Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2020
OwO's Secret Laboratory
Hello everyone 👋 and welcome to my first thread post. Recently there has been speculation that the RPG mode; Magic & Mayhem may be temporary (Not confirmed just speculation) and I know that myself and MANY others would love to keep this mode around. We have created a great community around it and you may know dnn or Allie, they made a server for Magic & Mayhem which now has 250 people and created a leaderboard consisting of highest levels, most spirits obtained, boss speedruns and even a bot that calculates things like cost for generic & elemental attribute upgrades as well as armour stats! I myself have been floating around trying to find fun games to play and when this gamemode came out I fell in love with it, racking up around 200 hours. I just wanted to make this suggestion to sway the staff team to keep it permanent (if there were intentions to make it temporary). I see tons of potential with this game mode especially with the little Easter eggs around the map like the lever room and mysterious portal in the darklands o.o

The only con that may come with keeping this permanent is that it takes a lot to develop new updates but if we can show the staff team how much we love this mode we may be able to make it possible.

Feel free to state your opinion :)

If you agree with keeping Magic & Mayhem around make sure to react with :agree: to get this seen!

Thank you for reading:heart:
Thing is. CubeCraft can't hold something longer than a month or 2. The sad reality is CubeCraft dislike their player enjoying this cool and awesome server called CubeCraft. They always ruin stuff and never plan to fix it and almost never mention when they broke something and often break something when attempting to fix something. They're super bad at doing their jobs correctly.

This game mode has a very least amount of contents and the storyline doesn't make much sense and isn't connected. The previous rpg (the bunny evil rpg thing) force you to complete quests after quests alone or in a group. This rpg however force you to grind to progress. It's a waste of time and it's super bad. I cannot believe I wasted an irl week killing these thing called "axolandls" when i could be on skywars solo leaderboard just by playing few (100,000+) games of skywars. Sure it's fun but like. There's so many problems with it. Some stuff is broken, very unbalanced use of effects making few players unable to play the game peacefully. Not only were the gamemode is super grindy game, it's also not fun. The armors were super overpriced and bad, you could just skip all quests and grind till you earn level 250+ and get into the portal and if you lose, just redo the process until you're matched with the guy with a wand that does 6 trillion damage. This gamemode is dumb, very unbalanced, super laggy, broken, unfair and a waste of time. I don't see the reason why they'll kept this game mode permanent.
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Novice Member
Jun 23, 2021
The Magnificent World Of Golems.
1-2 updates a month is just physically impossible as cubecraft are always working on new big updates and i am constantly speaking with @Younisco about private games and he says theye always working on big updates so to release 1-2 updates a month would mean working less and less on new games or massive game updates like the end update in skyblock
No Need For 2 Updates, Wouldn't 1 Update A Month Or Even 1 Update In 2 Months Be Possible. Or Atleast Let It Stay, 4800 Players: That's A Large Number & Makes It The 3rd ( Sometimes 4th! ) Most Popular Gamemode In Cubecraft Which Is Not A Small Feat, It Shows That The Players & The Community Likes It.
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Novice Member
Jun 23, 2021
The Magnificent World Of Golems.
Thing is. CubeCraft can't hold something longer than a month or 2. The sad reality is CubeCraft dislike their player enjoying this cool and awesome server called CubeCraft. They always ruin stuff and never plan to fix it and almost never mention when they broke something and often break something when attempting to fix something. They're super bad at doing their jobs correctly.

This game mode has a very least amount of contents and the storyline doesn't make much sense and isn't connected. The previous rpg (the bunny evil rpg thing) force you to complete quests after quests alone or in a group. This rpg however force you to grind to progress. It's a waste of time and it's super had. I cannot believe I wasted an irl week killing these thing called "axolandls" when i could be on skywars solo leaderboard just by playing few (100,000+) games or skywars. Sure it's fun but like. There's so many problems with it. Some stuff is broken, very unbalanced use if effects making few players unable to play the game peacefully. Not only were the game mode is super grindy game, it's also not fun. The armors were super overpriced and bad, you could just skip all quests and grind till you earn level 250+ and get into the portal and if you lose, just redo the thing until you're matched with the guy with a wand that does 6 trillion damage. This gamemode is dumb, very unbalanced, super laggy, broken, unfair and a waste of time. I don't see the reason why they'll kept this game mode permanent.
Whoa!! Looks Like I Have To Spend 15 Minutes Replying To This & Clearing All Your Points. Not Now But I'll Sure Reply After An Hour.
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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2020
OwO's Secret Laboratory
I Literally Have To Like This Thread, I Only Played Cubecraft For Eggwars, Grinded It For Hours & Thought No Game Could Take It's Place But It All Changed When M&M Came, It's Literally So Fun To Play, Grinding On It Seems So Worth It. I Literally Stopped Playing Any Other Game. It's Unique, Grindy & So Compelling. I Totally Agree With Yaa, This Game Has A Lot Of Potential, It has Become The 3rd Most Popular Game in Cubecraft, It Gets The Highest Amount of Players After Eggwars & Skywars. With 1-2 Updates A Month This Could Be One Of The Best Games in Cubecraft. BTW, I am Also A M&M Lover, Can I Get The Link To The M&M Server.
how does afk farming 7 hours a day fun?
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Novice Member
Jun 23, 2021
The Magnificent World Of Golems.
how does afk farming 7 hours a day fun?
Bro, I Mean I don't & Many Players Don't AFK Farm, We Literally Grind Hours In It, I Didn't Do It Because Of Better Armour, I did It Because It Feels More Rewarding Than Killing Innocent Players In Eggwars Just To Increase Your Stats. Some Players Like Grindy Games, It's A Relief Than Playing Eggwars Or Skywars For Leaderboards. I Do Agree With You On Some Points But Don't You Think It Has Made A Wonderful Community Around It. ( Why It Should Stay ? ): I'll Answer That Question But It'll Be An Pretty Long Answer So I'll Not Do It Right Now.


Forum Expert
May 25, 2020
No Need For 2 Updates, Wouldn't 1 Update A Month Or Even 1 Update In 2 Months Be Possible. Or Atleast Let It Stay, 4800 Players: That's A Large Number & Makes It The 3rd ( Sometimes 4th! ) Most Popular Gamemode In Cubecraft Which Is Not A Small Feat, It Shows That The Players & The Community Likes It.
people are only on it bc its an event gamemode last years carving chaos got the same numbers at peak
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Novice Member
Jun 23, 2021
The Magnificent World Of Golems.
people are only on it bc its an event gamemode last years carving chaos got the same numbers at peak
It's Been A Week Since It Released, If It Wasn't A Good Game, It wouldn't Get 4800 Players. M&M Is More Than An Event Gamemode, It Has A Huge Potential, If They Would Only Update It Once Every Two Months Then Also It'll Retain It's PlayerBase.
I Know You Wouldn't Like It Cause You're An PvP Main, ( BTW, Me Too. ) But Believe Me There's A Dedicated PlayerBase Which Likes Grinding Games That's What This Gamemode Can Excel In, It Can Provide Cubecraft A Consistent PlayerBase Which Would Help Cubecraft Grow As A Server.
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Novice Member
Jun 23, 2021
The Magnificent World Of Golems.
Atleast, Salty_shadow & AlexTheNG Have Provided Their Opinion On Why They Dislike,
GiGaGeekies, Matriox & The Other Two Should Also Provide Their Opinion On Why They Have Disliked The Post. If You Disagree With A Post, You Should At Least Provide Your Opinion On Why You Have Done It, Just Disagreeing & Leaving Means You Don't Have A Particular Reason For It. I Have No Problem With Players Disagreeing, It's Their Choice But Atleast Provide A Reason So We Can Know Your Perspective About It.
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Forum Expert
May 25, 2020
It's Been A Week Since It Released, If It Wasn't A Good Game, It wouldn't Get 4800 Players. M&M Is More Than An Event Gamemode, It Has A Huge Potential, If They Would Only Update It Once Every Two Months Then Also It'll Retain It's PlayerBase.
I Know You Wouldn't Like It Cause You're An PvP Main, ( BTW, Me Too. ) But Believe Me There's A Dedicated PlayerBase Which Likes Grinding Games That's What This Gamemode Can Excel In, It Can Provide Cubecraft A Consistent PlayerBase Which Would Help Cubecraft Grow As A Server.
cubecraft is constantly working on new game releases and bug fixes so even then an update every 2 months would rarely happen as theyre constantly making changes and working on new Projects (M&M Was worked on for months) and they also need to consider how people will get bored of the same gamemodes so they have to constantly work on new games or new modes for games all the time sometimes leaving games without updates for ages


Novice Member
Jun 23, 2021
The Magnificent World Of Golems.
cubecraft is constantly working on new game releases and bug fixes so even then an update every 2 months would rarely happen as theyre constantly making changes and working on new Projects (M&M Was worked on for months) and they also need to consider how people will get bored of the same gamemodes so they have to constantly work on new games or new modes for games all the time sometimes leaving games without updates for ages
I Know That Cubecraft Works On New Games & Bug Fixes Constantly & I'm Not Asking For A Big Game Changing Update Where They Add Like 2 Dimensions & 2 New Mobs, We're Even Ok With A Small Update Where They Add Some New Things Which Would Make It Fresh & Interesting To Play. Is It Too Much To Ask For A Little Update In A RPG Gamemode In Two Months ?? Yes, I Know But Shouldn't Updating Old Gamemodes Also Be Their Priority. ( I Know M&M Was Worked On For Months, That's The Reason It's So Good & Well Made. Also, It's A Full Unique Gamemode That's Why They Should Keep It Cause It Can Provide Them A Different Type Of PlayerBase. ) Yes I Know, But They Should Balance Out Between Updating Old Gamemodes & Releasing New Gamemodes. Also, Please Read My 2nd Point, I Have Explained There How It Can Help Cubecraft Grow.
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Forum Expert
May 25, 2020
I Know That Cubecraft Works On New Games & Bug Fixes Constantly & I'm Not Asking For A Big Game Changing Update Where They Add Like 2 Dimensions & 2 New Mobs, We're Even Ok With A Small Update Where They Add Some New Things Which Would Make It Fresh & Interesting To Play. Is It Too Much To Ask For A Little Update In A RPG Gamemode In Two Months ?? Yes, I Know But Shouldn't Updating Old Gamemodes Also Be Their Priority. ( I Know M&M Was Worked On For Months, That's The Reason It's So Good & Well Made. Also, It's A Full Unique Gamemode That's Why They Should Keep It Cause It Can Provide Them A Different Type Of PlayerBase. ) Yes I Know, But They Should Balance Out Between Updating Old Gamemodes & Releasing New Gamemodes. Also, Please Read My 2nd Point, I Have Explained There How It Can Help Cubecraft Grow.
Cubecraft's player count daily has actually dropped since the rpg release xD


Forum Expert
May 25, 2020
Lol, The Decreased Player Counts Can Also Be Due To Players Just Not Playing The Server Due To Their Own Reasons. There Is No Correlation Between Decreased Players & M&M, If There Is, Can You Prove It With Valid Proofs ?
This is player count within the last 7 days

And The player count before the RPG Came out was 40k daily peaks with nearly 50k on weekends
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Novice Member
Jun 18, 2021
This is player count within the last 7 days View attachment 199467
And The player count before the RPG Came out was 40k daily peaks with nearly 50k on weekends
I like M&M, but there are players which dont like the M&M game style or not so much.
And those Players might think:
The Devs lost their TIME on this, instead of adding End Portal in Skyblock, or updating another existing game.
#I would have thought the same thing if I didnt like M&M.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2020
The JOJOLands
Hello everyone 👋 and welcome to my first thread post. Recently there has been speculation that the RPG mode; Magic & Mayhem may be temporary (Not confirmed just speculation) and I know that myself and MANY others would love to keep this mode around. We have created a great community around it and you may know dnn or Allie, they made a server for Magic & Mayhem which now has 250 people and created a leaderboard consisting of highest levels, most spirits obtained, boss speedruns and even a bot that calculates things like cost for generic & elemental attribute upgrades as well as armour stats! I myself have been floating around trying to find fun games to play and when this gamemode came out I fell in love with it, racking up around 200 hours. I just wanted to make this suggestion to sway the staff team to keep it permanent (if there were intentions to make it temporary). I see tons of potential with this game mode especially with the little Easter eggs around the map like the lever room and mysterious portal in the darklands o.o

The only con that may come with keeping this permanent is that it takes a lot to develop new updates but if we can show the staff team how much we love this mode we may be able to make it possible.

Feel free to state your opinion :)

If you agree with keeping Magic & Mayhem around make sure to react with :agree: to get this seen!

Thank you for reading:heart:
M&M is a Summer RPG Event like the Evil Bunny RPG, even with updates, once you finished all quests and get every op armours and everything, it would be just boring... so :disagree:


Aug 23, 2021
United States
M&M is a Summer RPG Event like the Evil Bunny RPG, even with updates, once you finished all quests and get every op armours and everything, it would be just boring... so :disagree:
That’s your opinion, myself and a lot of other people in the mnm server had a lot of fun grinding levels and doing things for our leaderboard like upgrading stats to be able to speedrun the boss, collecting most spirits at once, and being the highest levels.
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Sep 3, 2021
Yes I want this to be a permanent game mode because I’ve put a lot of work into this game and the community support is outstanding so if you are on the staff team, please consider having this as a permanent game mode.


Sep 3, 2021
Hello everyone 👋 and welcome to my first thread post. Recently there has been speculation that the RPG mode; Magic & Mayhem may be temporary (Not confirmed just speculation) and I know that myself and MANY others would love to keep this mode around. We have created a great community around it and you may know dnn or Allie, they made a server for Magic & Mayhem which now has 250 people and created a leaderboard consisting of highest levels, most spirits obtained, boss speedruns and even a bot that calculates things like cost for generic & elemental attribute upgrades as well as armour stats! I myself have been floating around trying to find fun games to play and when this gamemode came out I fell in love with it, racking up around 200 hours. I just wanted to make this suggestion to sway the staff team to keep it permanent (if there were intentions to make it temporary). I see tons of potential with this game mode especially with the little Easter eggs around the map like the lever room and mysterious portal in the darklands o.o

The only con that may come with keeping this permanent is that it takes a lot to develop new updates but if we can show the staff team how much we love this mode we may be able to make it possible.

Feel free to state your opinion :)

If you agree with keeping Magic & Mayhem around make sure to react with :agree: to get this seen!

Thank you for reading:heart:
Is there a Bedrock Edition server for M&M?


Forum Expert
May 25, 2020
Yes I want this to be a permanent game mode because I’ve put a lot of work into this game and the community support is outstanding so if you are on the staff team, please consider having this as a permanent game mode.
In the Long term Keeping m&m as a perm gamemode would possibly make a loss for them as the cost of keeping game servers up is quite a bit
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