for a second computer horse, and a couple bigger hamster wheels, I'm stuck with rats running my computer. The worst part about the whole thing is they dont get along with my computer mouse either. I'm at a loss, and if someone could help me, it would be greatly appreciated.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2014
The Milky Way
these sarcastic sentences tho xD *mindblown* I am gonna donate to another server to turn my turtle into lion.. get it? into lion! :D meh, nvm -.-'


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Planters Peanut Factory (Better than Wonka's)
Because the other ppl don't know how to get a resource pack.
Mine was the first texture pack invented for the game, and has been up to date since the game was first released. It has all the new textures up to date when the game updates before any others even know what blocks are coming out, and it is Minecraft approved!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2014
The Milky Way
Lol! peanutguy u guessed that right.. they dont ryhme with flamingo.. back to topic... As I said I use default realism x64 3d r3d craft.. 1 of the best texture packs.. try that out ;) some youtubers use that ;)
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meshachhelaena wrote on jamesthesignificant's profile.
You said in my SG thread, that I should do it in 'Feedback and Suggestions' forum. What does that mean?
lentjuhhh_ wrote on Capitan's profile.
happy birthday cap (sorry that im late)
Nex3us wrote on Capitan's profile.
Happy birthday capn'n!🎉🎉🥳🥳
llvqs wrote on Capitan's profile.
Happy birthday Cap!!🎈
Kazwa wrote on Capitan's profile.
Happy Birhtday Capitan! 💙
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